The Learning and Teaching of Algebra

Book Description

IMPACT (Interweaving Mathematics Pedagogy and Content for Teaching) is an exciting new series of texts for teacher education which aims to advance the learning and teaching of mathematics by integrating mathematics content with the broader research and theoretical base of mathematics education. The Learning and Teaching of Algebra provides a pedagogical framework for the teaching and learning of algebra grounded in theory and research. Areas covered include: • Algebra: Setting the Scene • Some Lessons From History • Seeing Algebra Through the Eyes of a Learner • Emphases in Algebra Teaching • Algebra Education in the Digital Era This guide will be essential reading for trainee and qualified teachers of mathematics, graduate students, curriculum developers, researchers and all those who are interested in the "problématique" of teaching and learning algebra. It allows you to get involved in the wealth of knowledge that teachers can draw upon to assist learners, helping you gain the insights that mastering algebra provides.

Meaning in Mathematics Education

Book Description

What does it mean to know mathematics? How does meaning in mathematics education connect to common sense or to the meaning of mathematics itself? How are meanings constructed and communicated and what are the dilemmas related to these processes? There are many answers to these questions, some of which might appear to be contradictory. Thus understanding the complexity of meaning in mathematics education is a matter of huge importance. There are twin directions in which discussions have developed—theoretical and practical—and this book seeks to move the debate forward along both dimensions while seeking to relate them where appropriate. A discussion of meaning can start from a theoretical examination of mathematics and how mathematicians over time have made sense of their work. However, from a more practical perspective, anybody involved in teaching mathematics is faced with the need to orchestrate the myriad of meanings derived from multiple sources that students develop of mathematical knowledge. This book presents a wide variety of theoretical reflections and research results about meaning in mathematics and mathematics education based on long-term and collective reflection by the group of authors as a whole. It is the outcome of the work of the BACOMET (BAsic COmponents of Mathematics Education for Teachers) group who spent several years deliberating on this topic. The ten chapters in this book, both separately and together, provide a substantial contribution to clarifying the complex issue of meaning in mathematics education. This book is of interest to researchers in mathematics education, graduate students of mathematics education, under graduate students in mathematics, secondary mathematics teachers and primary teachers with an interest in mathematics.

Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts

Book Description

This well known text helps students understand the art of model building - what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically, and applying the model to practical problems in forecasting and analysis.

Qualitative Choice Analysis

Book Description

This book addresses two significant research areas in an interdependent fashion. It is first of all a comprehensive but concise text that covers the recently developed and widely applicable methods of qualitative choice analysis, illustrating the general theory through simulation models of automobile demand and use. It is also a detailed study of automobile demand and use, presenting forecasts based on these powerful new techniques. The book develops the general principles that underlie qualitative choice models that are now being applied in numerous fields in addition to transportation, such as housing, labor, energy, communications, and criminology. The general form, derivation, and estimation of qualitative choice models are explained, and the major models - logit, probit, and GEV - are discussed in detail. And continuous/discrete models are introduced. In these, qualitative choice methods and standard regression techniques are combined to analyze situations that neither alone can accurately forecast. Summarizing previous research on auto demand, the book shows how qualitative choice methods can be used by applying them to specific auto-related decisions as the aggregate of individuals' choices. The simulation model that is constructed is a significant improvement over older models, and should prove more useful to agencies and organizations requiring accurate forecasting of auto demand and use for planning and policy development. The book concludes with an actual case study based on a model designed for the investigations of the California Energy Commission. Kenneth Train is Visiting Associate Professor in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and Director of Economic Research at Cambridge Systematics, Inc., also in Berkeley. Qualitative Choice Analysisis included in The MIT Press Transportation Studies Series, edited by Marvin L. Manheim.

Core Connections

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Optimal Regulation

Book Description

Optimal Regulation addresses the central issue of regulatory economics - how toregulate firms in a way that induces them to produce and price "optimally." It synthesizes the majorfindings of an extensive theoretical literature on what constitutes optimality in various situationsand which regulatory mechanisms can be used to achieve it. It is the first text to provide aunified, modern, and nontechnical treatment of the field.The book includes models for regulatingoptimal output, tariffs, and surplus subsidy schemes, and presents all of the material graphically,with clear explanations of often highly technical topics.Kenneth E. Train is Associate AdjunctProfessor in the Department of Economics and Graduate School of Public Policy at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley. He is also Principal of the firm Cambridge Systematics.Topics include: Thecost structure of natural monopoly (economies of scale and scope). Characterization of firstandsecond-best optimality. Surplus subsidy schemes for attaining first-best optimality. Ramsey pricesand the Vogelsang-Finsinger mechanism for attaining them. Time-ofuse (TOU) prices and Riordan'smechanisms for attaining the optimal TOU prices' Multipart and self-selecting tariffs, and Sibley'smethod for using self-selecting tariffs to achieve optimality. The Averch-Johnson model of howrate-of-return regulation induces inefficiencies. Analysis of regulation based on the firm's returnon Output, costs, or sales. Price-cap regulation. Regulatory treatment of uncertainty and its impacton the firm's behavior. Methods of attaining optimality without direct regulation (contestability,auctioning the monopoly franchise.)

Integrating Research on Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Book Description

During the last decade there were significant advances in the study of students' learning and problem solving in mathematics, and in the study of classroom instruction. Because these two research programs usually have been conducted individually, it is generally agreed now that there is an increasing need for an integrated research program. This book represents initial discussions and development of a unified paradigm for studying teaching in mathematics that builds upon both cognitive as well as instructional research.

Álgebra: Expresiones Algebraicas

Book Description

🔸 ¿Quieres que tu hijo domine las operaciones con polinomios y productos notables? ¡Este libro es para ti! Diseñado para estudiantes de 1° de ESO en adelante, este libro cubre los aspectos esenciales de las operaciones con polinomios y productos notables, asegurando una comprensión sólida y duradera. ¡Domina las operaciones con polinomios y productos notables con "Expresiones Algebraicas" y fortalece el conocimiento matemático de tu hijo! Esta guía completa te enseñará, paso a paso, cómo realizar operaciones clave con polinomios, como suma, resta, multiplicación y división. Además, aprenderás a reducir términos semejantes y a desarrollar los 4 productos notables fundamentales: producto de dos binomios con un término común, producto de dos binomios conjugados, binomio al cuadrado y binomio al cubo. Todo explicado de manera clara y práctica. ¿Qué encontrarás en este libro? ✔ Conceptos claros y ejemplos útiles para guiar tu autoaprendizaje. ✔ Reactivos de opción múltiple con respuestas explicadas paso a paso. ✔ Acceso a soporte personalizado a través de mi cuenta de Instagram: MATEMATICAS.DUMMIES para resolver tus dudas. 📘 Contenido destacado: ★ Fundamentos esenciales: valor absoluto o módulo, leyes de signos para suma y resta, leyes de signos para multiplicación y división, signos de agrupación, expresión algebraica, término algebraico, términos semejantes y clasificación de las expresiones algebraicas. ★ Operaciones con polinomios: reducción de términos semejantes, suma, resta, multiplicación y división. ★ Productos notables: producto de dos binomios con un término común, producto de dos binomios conjugados, binomio al cuadrado y binomio al cubo. Navega de manera eficaz entre los reactivos y sus resoluciones, facilitando tu aprendizaje y corroboración de resultados. ¡Compra tu copia y convierte el aprendizaje de las expresiones algebraicas en una experiencia fácil y divertida para tu hijo!