Caminando Con El Maestro

Book Description

¿Quién no busca la Verdad del Ser Humano?¿ Quién no le gustaría que se le revelasen todos los Misterios? ¿La Experiencia Profunda de Ser y Estar? ¿Quién es el Maestro? ¿Quién es el Discípulo? ¿Cuál es la Verdadera Felicidad? Etc. Todas estas y muchas otras incognitas, serán respondidas por este diálogo y comunicación entre el Maestro y el Discípulo. El Elemento Tierra y la Manifestación, La Inquietud del Buscador, El Elemento Agua, las Emociones y Relaciones de pareja y familiares, El elemento aire, el Pensamiento humano y el Divino, El Origen, El Elixir de la Vida, La liberación del condicionamiento mental, la Palabra, El Sendero, la Herencia Divina, la Conciencia, La Responsabilidad, la Misión, la Salud, la Paz, como Trascender el Ego, la Individualidad, la Universalidad, la Nueva Raza. Una profunda Revelación que continuará eternamente viva...


Book Description

La vida se compone de una sucesión de instantes muy bien entrelazados a través del tiempo y del espacio, y si permitimos que esos instantes se desvanezcan sin vivirlos, disfrutarlos, estaremos perdiendo la esencia de la vida. El futuro se convierte en presente, y el presente se convierte en pasado con una rapidez extraordinaria. Si no despertamos nuestra conciencia y aprendemos a vivir esos instantes, la vida se escurrirá entre nuestros dedos sin haberla disfrutado. El libro Instantes te hace reflexionar y te ayuda a tomar las riendas de tu vida antes de que el presente se esfume para siempre.

The Inventive Schoolmaster

Book Description

“A constant belief seems to give life to Kohan’s theoretical work and philosophical practice. A supposition that one could never prove, or disprove, motivates Kohan’s ceaseless erring and essaying, his efforts to invent school. We read it in-between the lines of nearly all of his published work, and those who have had the chance to take part in his manner of philosophical askēsis feel it in his practice. It is a belief that he shares with Rodríguez: All children, adolescents, and adults, from all walks of life, from any corner of the globe, no matter their economic status, occupation, gender, race, or ethnicity, can philosophize. But perhaps more profoundly, and it is here where I think Kohan’s written work and practice mirror the pedagogy and text of Rodríguez, philosophizing, living philosophically, with anyone, for anyone, we can invent school. The Inventive Schoolmaster: Simón Rodríguez is indeed about the inventive Simón Rodríguez. More importantly, however, it is an essay which shows us how a life of philosophical essaying and errantry can invent school. And in this regard it is also an introduction to the singular form of Walter Kohan’s philosophy of education.” – Jason Thomas Wozniak

El Maestro Ignorante

Book Description

En el año 1818, Joseph Jacotot, revolucionario exiliado y lector de literatura francesa en la Universidad de Lovaina, empezó a sembrar el pánico en la Europa sabia. No contento con haber enseñado el francés a los estudiantes flamencos sin darles ninguna lección, se puso a enseñar lo que él ignoraba y a proclamar la palabra de orden de la emancipación intelectual: todos los hombres tienen igual inteligencia. Se puede aprender solo, sin maestro explicador, y un padre de familia pobre e ignorante puede hacerse instructor de su hijo. La instrucción es como la libertad: no se da, se toma. La distancia que el explicador pretende reducir es aquella de la que vive y la que, por tanto, no cesa de reproducir al igual que hace tanto la Escuela como la sociedad pedagogizada. La igualdad no es fin a conseguir, sino punto de partida. Quien justifica su propia explicación en nombre de la igualdad desde una situación desigualitaria la coloca de hecho en un lugar inalcanzable. La igualdad nunca viene después, como un resultado a alcanzar. Ella debe estar siempre delante. Instruir puede significar dos cosas exactamente opuestas: confirmar una incapacidad en el acto mismo que pretende reducirla o, a la inversa, forzar a una capacidad, que se ignora o se niega, a reconocerse y a desarrollar todas las consecuencias de este reconocimiento. El primer acto se llama atontamiento, el segundo emancipación. Es una cuestión de filosofía: se trata de saber si el acto mismo de recibir la palabra del maestro -la palabra del otro- es un testimonio de igualdad o de desigualdad. Es una cuestión de política: se trata de saber si un sistema de enseñanza tiene como presupuesto una desigualdad para "reducir" o una igualdad para verificar. La razón no vive sino de igualdad. Pero la ficción social no vive más que los rangos y de sus incansables explicaciones. A quien habla de emancipación y de igualdad de las inteligencias, la razón responde prometiendo el progreso y la reducción de las desigualdades: aún un poco más de explicaciones, de comisiones, de informes, de reformas... y ya llegaremos allí. La sociedad pedagogizada está ante nosotros. Y a su modo irónico, Joseph Jacotot nos desea buenos vientos.

