Símbolos en el arte cristiano. Breve diccionario ilustrado

Book Description

Pequeño manual que sirve de ayuda no sólo a los estudiosos del arte sacro, sino incluso a tantas gentes que están ávidas de conocer tan singular y preciada herencia con que contamos los que nos decimos creyentes.

Miguel Delibes

Book Description

I>Miguel Delibes is an exhaustive survey of the bibliographic material generated by Miguel Delibes' writings. It provides the scholar with quick access to a panoramic view of what has been written by and about Delibes. The author provides biographical information about Delibes, a careful bibliography of his writing, an annotated bibliography of criticism, and an evaluative look at the trends in Delibes criticism.


Book Description

La Intuicin es un Don que todos tenemos por igual pero igual que tantos talentos en la vida, si no lo usamos, lo perdemos. El Toque de la sanacin tambin lo tenemos todos pero solo aquellos que lo usan pueden hacer grandes cambios en su vida y las vidas que tocan. Ahora t o cualquiera persona puede aprender a utilizar estos dos regalos maravillosos para sanarte a ti mismo o los dems con esta tcnica de sanacin sagrada y energtica llamada InTuiTouch o toque intuitivo. Desarrollada en mas de 30 aos de experiencia clnica de sanacin y quiroprctica, combinando la filosofa de la sanacin cuntica con el extra sentido de la intuicin para guiarte a la fuente de cualquier enfermedad o reto de salud. Pginas de inspiracin e historias de sanaciones espontneas, que le darn al lector herramientas para aplicar inmediatamente en su vida. Incluida en la seccin final de este libro una sinopsis del manual tcnico para comenzar a utilizar la tcnica inmediatamente y ser un sanador del mtodo InTuiTouch, aunque se recomienda tomar los cursos Bsico e intermedio para profundizar, perfeccionar y adquirir la experiencia y sabidura completa.

Arts Therapy

Book Description

The series Arts - Creativity - Therapies is intended to help to satisfy the increasing demand for non-fiction books concerning interventions with artistic-creative media on the basis of gaining social-scientific - educational-scientific insight. Experience and field research examples are in the foreground here. In other words, the intention is to speak about practice governed by theory, but also to communicate the fundamentals of art and creativity which make it possible for the experts to keep up close contacts with newer developments in science and art. The function of the word "Therapy" is to express the relation to application in a professionalisation which covers the pre-school, school, university, clinical, advisory as well as the rehabilitatory sector. It is a response to the necessity for an all-encompassing professional orientation - with a helping, instructing, informing, supporting purpose. Teachers and educators, social workers and social educators, arts and creative therapists, music and exercise therapists, formative and occupational therapists as well as arts and museum educators, remedial and special educators should all be able to benefit from this series. The involvement of artistic-creative media serves to improve healing chances as well as increase the quality of life and acquire strategies which help to cope with particular pressures of life.

Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries

Book Description

For public and school libraries, this resource reflects recent changes in Library of Congress subject headings and authority files, and provides bilingual information essential to reference librarians and catalogers serving Spanish speakers. Libraries must provide better access to their collections for all users, including Spanish-language materials. The American Library Association has recognized this increasing need. Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries: Bilingual Fourth Edition is the only resource available that provides both authorized and reference entries in English and Spanish. A first-check source for the most frequently used headings needed in school and public libraries, this book incorporates thousands of new and revised entries to assist in applying LCSH and CSH headings. Of the approximately 30,000 headings listed, most include cross-references, and all of the cross-reference terms are translated. MARC21 tags are included for all authorized entries to simplify entering them into computerized catalogs, while indexes to all headings and free-floating subdivisions are provided in translation from Spanish to English. This book gives librarians access to accurate translations of the subject terms printed in books published and cataloged in English-speaking countries—invaluable information in settings with Spanish-speaking patrons.

Despierto! Los 5 Elementos

Book Description

¡Despierto! La Auto-libertad se refiere a cinco elementos fundamentales: agua, tierra, fuego, metal y viento como una perspectiva simbólica y no una creencia sobre los elementos mismos. Simplemente representan una representación de las características compartidas de las cinco pautas hacia la libertad. Espiritual, Físico, Accional, Mental e Industrial son los cinco aspectos de la condición mental. Tener Auto-libertad es estar Despertado al hecho de que existen confinamientos físicos y mentales, y la libertad vendrá al comprender los elementos del confinamiento. Un encierro puede ser cualquier cosa que tenga control o limitaciones sobre alguien o algo. La base de los 5 Elementos son perspectivas simbólicas y no una creencia en los Elementos mismos. Simplemente representan una representación de las características compartidas de las cinco pautas para la Auto-libertad. La referencia a la libertad es la liberación teórica de los 5 estados de confinamientos institucionales físicos y mentales que se rigen por las tradiciones, la sociedad, los principios, las emociones y la identificación. Los elementos naturales se clasifican en cinco puntos de vista discutibles, que no pretenden ser el punto de vista de otra persona también, ¡sino que pretenden ser el impulso inspirador para comenzar su propio viaje hacia la verdad y vivir la mejor vida posible! ¡Poderoso! Pensamiento filosófico de la Nueva Era que cubre los temas principales utilizando elementos naturales y conceptos estoicos.

Humanae Vitae Unrolling

Book Description

This text is a proposal of a new perception of human beings to reach a new education style, an approach that we base on four nodes that we built, and recursively transformed us during the two years and a half in which the whole process of this group doctoral project took place, to humbly try and conspire, adding elements to the emerging scientific paradigm that enhances and needs the concurrence of a new education.

The Life Tree

Book Description

Health and Longevity. Learn to think and act ahead and avoid future health problems. Get rid of the diseases of society, so as not to lose the essence of life and its real meaning. Get rid of chronic diseases. Guarantee your exemption from attempts at cure by fixing on perfect immunity. And this is something urgent that you have to do!