Empire's Mobius Strip

Book Description

Its brilliant prose makes [Empire's Mobius Strip] easily accessible to anyone interested in today's migration crisis in the Mediterranean and elsewhere in the world.― American Historical Review Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. What is at stake in Empire's Mobius Strip is a deeper understanding of the forces driving those who move by choice and those who are moved. Stephanie Malia Hom focuses on Libya, considered Italy's most valuable colony, both politically and economically. Often perceived as the least of the great powers, Italian imperialism has been framed as something of "colonialism lite." But Italian colonizers carried out genocide between 1929–33, targeting nomadic Bedouin and marching almost 100,000 of them across the desert, incarcerating them in camps where more than half who entered died, simply because the Italians considered their way of life suspect. There are uncanny echoes with the situation of the Roma and migrants today. Hom explores three sites, in novella-like essays, where Italy's colonial past touches down in the present: the island, the camp, and the village. Empire's Mobius Strip brings into relief Italy's shifting constellations of mobility and empire, giving them space to surface, submerge, stretch out across time, and fold back on themselves like a Mobius strip. It deftly shows that mobility forges lasting connections between colonial imperialism and neoliberal empire, establishing Italy as a key site for the study of imperial formations in Europe and the Mediterranean.

Empire's Mobius Strip

Book Description

Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. What is at stake in Empire's Mobius Strip is a deeper understanding of the forces driving those who move by choice and those who are moved. Stephanie Malia Hom focuses on Libya, considered Italy's most valuable colony, both politically and economically. Often perceived as the least of the great powers, Italian imperialism has been framed as something of "colonialism lite." But Italian colonizers carried out genocide between 1929–33, targeting nomadic Bedouin and marching almost 100,000 of them across the desert, incarcerating them in camps where more than half who entered died, simply because the Italians considered their way of life suspect. There are uncanny echoes with the situation of the Roma and migrants today. Hom explores three sites, in novella-like essays, where Italy's colonial past touches down in the present: the island, the camp, and the village. Empire's Mobius Strip brings into relief Italy's shifting constellations of mobility and empire, giving them space to surface, submerge, stretch out across time, and fold back on themselves like a Mobius strip. It deftly shows that mobility forges lasting connections between colonial imperialism and neoliberal empire, establishing Italy as a key site for the study of imperial formations in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The Civilization of the Mobius Strip & Other Essays

Book Description

A collection of 19 wide ranging essays on education, reading, esoteric writing, the nation-state and modern nationalism, plus articles on Leo Strauss, David Hume, Xenophon, and the English language today. The author takes a lively and assertive approach to topics which are normally given an evasive treatment by the commentators. If you have ever wondered why our social sciences continue to lag behind the natural sciences this book is for you. The author casts a spot light on the glass bead game of academic sermonizing disguised as scholarship while at the same time providing a set of insights into the most significant fact of life today: we live inside nations and do not understand what they really are. Why the form of our body-politic should become invisible to us when we seek to examine it closely is disclosed in this book and helpful approaches are suggested to cure our blindness so we can explore the civilization of the Möbius Strip. A must for all students of politics, history, and philosophy.

Republics and empires

Book Description

Republics and empires provides transnational perspectives on the significance of Italy to American art and visual culture and the impact of the United States on Italian art and popular culture. Covering the period from the Risorgimento to the Cold War, it reveals the complexity of the visual discourses that bound two relatively new nations together. It also gives substantial attention to literary and critical texts that addressed the evolving cultural relationship between Italy and the United States. While American art history has tended to privilege French, British and German ties, these chapters highlight a rich body of contemporary research by Italian and American scholars that moves beyond a discussion of influence as a one-way directive towards a deeper understanding of cultural transactions that profoundly affected the artistic expression of both nations.

The Möbius Strip

Book Description

The Möbius Strip explores the history, political economy, and culture of space in central Guerrero, Mexico, during the colonial period. This study is significant for two reasons. First, space comprises a sphere of contention that affects all levels of society, from the individual and his or her household to the nation-state and its mechanisms for control and coercion. Second, colonialism offers a particularly unique situation, for it invariably involves a determined effort on the part of an invading society to redefine politico-administrative units, to redirect the flow of commodities and cash, and, ultimately, to foster and construct new patterns of allegiance and identity to communities, regions, and country. Thus spatial politics comprehends the complex interaction of institutional domination and individual agency. The complexity of the diachronic transformation of space in central Guerrero is illustrated through an analysis of land tenure, migration, and commercial exchange, three salient and contested aspects of hispanic conquest. The Möbius Strip, therefore, addresses issues important to social theory and to the understanding of the processes affecting the colonialization of non-Western societies.