Citizenship as Politics

Book Description

This book holds two main concepts: citizenship and adult education, and presents a diverse scope of ideas and experiences from different countries and perspectives in a rich indication to edify liberating practices and researches.

Antonio Gramsci: A Pedagogy to Change the World

Book Description

This volume provides evidence for the argument of a central place of pedagogy in the interpretation of Gramsci’s political theory. Gramsci’s view that ‘every relationship of hegemony is necessarily a pedagogical relationship’ makes it imperative to dismiss narrow and formal interpretations of his educational theories as applying to schooling only. This book argues that what is required rather is an inquiry into the Italian thinker’s broad conceptualisation of pedagogy, which he thought of as a quintessential political activity, central to understanding and transforming society. Preceded by a broad introduction that positions Gramsci in his context and in the literature, the essays in this book critically revisit the many passages of the Prison Notebooks and pre-prison writings where Gramsci addresses the nexus between politics and pedagogy. Some essays apply those concepts to specific contexts. The book for the first time brings to the attention of an English-speaking audience voices from the current historiography in Italy and Latin America. We are forced at regular intervals to consider how Gramsci might still be useful, in particular national territories, in an international context. How can we carry on with pessimism of the intelligence, but find some basis for optimism of the will? From the foreword of Anne Showstack Sassoon, Visiting Professor of Politics at the Department of Politics at Birbeck, University of London

World Editors

Book Description

The existence of World Literature depends on specific processes, institutions, and actors involved in the global circulation of literary works. The contributions of this volume aim to pay attention to these multiple material dimensions of Latin American 20th and 21st century literatures. From perspectives informed by materialism, sociology, book studies, and digital humanities, the articles of this volume analyze the role of publishing houses, politics of translation, mediators and gatekeepers, allowing insights into the processes that enable books to cross borders and to be transformed into globally circulating commodities. The book focusses both on material (re)sources of literary archives, key actors in literary and cultural markets, prizes and book fairs, as well as on recent dimension of the digital age. Statements of some of the leading representatives of the global publishing world complement these analyses of the operations of selection and aggregation of value to literary texts.

Critical Interculturality and Horizontal Methodologies in Latin America

Book Description

In this edifying volume Sarah Corona and Claudia Zapata extrapolate the causes for the divisions between groups in Latin American society, bringing their years of experience investigating the conditions and consequences of heterogeneity in the region. First, Corona approaches the problem of difference and heterogeneity epistemologically, asking about the possible benefits of horizontal modes of knowledge production between academics and the "social other." She demands reification for those without access to institutions who experience social ills and theorizes a trans-disciplinary dialogue to discover a horizontal construction of knowledge. Zapata evaluates and questions whether indigenous people throughout the continent have had their quality of life improved by the recognition of their collective rights as peoples. These two works provide overviews of a Latin American multiculturalism that connects to parallel movements in North America and Europe. Combined they offer a guide that could be vital to future activism and social work whether in the classroom or on the streets. Critical Interculturality and Horizontal Methodology in Latin America will appeal to scholars and students who are in need of new ways to comprehend the current strain of multiculturalism and plurality. It offers reflections on how social research can be not only sensitive to the epistemologies and interests of the "cultural other," but approach parity and horizontality in dialogue.

John Dewey and Contemporary Challenges to Democratic Education

Book Description

This book reconsiders pragmatist conceptions of democratic education, especially those of John Dewey. It addresses what democratic education can mean in the face of current threats that are undermining democracy. Since the mid-twentieth century, liberal philosophers have been skeptical of fostering values through public education. Since liberal democracy must embrace different worldviews, education, especially public education, must refrain from teaching values as much as possible. Given the recent undermining of democratic nation-states and their liberal foundations, this educational abstinence can be interpreted as one of the drivers of the current crisis of democracy. This book sketches how a renewed democratic education, modeled after John Dewey and other forms of pragmatist educational philosophy, might look today. It identifies the conceptual, political, and technological challenges to education and democracy and explores how a new democratic education could be implemented in the classroom. John Dewey and Contemporary Challenges to Democratic Education will appeal to scholars and advanced students interested in pragmatism and American philosophy, the philosophy of education, and political philosophy.