Interactive Robotics: Legal, Ethical, Social and Economic Aspects

Book Description

This book reports on cutting-edge legal, ethical, social and economic issues relating to robotics and automation, human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence, in different application areas. It discusses important problems such as robotic taxation, social inequality, protection of neuro-human and children rights, among others. It describes current advances and challenges in robotic regulation and governance, as well as findings relating to sustainability of robotic industries, thus filling an important gap in the robotic and AI literature. Chapters consists of revised and extended contributions to the workshop session “Debate on legal, ethical & socio-economic aspects of interactive robotics” of INBOTS 2021, held virtually on May 18-20, 2021.

Challenges of Law and Technology - Herausforderungen des Rechts und der Technologie - Retos del Derecho y de la Tecnología

Book Description

Law and technology present humanity with challenges and opportunities. This international research volume is dedicated to three of their pillars: artificial intelligence, blockchain and digital platforms. The authors' contributions analyze these topics from different perspectives of public and private law in the German, Austrian, European, American, Japanese, and Latin American contexts.

Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems

Book Description

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, HAIS 2021, held in Bilbao, Spain, in September 2021. The 44 full and 11 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. The papers are grouped into these topics: data mining, knowledge discovery and big data; bio-inspired models and evolutionary computation; learning algorithms; visual analysis and advanced data processing techniques; machine learning applications; hybrid intelligent applications; deep learning applications; and optimization problem applications.

Cybercrimes and Financial Crimes in the Global Era

Book Description

This book presents the latest and most relevant studies, surveys, and succinct reviews in the field of financial crimes and cybercrime, conducted and gathered by a group of top professionals, scholars, and researchers from China, India, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and Russia. Focusing on the threats posed by and corresponding approaches to controlling financial crime and cybercrime, the book informs readers about emerging trends in the evolution of international crime involving cyber-technologies and the latest financial tools, as well as future challenges that could feasibly be overcome with a more sound criminal legislation framework and adequate criminal management. In turn, the book highlights innovative methods for combating financial crime and cybercrime, e.g., establishing an effective supervision system over P2P; encouraging financial innovation and coordination with international anti-terrorism organizations and multiple countries; improving mechanisms for extraditing and punishing criminals who defect to another country; designing a protection system in accordance with internationally accepted standards; and reforming economic criminal offenses and other methods that will produce positive results in practice. Given its scope, the book will prove useful to legal professionals and researchers alike. It gathers selected proceedings of the 10th International Forum on Crime and Criminal Law in the Global Era (IFCCLGE), held on Nov 20–Dec 1, 2019, in Beijing, China.

Tax and Robotics

Book Description

We are standing on the threshold of the robotic era, the fourth industrial revolution. The undeniable impact and consequences of robotics are already raising economic concerns, such as the loss of income tax revenue as robots gradually replace human workers, as well as legal doubts regarding the possible taxation of robots or their owners. Financial law must adapt to this new reality by answering several crucial questions. Should robots pay taxes? Can they? Do they have the ability to pay? Can they be considered entrepreneurs for VAT purposes? These are just some of the many issues that Dr. Álvaro Falcón Pulido lucidly and insightfully addresses in this fascinating new monographic work, which includes an exhaustive bibliography on the subject.

La pospandemia y políticas públicas para enfrentarla

Book Description

Este libro tiene el objetivo de analizar las alternativas de política pública necesarias para la preservación de la salud de la población, la reactivación de la economía y la definición de un marco institucional que facilite las relaciones entre individuos en un contexto pospandémico, mediante un enfoque multidimensional. En ese sentido, se analizan los antecedentes de las pandemias de carácter universal, el rol de las organizaciones internacionales, el papel de los bienes públicos globales, los modelos de gobernanza global desde un contexto glocal, las tendencias en investigación acerca de pandemias y sostenibilidad, los nuevos retos del Estado, el financiamiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, los incentivos fiscales a la innovación en inteligencia artificial y la utilidad de los modelos matemáticos para la toma de decisiones de política pública. De esta manera, se presenta un análisis ordenado de los retos que enfrenta la sociedad en la actualidad, con su explicación y atención mediante alternativas de acción pública. Por lo tanto, es una guía sobre el rol y la capacidad que deben desarrollar coordinadamente los funcionarios nacionales, junto a las organizaciones internacionales, para influir la definición de políticas que reorganicen el equilibrio mundial.

What AI Can Do

Book Description

The philosopher Spinoza once asserted that no one knows what a body can do, conceiving an intrinsic bodily power with unknown limits. Similarly, we can ask ourselves about Artificial Intelligence (AI): To what extent is the development of intelligence limited by its technical and material substrate? In other words, what can AI do? The answer is analogous to Spinoza’s: Nobody knows the limit of AI. Critically considering this issue from philosophical, interdisciplinary, and engineering perspectives, respectively, this book assesses the scope and pertinence of AI technology and explores how it could bring about both a better and more unpredictable future. What AI Can Do highlights, at both the theoretical and practical levels, the cross-cutting relevance that AI is having on society, appealing to students of engineering, computer science, and philosophy, as well as all who hold a practical interest in the technology.

Disrupción tecnológica, transformación y sociedad

Book Description

La tercera edición de la colección "Así habla el Externado" examina el impacto que las tecnologías disruptivas y la transformación digital están teniendo sobre el conjunto de la sociedad, bajo una lente humanista e interdisciplinar, propia de nuestra institución. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4RI), que ha permeado todos los campos de la actividad humana y la sociedad, ofrece la inmensa oportunidad de reducir las brechas de conocimiento e ingreso económico y generar progreso social y democrático, pero puede también tener el efecto contrario. El lector y la lectora encontrarán en estos cuatro tomos reflexiones valiosas, en sus 74escritos, para comprender en todo su alcance estas innovaciones y poder contribuir así a la construcción de realidades cada vez más incluyentes y participativas. Este tomo III, titulado "Derecho, innovación y tecnología: fundamentos para una Lex Informático", tiene por objeto responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué manera las nuevas tecnologías y la economía colaborativa están transformando el derecho, sus principios e instituciones? Para ello, el presente volumen estudia en detalle las promesas, retos y problemas jurídicos suscitados por la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial, el Big Data, el Blockchain y el loT en distintos ámbitos del derecho público y privado. Los diferentes capítulos presentan debates en torno a la forma en que dichas tecnologías vienen afectando profundamente al mundo del derecho, con el fin de construir un marco conceptual que no solo sirva de base para sostener una discusión académica sólidamente fundamentada sobre estos temas, sino también para despejar las dudas jurídicas que pueden existir con el fin de facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo e implementación práctica de estas tecnologías, así como de contribuir a orientar la agenda académica sobre estos asuntos en América Latina.