El Rojo Zorro, Quatro

Book Description

The animal with the red fur and the fluffy tail was traveling north to find a new home, and he found Wildwood Village. It seemed a good place to stop, especially when he found the injured, red-furred lady in the rock den. It wseemed even better when she was very happy to see him. One thing better than two friends was three of them, and when the trio joins together with their carrying baskets, surprising things can be found. Who would think that they would get to hold, in their bare hands, the tiny baby meadow voles. It happened, though, and there were pictures to prove it. It is not likely that they would have even found the baby voles if it had not been for Quatro, the immigrant fox. This is the fourteenth book of the Twenty Book Series, Wildwood Village Summer Camp, where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

Buddy and the Christmas Angel

Book Description

Buddy and the Christmas Angel: A girl visiting from Africa gets her long time wish in regard to being part of a Christmas play in which one small goat plays an unexpected part.

Hummer and the Hawk

Book Description

She was no bigger than a finger, and he was larger than a chicken but that did not mean they could not be partners. The huge oak tree had room for both. It was the same for a pair of the two-legged animals. When one of them with a problem meets another with a different problem, sometimes both problems can disappear. For both the birds and the girls, it was like one minus one equaled zero, so both pairs of animals could concentrate on the things they shared. This is the ninth book of the Twenty Books Series, Wildwood Village Summer camp where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

Land, Sea and Air

Book Description

It seemed that Wildwood Village Summer Camp had just about everything about feathers. It was possible to look up, around and down. Feathers everywhere. Looking up would be the way to see a bird with tail feathers longer than his body, a bird with bad manners, and also one hardly bigger than a pinkie finger. Looking around, it is possible to see them swimming, or scratching in the ground for something too small to see. There were feathers in every direction, especially when Shang, the rooster, decided to fight with Screamer, the peacock, and it was unlikely that either of them knew what the fight was about!

Unlikely Friends

Book Description

The black and white furry mama had a son who thought with his stomach and not with his head. How could she teach him about the noisy two-legged animals who could gobble him up in one bite? Whats a mama to do with such a stubborn son? Also, a couple of those two-legged animals had their own problem. What would it be like to be forced to live around someone you hated and the cause of the problem being someone you loved? That was enough to make a person mad mad mad! How could a pair of angry girls solve a problem like that? This is the fourth book of the Twenty Book Series, Wildwood Village Summer Camp where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

The Gift of the Snowman

Book Description

Who would think a snowman would have something to give back? Snows in Oklahoma can sometimes do things one wouldnt expect, and when a group of girls teamed up on a Christmas project, an unusual Christmas Snow occurred. Just in time. Mr. Okie Snow was born in a day and he lived for almost a week, but during his lifetime he had a wonderful surprise for the girls that made him. Sometimes the best surprises are those that are unexpected, and who would expect a surprise from a Snowman with green hair and orange lips wearing a glove and a mitten. And standing on two legs instead of a fat belly? And, of course, he would be wearing shoes. .

Crusty at the County Fair

Book Description

The small armor-plated animal had his own reasons for doing what he did. Food came first, and it didnt matter much what it was, just as long as there was enough of it. Who would have known that he would accidentally taste a certain food that changed his whole life? He was not great on figuring things out, but somehow he managed to link that taste with a human and a feline. His next concern was to avoid letting the girl and the cat get away. This book is the introduction to the Twenty Book Series, Wildwood Village Summer Camp where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

Shang and the Screamer

Book Description

These two special two-legged animals were actually neighbors, but they didnt know it until they met at Wildwood Village. The two feathered animals with only two legs were enemies and they had known it from the first moment they met. When a terrible fight occurred, it gave the two girls a surprising thing to put in their scrapbooks, but it was doubtful that it did anything for the fighters except to loose a few feathers. If Ladycat had not appeared, they might have continued to fight until they had no feathers at all! This is the fifteenth book of the Twenty Book Series, Wildwood Village Summer Camp, where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

Bandit and the Hidey Hole

Book Description

He wasnt really a bandit. He just considered that when he saw something he wanted, it should become his. It was amazing that a human girl became one of those things. His actions created a strange puzzle for a girl from the city, but her actions were just as much of a puzzle to him. That included the strange dead-looking thing with its legs all on one side that she often rubbed over her head. This is the second book of the Twenty Book Series, Wildwood Village Summer Camp where 25 girls, ages ten to twelve, could spend a summer with each other and the local animals of central Oklahoma.

The Education of Whitetail

Book Description

Something very bad happened to the little fawn, but it wasnt his fault, nor was it his mamas fault. It was really the fault of the armadillo but he didnt mean to. All he was doing was making a safe place to sleep, and maybe hed find something to eat at the same time. What happened after the bad part was a good part that saved Whitetails life, but it made a hard job for a couple of city girls. It turned out that they didnt mind, even though they had to dress up in funny clothes to do it. They also learned that there is generally a reason for rules, or there wouldnt be any!