Electrophysiology of Inhibition and Auditory Prediction Mechanisms in Human Cortex

Book Description

One of the core problems the brain has to solve is how to navigate and interact with the external world. This requires a complex analysis of sensory input, the translation of perceptual input to goal-directed behavior, followed by motor planning and execution. In this thesis we investigated two crucial aspects of this perception-action cycle. First, we examined the underlying neural mechanisms that support response inhibition. Here, novel sensory information is integrated on very short time-scales to cancel an already planned action. The frontal cortex is believed to play a crucial role in the temporal organization of goal-directed behavior and cognitive control and is implicated in stopping a motor response. Using the high spatiotemporal resolution of electrocorticography (ECoG), we found evidence for two distinct processes localized to the middle frontal gyrus (MFG). High-frequency band (HFB) power increased in stop-trials before the stop-signal reaction time (SSRT), showing no difference between successful and unsuccessful stops. We interpret this activation as contributing to the stopping process, either by signaling the stop-signal itself, or by implementing attentional control. A second HFB activation was observed after the go and stop processes have finished, and was larger for unsuccessful stops, and is likely related to behavioral monitoring. Our results support the notion that frontal cortex implements different functions related to stopping. Implementing the perception-action cycle not only involves re-acting to novel information from the senses in a bottom-up manner. It is believed that the brain also implements a strategy anticipating future events based on prior knowledge. Here we investigated how anticipation of sounds influences auditory processing. Using both EEG and ECoG, we employed a task with omissions of expected sounds, thereby isolating endogenous responses to expectations in auditory cortex. We found that a subset of auditory active electrodes in lateral superior temporal gyrus (STG) and superior temporal sulcus (STS) showing HFB power increases to omissions. We were able to successfully decode whether the subject heard the syllable ‘Ba’ or ‘Ga’. However, which sound was omitted could not be decoded from auditory active sites, nor from the omission HFB increase specifically. We also observed a negative ERP in posterior STG in the intracranial data, which may be related to an auditory cortical generator of the N2 component. In a separate EEG studies we also observed both an N2 negativity, as well as a negativity occurring before the intracranial negativity, the source of which may be in A1, a region which we could not access intracranially. Finally, a P3a ERP was observed in EEG, which points to both the HFB and ERP effects in posterior STG to be signatures of auditory-specific salience or mismatch detection.

The Electrophysiology and Layout of the Auditory Nervous System

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This volume contains a brief account of the principles underlying the organization and functions of the auditory nervous system, and is a continuation of a previous study, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Hearing Mechanism, which takes the reader up to, but does not include, the first-order neuron. These volumes, with the addition of a third, Psychoacoustics, are designed as texts for a one-semester course on the ear and hearing. A recommended preliminary for the student using these texts is a semester of experimental or, preferably, physiological psychology, or a minimum of one semester of introductory speech pathology/audiology, including the elementary principles of neurophysiology. The student may find a few titles helpful in this respect listed in the Suggested Readings at the back of this volume.

Inhibitory Function in Auditory Processing

Book Description

There seems little doubt that from the earliest evolutionary beginnings, inhibition has been a fundamental feature of neuronal circuits - even the simplest life forms sense and interact with their environment, orienting or approaching positive stimuli while avoiding aversive stimuli. This requires internal signals that both drive and suppress behavior. Traditional descriptions of inhibition sometimes limit its role to the suppression of action potential generation. This view fails to capture the vast breadth of inhibitory function now known to exist in neural circuits. A modern perspective on inhibitory signaling comprises a multitude of mechanisms. For example, inhibition can act via a shunting mechanism to speed the membrane time constant and reduce synaptic integration time. It can act via G-protein coupled receptors to initiate second messenger cascades that influence synaptic strength. Inhibition contributes to rhythm generation and can even activate ion channels that mediate inward currents to drive action potential generation. Inhibition also appears to play a role in shaping the properties of neural circuitry over longer time scales. Experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in developing and mature neural circuits underlies behavioral memory and has been intensively studied over the past decade. At excitatory synapses, adjustments of synaptic efficacy are regulated predominantly by changes in the number and function of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. There is, however, increasing evidence for inhibitory modulation of target neuron excitability playing key roles in experience-dependent plasticity. One reason for our limited knowledge about plasticity at inhibitory synapses is that in most circuits, neurons receive convergent inputs from disparate sources. This problem can be overcome by investigating inhibitory circuits in a system with well-defined inhibitory nuclei and projections, each with a known computational function. Compared to other sensory systems, the auditory system has evolved a large number of subthalamic nuclei each devoted to processing distinct features of sound stimuli. This information once extracted is then re-assembled to form the percept the acoustic world around us. The well-understood function of many of these auditory nuclei has enhanced our understanding of inhibition's role in shaping their responses from easily distinguished inhibitory inputs. In particular, neurons devoted to processing the location of sound sources receive a complement of discrete inputs for which in vivo activity and function are well understood. Investigation of these areas has led to significant advances in understanding the development, physiology, and mechanistic underpinnings of inhibition that apply broadly to neuroscience. In this series of papers, we provide an authoritative resource for those interested in exploring the variety of inhibitory circuits and their function in auditory processing. We present original research and focused reviews touching on development, plasticity, anatomy, and evolution of inhibitory circuitry. We hope our readers will find these papers valuable and inspirational to their own research endeavors.

