Education et vie au travail 02 : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours de vie professionnelle

Book Description

Les transformations du marché du travail et de l'organisation du travail observées depuis maintenant quelques décennies ont eu des impacts sur les parcours professionnels et de vie de nombreux travailleurs et travailleuses. Si ces transformations sont relativement bien connues dans leurs aspects plus généraux (p. ex. économiques, sociaux), les façons dont elles s'incarnent plus précisément dans les milieux professionnels et les conséquences concrètes qu'elles ont sur la vie de travail des personnes, et sur les personnes elles-mêmes, suscitent encore beaucoup de questions. De même, les défis que posent ces transformations aux travailleurs dans la gestion de leurs transitions et, plus globalement, de leur parcours de vie professionnelle et de leurs rôles de vie ainsi que les nombreux enjeux professionnels et personnels auxquels elles donnent lieu, soulèvent tout autant d'interrogations.

Education et vie au travail

Book Description

Interventions in Career Design and Education

Book Description

This book is the product of a series of reflections by career counseling and guidance specialists on a question central to society: "How can career and life design interventions contribute to fair and sustainable development and to the implementation of decent work all over the world? ". This question was formulated by Professor J. Guichard, the director of the UNESCO Chair in Lifelong Guidance and counseling at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. The researchers involved in this Chair’s activities proposed answers which form the chapters of this book. These reflections emphasize the need to focus on the study and implementation of certain central psychological processes which can enable individuals to face the main challenges of our society. The contributions also propose new avenues of intervention for career counseling and guidance. The entire book is the bedrock of a program of research and interventions to be implemented in order that the field of career counseling and guidance plays a key role for individuals who must design their lives in a rapidly changing, and ever more complex context. This book is therefore a major scientific contribution and marks a turning point for researchers and practitioners in career counseling and guidance, and for all professionals who support the self-construction of individuals in the 21st century. "The authors draw on a diverse range of disciplines and research traditions and offer readers a rich array of insights, helping them reflect on how career guidance can be mobilised to serve citizens in a world that is increasingly challenged by complex, seemingly intractable problems. A central, crosscutting concern is the ways in which career guidance can foster well-being by facilitating access to meaningful and fulfilling work in contexts that promote equity, social justice, and dignity for all. While engaging the micro-worlds of individuals, and throwing light on their valiant efforts to design a life that realises their hopes and aspirations, it is a commendable feature of many of these papers that they do not eschew the societal – indeed planetary – stage across which personal dramas are enacted.” Prof. Ronald G. Sultana, Director, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research, University of Malta. "The primary strengths.....are the authors' capacity to provide forward thinking perspectives on the important issue of sustainable lifelong interventions and career design in its broadest sense. The volume offers depth in a way of thinking that is pertinent to the 21st century and provokes both an in interest in the further study of this domain as well as providing tools and references for novice and experienced researchers and professionals. The book is sure to become a major text in the field." Prof. Maurice Taylor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Canada

Education et vie au travail 01 : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours et l'orientation des..

Book Description

Depuis plusieurs décennies, les parcours scolaires, d'insertion professionnelle et de vie tendent à se complexifier, si bien que la question de l'orientation des jeunes devient saillante et soulève des défis inédits. Les « choix » d'orientation résultent en effet d'une articulation complexe, parfois contrastée, entre influences contextuelles et questionnements d'ordre individuel. D'emblée, tant les institutions scolaires que le marché du travail cadrent et canalisent la manière dont les jeunes se développent et font leurs choix de carrière. En même temps, ces choix émanent de leurs représentations et anticipations de soi, autrement dit de la manière dont les jeunes construisent, ou tentent de construire, leur identité. Les contributions du présent ouvrage, divisé en deux parties, décortiquent cette tension entre influences contextuelles et agir individuel. Il est ainsi possible de mieux saisir plusieurs des enjeux, des processus et des moments clés qui marquent l'orientation et les parcours des jeunes. Dans la première partie, il est question des parcours scolaires, c'est-à-dire du cheminement et des choix des jeunes à l'intérieur même et à différents paliers du système éducatif. La deuxième partie est ensuite consacrée au passage du monde scolaire au monde du travail – assimilé parfois au monde adulte – c'est-à-dire à leurs parcours d'insertion socioprofessionnelle.

The European Landscape Convention

Book Description

This important and insightful book provides, for the first time, a broad presentation of ongoing research into public participation in landscape conservation, management and planning, following the 2000 European Landscape Convention which came into force in 2004. The book examines both the theory of participation and what lessons can be learnt from specific European examples. It explores in what manner and to what extent the provisions for participation in the European Landscape Convention have been followed up and implemented. It also presents and compares different experiences of participation in selected countries from northern, southern, eastern and western Europe, and provides a critical examination of public participation in practice. However, while the book’s focus is necessarily on Europe, many of the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers and advanced students in landscape policies and management, as well as for professionals and others interested in land-use planning and environmental management.

Ethics and Sport in Europe

Book Description

Defending ethics in sport is vital in order to combat the problems of corruption, violence, drugs, extremism and other forms of discrimination it is currently facing. Sport reflects nothing more and nothing less than the societies in which it takes place. However, if sport is to continue to bring benefits for individuals and societies, it cannot afford to neglect its ethical values or ignore these scourges. The major role of the Council of Europe and the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in addressing the new challenges to sports ethics was confirmed by the 11th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport, held in Athens on 11 and 12 December 2008. A political impetus was given on 16 June 2010 by the Committee of Ministers, with the adoption of an updated version of the Code of Sports Ethics (Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)9), emphasising the requisite co-ordination between governments and sports organisations. The EPAS prepared the ministerial conference and stepped up its work in an international conference organised with the University of Rennes, which was attended by political leaders, athletes, researchers and officials from the voluntary sector. The key experiences described in the conference and the thoughts that it prompted are described in this publication. All the writers share the concern that the end result should be practical action - particularly in terms of the setting of standards - that falls within the remit of the EPAS and promotes the Council of Europe's core values.

Working Beyond 60

Book Description

While the question to why work beyond sixty has now become obvious, the how and for whom questions are the real topic of this new study by one of the best European specialists in the area. Work after sixty - if it is to be feasible and widespread - has to be on a part-time basis to meet the wishes and needs of workers and companies. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the growing importance of work beyond sixty and a comparative discussion of new policies in several EU Member States as well as of company practice.

The Education Systems of the Americas

Book Description

This handbook focuses on and compares the education systems in the three Americas: North, Central and South America, and includes a chapter on most countries in the region. The chapters follow a common structure and include schematic diagrams of the structure of mainstream education from pre-primary to tertiary level. Each chapter starts with a description of the historical and social foundations of the education system from the post-World War II period up to today, including political, economic and cultural contexts and conditions. By highlighting important dates and structural decisions, the current education system can be understood as resulting from past developments. The first part ends with a description of the transitions to the labour market that are offered, and the way in which these are organized in the education system described. The second part consists of an overview of the institutional and organizational principles as well as the structure of education from pre-primary to tertiary level. It includes a focus on legislative bases and financial provisions for the education system and a description of the structure by using the ISCED-classification. It further includes information of the supply of human resources such as teachers and other educators. The third and final part of the handbook discusses selected educational trends and aspects. In this context, three topics are of particular interest: dealing with inequality, ICT and digitization activities, and STEM-related policies and programmes.