Electron Emission Spectroscopy

Book Description

Electron emission spectroscopy became recently a major tool for the study of molecules and solids. These volumes contain a rather complete review of the state of the art in this field. Both the physical and chemical aspects are covered extensively by well known specialists. Different modes of excitation are used in electron emission spec troscopy. The electron-solid scattering is covered in detail by C. B. Duke, from a theoretical point of view. Elastic and inelastic low energy electron diffraction are extensively discussed in relation to the geometrical, electronic and vibronic structure of solid surfaces. Auger electron emission spectroscopy (AES) is covered by J. C. Tracy. The tech nique is discussed from the point of view of surface research. This part also contains a complete literature list concerning the application of AES up to the middle of 1972. Electron emission produced by X-ray impact, is covered by C. S. Fadley, D. T. Clark, R. P. Gupta and S. K. Sen. The contribution by C. S. Fadley, entitled Theoretical Aspects of X-Ray Photo electron Spectroscopy', is an up to date discussion of core electron binding energies, valence electron binding energies, multiplet splittings and multi-electron processes. R. P. Gupta and S. K. Sen's contribution provides an introduction to crystal field theory and its application to electron energy level determination. D. T. Clark deals with the more chemical aspects of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, i.e. the study of chemical shifts and the relation to the bonding characteristics in molecules.

Particle Induced Electron Emission I

Book Description

This monograph discusses collision-induced electron emission from nearly free-electron metals by ion or electron impact. This subject is, as is well known, of acute importance in understanding plasma-wall interactions in thermonuclear reactors. It is also the basis for one of the most exciting technological developments of the last few years - scanning electron miscroscopy. Several electron excitation mechanisms of electrons in the target are considered: excitation of single conduction and core electrons, excitation by plasmon decay and by Auger processes. Transport of inner excited electrons is simulated by the Boltzmann equation incorporating both elastic and inelastic collisions. The numerical calculation of scattering rates uses a dynamically screened Coulomb interaction. These results for the energy distributions of emerging electrons as well as the electron yield are compared with recent experimental measurements on electron emission from polycrystalline aluminum.

Auger Electron Spectroscopy Reference Manual

Book Description

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is based on the Auger total secondary electron energy distribution, and an ion gun to process, which involves the core-level ionization of an atom with provide depth profiling capability. subsequent deexcitation occurring by an outer-level electron de The high surface sensitivity of Auger spectroscopy which dictates caying to fill the core hole. The excess energy is transferred to the need for an ultrahigh-vacuum system is due to the limited and causes the ejection of another electron, which is by definition mean free path of electrons in the 0-3000 e V kinetic energy an Auger electron. The Auger electron transition, denoted by range. The Auger peaks decay exponentially with overlayer cov the electron levels involved, is independent of the excitation erage, which is consistent with an exponential dependence of source and leaves the atom with a constant kinetic energy. The escape probability on the depth of the parent atom. A compila kinetic energy is given by the differences in binding energies for tion of data from a variety of sources has been used to generate the three levels (for example, EK-E L, - EL ) minus a correction 2 an escape depth curve which falls in the range of 5-30 A in the term for the work function and electron wave function relaxation. energy range from 0 to 3000 eV. The observed escape depth does When the Auger transition occurs within a few angstroms of the not show a strong dependence on the matrix.

Atomic Emission Spectrometry

Book Description

Atomic Emission Spectrometry is a powerful analytical method which is utilized in academia and industry for quantitative and qualitative elemental analysis. This publication is an excellent guide to the technique, explaining the underlying theory and covering practical measurement applications. Extremely well-written and organized, this book is a beneficial instrument for every scientist or professional working with AES.

Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission

Book Description

A practical, in-depth description of the physics behind electron emission physics and its usage in science and technology Electron emission is both a fundamental phenomenon and an enabling component that lies at the very heart of modern science and technology. Written by a recognized authority in the field, with expertise in both electron emission physics and electron beam physics, An Introduction to Electron Emission provides an in-depth look at the physics behind thermal, field, photo, and secondary electron emission mechanisms, how that physics affects the beams that result through space charge and emittance growth, and explores the physics behind their utilization in an array of applications. The book addresses mathematical and numerical methods underlying electron emission, describing where the equations originated, how they are related, and how they may be correctly used to model actual sources for devices using electron beams. Writing for the beam physics and solid state communities, the author explores applications of electron emission methodology to solid state, statistical, and quantum mechanical ideas and concepts related to simulations of electron beams to condensed matter, solid state and fabrication communities. Provides an extensive description of the physics behind four electron emission mechanisms—field, photo, and secondary, and how that physics relates to factors such as space charge and emittance that affect electron beams. Introduces readers to mathematical and numerical methods, their origins, and how they may be correctly used to model actual sources for devices using electron beams Demonstrates applications of electron methodology as well as quantum mechanical concepts related to simulations of electron beams to solid state design and manufacture Designed to function as both a graduate-level text and a reference for research professionals Introduction to the Physics of Electron Emission is a valuable learning tool for postgraduates studying quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, electron transport, and beam physics. It is also an indispensable resource for academic researchers and professionals who use electron sources, model electron emission, develop cathode technologies, or utilize electron beams.

Spectroscopy for Amateur Astronomers

Book Description

This accessible guide presents the astrophysical concepts behind astronomical spectroscopy, covering both theoretical and practical elements. Suitable for anyone with only a little background knowledge and access to amateur-level equipment, it will help you understand and practise the scientifically important and growing field of amateur astronomy.