Cognitive Electrophysiology

Book Description

MICHAEL S. GAZZANIGA The investigation of the human brain and mind involves a myriad of ap proaches. Cognitive neuroscience has grown out of the appreciation that these approaches have common goals that are separate from other goals in the neural sciences. By identifying cognition as the construct of interest, cognitive neuro science limits the scope of investigation to higher mental functions, while simultaneously tackling the greatest complexity of creation, the human mind. The chapters of this collection have their common thread in cognitive neuroscience. They attack the major cognitive processes using functional stud ies in humans. Indeed, functional measures of human sensation, perception, and cognition are the keystone of much of the neuroscience of cognitive sci ence, and event-related potentials (ERPs) represent a methodological "coming of age" in the study of the intricate temporal characteristics of cognition. Moreover, as the field of cognitive ERPs has matured, the very nature of physiology has undergone a significant revolution. It is no longer sufficient to describe the physiology of non-human primates; one must consider also the detailed knowledge of human brain function and cognition that is now available from functional studies in humans-including the electrophysiological studies in humans described here. Together with functional imaging of the human brain via positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), ERPs fill our quiver with the arrows required to pierce more than the single neuron, but the networks of cognition.

The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain

Book Description

Cognitive electrophysiology is a very well established field utilizing new technologies such as bioelectric events-related potentials (ERP) and magnetic (ERF) recordings to pursue the investigation of mind and brain. Current research focuses on reviewing ERP/ERF findings in the areas of attention, language, memory, visual and auditory perceptual processing, emotions, development, and neuropsychological clinical damages. The goal of such research is basically to provide correlations between the structures of the brain and their complex cognitive functions.This book reviews the latest findings in the areas of attention, language, memory, visual and auditory perception, and brain damage research based primarily on research conducted using ERP recordings. Beyond just compiling the knowledge gained from ongoing research, the authors also identify outstanding problems in the field and predict future developments. - Provides an original post-cognitive theoretical approach to the investigation of the human mind and brain - Presents integrated view of the emotional and cognitive features as well as of developmental features of neurocognitive systems - Well-illustrated with elegant and original artwork that clarifies complex theoretical and methodological points throughout the text

Local Cortical Circuits

Book Description

Neurophysiologists are often accused by colleagues in the physical sci ences of designing experiments without any underlying hypothesis. This impression is attributable to the ease of getting lost in the ever-increasing sea of professional publications which do not state explicitly the ultimate goal of the research. On the other hand, many of the explicit models for brain function in the past were so far removed from experimental reality that they had very little impact on further research. It seems that one needs much intimate experience with the real nerv-. ous system before a reasonable model can be suggested. It would have been impossible for Copernicus to suggest his model of the solar system without the detailed observations and tabulations of star and planet motion accu mulated by the preceeding generations. This need for intimate experience with the nervous system before daring to put forward some hypothesis about its mechanism of action is especially apparent when theorizing about cerebral cortex function. There is widespread agreement that processing of information in the cor tex is associated with complex spatio-temporal patterns of activity. Yet the vast majority of experimental work is based on single neuron recordings or on recordings made with gross electrodes to which tens of thousands of neurons contribute in an unknown fashion. Although these experiments have taught us a great deal about the organization and function of the cor tex, they have not enabled us to examine the spatio-temporal organization of neuronal activity in any detail.

Research Grants Index

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Predictive Models of Auditory Perception in Human Electrophysiology

Book Description

It has long been thought that sensory systems operate by representing information in a hierarchy of sensory features, and that these features build upon one another. From low-level information such as spectral content, to high-level information such as word content, the sensory system must rapidly extract all of these features from the world. However, the precise nature of these levels of representation, as well as how they interact with one another, is not well-understood. In audition, intermediate sensory representations are often studied in animals, using techniques that treat neurons as a linear filter for incoming sensory inputs. If those inputs are spectro-temporal features (e.g., a spectrogram), then the result is a Spectro Temporal Receptive Field (STRF). This describes how the neural unit in question (e.g., a neuron) will respond to patterns in spectro-temporal space. It has been a crucial tool in understanding sensory processing in low-level neural activity. Using this approach it is also possible to study how this neural representation changes under different experimental conditions. STRF plasticity has been shown in both reward- and context-modulated experiments in animals. In recent years, it has been suggested that similar techniques may work in modeling the activity of neural signals recorded from humans. As we cannot generally record from single unit activity in humans, this approach relies on proxies for neural activity - specifically in the high-frequency activity (HFA) of electrocorticography electrodes. This poses a unique opportunity for two reasons: First, human language is a natural stimulus set for studying hierarchical feature representations in the brain. There are many ways to decompose speech into both auditory and linguistic components, and each of these could serve as inputs to the modeling technique described above. Second, humans are especially skilled at using high-level context such as their experience and assumptions about the world in order to change their behavior. This poses a unique opportunity to study the plasticity of speech representations in the brain. This thesis reports several new approaches towards studying the sensory representation of speech in the human brain, as well as how these representations may change due to experience. It aims to bridge the literature in rodents and songbirds with ideas in human electrophysiology in order to pursue new approaches to studying perception in humans.