El informativo de Televisión

Book Description

Este libro es un manual donde se ofrece una visión pragmática de esta profesión audiovisual a partir del primer e imprescindible eslabón de la cadena de trabajo de un telediario: el redactor. La finalidad es conocer desde abajo las jerarquías y funciones profesionales, el consejo de redacción y la confección de la escaleta, las áreas de especialización informativa, el reparto de los temas y las rutinas de trabajo. Se dan las claves imprescindibles para producir, escribir, locutar y montar los formatos estándares de noticias audiovisuales, con el propósito de que el futuro profesional de tv pueda resolver con éxito cualquier tarea periodística que se le asigne en una redacción de informativos.

Gender and Sexual Dissidence on Catalan and Spanish Television Series

Book Description

Taking as a starting point an interpretation of the television medium as an Ideological State Apparatus, this book examines how gender roles and non-heteronormative sexualities are constructed in Spanish and Catalan television series. In the first part, which focuses on the construction of gender roles in Catalan soap operas, it applies the analytical paradigms founded by Anglo-Saxon feminist scholars for the content of soap operas to a corpus of material which has rarely been analysed through this perspective. In the second part, which focuses on the construction of non-heteronormative sexualities in Spanish and Catalan television series, the book challenges the rhetoric of “normalisation” and the “essentialist” paradigms which have so far dominated the examination of the construction of sexuality in television series. As such, this book addresses the role performed by television in the construction of meanings which surround gender issues and non-heteronormative sexualities. This is a timely exercise because gender studies and studies of sexual dissidence are fairly recent fields in Spanish and Catalan academia and television has been largely disregarded, especially as far as the analysis of characters and storylines is concerned. As a result, this book represents a major contribution to these fields in the Spanish and Catalan contexts.

El Desafío de la Autoconquista

Book Description

El poderoso libro que ahora tienes en tus manos no es para que simplemente lo leas, es para que lo interiorices, lo asumas, lo vivas y sólo así vas a poder aplicar la valiosa sabiduría que tiene para ayudarte a un cambio trascendental en tu vida. Te proporciona elementos prácticos que te ayudarán a tener la claridad mental que te lleve a desarrollar el inmenso potencial que te fue dado, respetando siempre tu individualidad, tu mismidad y conquistar así, los valores y virtudes que te hacen imbatible: cimientos de una vida equilibrada y plena que dignifican y honran la existencia y a la cual todos podemos acceder si realmente lo deseamos. Aquí se encuentra el desafío de la auto-conquista; demostrarnos a nosotros mismos de qué estamos hechos, si realmente estamos comprometidos a apoderarnos intencionadamente de los inmensos recursos que cada uno de nosotros posee; eliminando los obstáculos que infortunadamente nos hacen percibirnos como seres limitados, indefensos, desamparados, frágiles y sin rumbo; y hacer que nuestra existencia se llene de luz y aportarle a esta aventura llamada vida, el brillo que haga desaparecer completamente la obscuridad. Te invito a ser extraordinario. ¡Desafíate!

Radio Internacional

Book Description

Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica

Book Description

The Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Spanish linguistics. Entries are extensively cross-referenced and arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 brings together the grammar of Spanish, including subsections on phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Part 3 brings together the historical, social and geographical factors in the evolution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Spanish, and for anyone with an academic or professional interest in the Spanish language/Spanish linguistics.

Cuba Annual Report

Book Description

First published in 1990. This text includes information of Cuba in 1986, split over four reporting quarters. The economic crisis, resulting from Fidel Castro’s traditional subordination of economic matters to international and political objectives, is hounding the regime and is weakening the appeal of Cuba as a model for developing countries.