Efficient Transport for Europe Policies for the Internalisation of External Costs

Book Description

This report summarises the theoretical and practical dimensions to internalisation; reviews recent estimates of external costs; explores the mix of policies that might be used to promote internalisation successfully; and estimates the size of incentives required in monetary terms.

Efficient Transport for Europe Policies for the Internalisation of External Costs

Book Description

This report summarises the theoretical and practical dimensions to internalisation; reviews recent estimates of external costs; explores the mix of policies that might be used to promote internalisation successfully; and estimates the size of incentives required in monetary terms.

Internalising the External Costs of Transport

Book Description

Personal and goods transport entail a significant societal and economic cost in the form of environmental and human health impacts, accidents, congestion, as well as infrastructure wear and tear. These costs are, however, largely unaccounted for in the price that transport users pay today. In the absence of a dedicated fiscal and policy framework, transport users thus currently do not consider external costs as part of their travel decisions. Back in 2011 the European Commission acknowledged in its White Paper the importance of implementing 'fair and efficient transport pricing'. Consequently, a number of ongoing legislative processes, most notably the revision of the Eurovignette Directive on road pricing, aim to enact the long standing 'user pays' and 'polluter pays' principles. Yet, while there is agreement over the general principles, the specific policy design is still to be determined. The French government's recent backing down on a tax proposal that would have seen fuel prices increase by just under 3% shows how difficult it is to impose any economic pain in the name of tackling climate change. This calls for careful design and implementation of fiscal policy measures in order to ensure public acceptance, equity and social inclusion. Cost reflective price signals are key to incentivising more efficient transport, while enabling consumers and industry actors to make informed purchase and investment decisions. The adequate internalisation of transport's external and infrastructure costs offers important benefits in terms of promoting a more efficient use of the infrastructures, reducing the transport sector's contribution to CO2 emissions, air and noise pollution, while securing fairness for transport users.

Internalising the Social Costs of Transport

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Soziale Kosten / externe Kosten.

Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility

Book Description

Fair and efficient pricing has become increasingly important in international environmental and transport policy. Thus the valuation and internalization of social costs is now a crucial element within strategies towards sustainable mobility. The book provides methods and results from major European and American studies evaluating both social costs of transport and first experiences with their internalization in different contexts: infrastructure planning, urban road pricing and highway tolling. Additionally, complementary non-monetary instruments for a transition towards sustainable mobility are presented and discussed.