Elements of Mining Technology Vol. 2 (8th Edition)

Book Description

Contents: 1. Mine Gases and their Detection. 2. Underground environment and mine ventilation. 3. Distribution of air and its control. 4. Mine fires and spontaneous heating. 5. Explosions in mines. 6. Rescue apparatus and rescue operations. 7. Recovery apparatus and rescue operations. 8. Mines lighting. 9. Miners diseases and dust hazards. 10. Numerical examples in ventilation. 11. Inudation in mines. 12. Development of an underground metal mine. 13. Methods of stopping metalliferous deposits. 14. Lead-zinc mining in India (Underground Mining Methods). 15. Copper Mining in India (Underground Mining Methods). 16. Jaduguda Uranium Mine. 17. Ore preparation (or beneficiation), Glossary, Index, Mineral map of India.

Elements of Mining Technology Vol. 1 (8th Edition)

Book Description

Contents: 1. Mining Geology Minerals, Rocks and Rock Structures. 2. Coal and Coalfields of India. 3. Boring. 4. Shaft Shinking. 5. Opencast Mining. 6. Access to Mineral Deposits and Pit Bottom, Pit-Top Layouts. 7. Drivage of Roads in Coal and Stone. 8. Explosives, Accessories and Blasting Practice. 9. Rock Mechanics and Roof Supports. 10. Stowing Pracice. 11. Bord and Pillar Method of Working Coal Development. 12. Pillar Extraction in Bord and Pillar. 13. Longwall and other methods of working. 14. Thick Seam Working.

Elements of Mining Technology Vol. 3 (8th Edition)

Book Description

Contents: 1. The Units, Mass, Force, Weight and Basic Definitions. 2. Work, Energy and Power. 3. Friction, bearings, lubrication, inclined plane, bolts and nuts. 4. Simple machines, levers, pulleys, lifting machines. 5. Mechanical transmission of power. 6. Strength and properties of materials. 7. Engineering Materials : Metals. 8. Engineering Materials : Wire ropes and their attachments. 9. Principles of air compression. 10. Genration, distribution and use of compressed air. 11. Winding: Cages and shaftfittings. 12. Winding: Drum winders and friction winders. 13. Winding. Steama and electric winders, speed control and safety devices. 14. Winding: Pit-top and Pit-bottom layouts with cage winding and skip winding. 15. Transport: Rope haulages and tracks. 16. Transport: Internal Combustion Engines and Locomotives. 17. Conveyors and other Transport Media. 18. Principles of Hydraulics and Mine Pumps. 19. Face mechanisation, Appendix, Index.

Agglomeration in Industry, 2 Volume Set

Book Description

Wann tritt Agglomeration auf, wie lässt sie sich vermeiden und in welchen Fällen kann man sie sinnvoll nutzen? Ausführliche Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt Ihnen der Autor dieses Bandes, Fachmann und Berater mit langjähriger Industrieerfahrung. Neben den traditionellen Anwendungsgebieten der Agglomeration (unter anderem pharmazeutische Industrie, Nahrungs- und Futtermittelherstellung, Düngerproduktion und Agrochemie, Baustoffindustrie, Bergbau und Metallverarbeitung) werden auch aktuellste Entwicklungen, etwa im Bereich der Nanotechnologie, besprochen.

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Volume 15

Book Description

The fifth edition of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology builds upon the solid foundation of the previous editions, which have proven to be a mainstay for chemists, biochemists, and engineers at academic, industrial, and government institutions since publication of the first edition in 1949. The new edition includes necessary adjustments and modernisation of the content to reflect changes and developments in chemical technology. Presenting a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, properties, manufacturing, and uses; on industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering; and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. The Encyclopedia describes established technology along with cutting edge topics of interest in the wide field of chemical technology, whilst uniquely providing the necessary perspective and insight into pertinent aspects, rather than merely presenting information. * Set began publication in January 2004 * Over 1,000 articles * More than 600 new or updated articles * 27 volumes

Energy Efficient Manufacturing

Book Description

Over the last several years, manufacturers have expressed increasing interest in reducing their energy consumption and have begun to search for opportunities to reduce their energy usage. In this book, the authors explore a variety of opportunities to reduce the energy footprint of manufacturing. These opportunities cover the entire spatial scale of the manufacturing enterprise: from unit process-oriented approaches to enterprise-level strategies. Each chapter examines some aspect of this spatial scale, and discusses and describes the opportunities that exist at that level. Case studies demonstrate how the opportunity may be acted on with practical guidance on how to respond to these opportunities.


Book Description

Why does someone write a book about Tungsten? There are several reasons and precedents for this, the most important of which is that the last book on tungsten was written more than 20 years ago, in 1977, by St. W H. Yih and Ch T. Wang. During the intervening period there have been many new scientific and technological developments and innova tions, so it was not only our opinion but the view of many other members of the "tungsten family" that it was time to start writing a new book about tungsten. Preparations of the new book began in 1994. further impetus to the project was provided by the realization that in spite of this new knowledge having been presented at seminars or published in the technical press, a general acknowledgement of it by the majority of technicians and scientists is still far from being realized. It is our hope that this book will significantly contribute to a broader acceptance of recent scientific and technological innovations. An important prerequisite for such a project is the availability of a recently retired, experienced person willing to devote his time and talents to the tedious part of the exercise.