Manual of Business Spanish

Book Description

Manual of Business Spanish is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using Spanish. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, it comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of Spanish * A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where Spanish is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where Spanish is used.

Routledge Spanish Dictionary of Business, Commerce and Finance Diccionario Ingles de Negocios, Comercio y Finanzas

Book Description

This Dictionary consists of some 100,000 terms in both Spanish and English, drawn from the whole range of business, finance and banking terminology. Over 45 subject areas are covered, compiled by a team of international terminologists

Spanish/English Business Glossary

Book Description

This is the essential reference companion for all who use Spanish for business communication. Containing over 5000 words, this handy two-way A-Z glossary covers the most commonly used terms in business. It will help you to communicate with confidence in a wide variety of business situations, and is of equal value to the relative beginner or the fluent speaker. Written by an experienced native and non-speaker team working in business language education, this unique glossary is an indispensable reference guide for all students and professionals studying or working in business where Spanish is used.

Cuidado infantil familiar Guía de mantenimiento de registros, Octava edición

Book Description

This book covers everything home-based family child care providers need to keep accurate business records—from tracking income and expenses to working with a tax professional. It includes: More than 1,000 allowable deductions Clarifications on how to calculate the Time-Space percentage Descriptions of new tax laws and relevant court cases An in-depth discussion on how to keep business records organized and current

Webster's New World English-Spanish / Spanish-English Business Dictionary

Book Description

the most complete and up-to-date bilingual business dictionary available—over 80,000 entries ¿Habla español?/ Do you speak Spanish? ¿Habla inglés? / Do you speak English? ¿Habla de negocios? / Do you speak business? The business world has a language all its own. Accounting, finance, banking, real estate, insurance, and other business-related fields have specialized terminology. As more and more English-speaking professionals do business with Spanish-speaking professionals, and vice versa, the ability to speak "business" in both languages is essential. This authoritative, comprehensive reference helps bridge the language gap for professionals conducting business in both Spanish and English with: More than 80,000 entries—business terms currently used in each language Terms covering every area of international business: accounting, advertising, commerce, economics, e-commerce, finance, international trade, tax, securities, banking, real estate, management, insurance, and more A user-friendly format designed for quick reference Up-to-date information, including current e-commerce terms and common acronyms Word-for-word and phrase-for-phrase translations This is a reference business professionals will rely on again and again because in today's global marketplace, companies can't afford to let language barriers be business barriers.

Disrupción tecnológica, transformación y sociedad

Book Description

La tercera edición de la colección "Así habla el Externado" examina el impacto que las tecnologías disruptivas y la transformación digital están teniendo sobre el conjunto de la sociedad, bajo una lente humanista e interdisciplinar, propia de nuestra institución. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4RI), que ha permeado todos los campos de la actividad humana y la sociedad, ofrece la inmensa oportunidad de reducir las brechas de conocimiento e ingreso económico y generar progreso social y democrático, pero puede también tener el efecto contrario. El lector y la lectora encontrarán en estos cuatro tomos reflexiones valiosas, en sus 74escritos, para comprender en todo su alcance estas innovaciones y poder contribuir así a la construcción de realidades cada vez más incluyentes y participativas. Este tomo III, titulado "Derecho, innovación y tecnología: fundamentos para una Lex Informático", tiene por objeto responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué manera las nuevas tecnologías y la economía colaborativa están transformando el derecho, sus principios e instituciones? Para ello, el presente volumen estudia en detalle las promesas, retos y problemas jurídicos suscitados por la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial, el Big Data, el Blockchain y el loT en distintos ámbitos del derecho público y privado. Los diferentes capítulos presentan debates en torno a la forma en que dichas tecnologías vienen afectando profundamente al mundo del derecho, con el fin de construir un marco conceptual que no solo sirva de base para sostener una discusión académica sólidamente fundamentada sobre estos temas, sino también para despejar las dudas jurídicas que pueden existir con el fin de facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo e implementación práctica de estas tecnologías, así como de contribuir a orientar la agenda académica sobre estos asuntos en América Latina.

Harrap's Business Diccionario

Book Description

This business dictionary covers everyday business language as well as the more specialized terminology of, for example, finance, insurance, marketing, the Stock Exchange and commerce. Hundreds of quotations from the business press put terms in context. It includes a supplement incorporating a business communication guide.