Book Description

Geo-Topology is an exploration of the depth and breadth of the relationships between Geography and Topology, with applications ranging from Landscape Geography to Social Geography and from Spatial Analysis to Geospatial Technologies. It shows how topics of geographical research (landscapes, borders, spatial social relationships etc) can be examined by using mathematical concepts and methods of Topology, exposing the realm of geo-topological modelling and visualization through Point-Set Topology, Knot Theory, Reeb graphs, Topological Surfaces (i.e. Möbius bands and Klein bottles), Differential Topology, Network Analysis, Combinatorial Topology, Braid Theory and Ultrametric Topology. Besides geographers, this book is a trove of new ideas for landscape ecologists, mathematicians, data scientists, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists and educators. Geo-Topology is a systematic introduction to topological thinking in Geography, also by highlighting the significance of Topology for Geographical Education, as well as for the Philosophy and Epistemology of Geography.

Race and Racism in Modern East Asia

Book Description

Race and Racism in Modern East Asia juxtaposes Western racial constructions of East Asians with constructions of race and their outcomes in modern East Asia. This groundbreaking volume also offers an analysis of these constructions, their evolution and their interrelations.

Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present

Book Description

What modern authoritarian leaders have in common (and how they can be stopped). Ruth Ben-Ghiat is the expert on the "strongman" playbook employed by authoritarian demagogues from Mussolini to Putin—enabling her to predict with uncanny accuracy the recent experience in America and Europe. In Strongmen, she lays bare the blueprint these leaders have followed over the past 100 years, and empowers us to recognize, resist, and prevent their disastrous rule in the future. For ours is the age of authoritarian rulers: self-proclaimed saviors of the nation who evade accountability while robbing their people of truth, treasure, and the protections of democracy. They promise law and order, then legitimize lawbreaking by financial, sexual, and other predators. They use masculinity as a symbol of strength and a political weapon. Taking what you want, and getting away with it, becomes proof of male authority. They use propaganda, corruption, and violence to stay in power. Vladimir Putin and Mobutu Sese Seko’s kleptocracies, Augusto Pinochet’s torture sites, Benito Mussolini and Muammar Gaddafi’s systems of sexual exploitation, and Silvio Berlusconi and Donald Trump’s relentless misinformation: all show how authoritarian rule, far from ensuring stability, is marked by destructive chaos. No other type of leader is so transparent about prioritizing self-interest over the public good. As one country after another has discovered, the strongman is at his worst when true guidance is most needed by his country. Recounting the acts of solidarity and dignity that have undone strongmen over the past 100 years, Ben-Ghiat makes vividly clear that only by seeing the strongman for what he is—and by valuing one another as he is unable to do—can we stop him, now and in the future.

The Möbius Strip Topology

Book Description

In the 19th century, pure mathematics research reached a climax in Germany, and Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) was an epochal example. August Ferdinand Möbius (1790–1868) was his doctoral student whose work was profoundly influenced by him. In the 18th century, it had been mostly the French school of applied mathematics that enabled the rapid developments of science and technology in Europe. How could this shift happen? It can be argued that the major reasons were the devastating consequences of the Napoleonic Wars in Central Europe, leading to the total defeat of Prussia in 1806. Immediately following, far-reaching reforms of the entire state system were carried out in Prussia and other German states, also affecting the educational system. It now guaranteed freedom of university teaching and research. This attracted many creative people with new ideas enabling the “golden age” of pure mathematics and fundamental theory in physical sciences. Möbius’ legacy reaches far into today’s sciences, arts, and architecture. The famous one-sided Möbius strip is a paradigmatic example of the ongoing fascination with mathematical topology. This is the first book to present numerous detailed case studies on Möbius topology in science and the humanities. It is written for those who believe in the power of ideas in our culture, experts and laymen alike.

Property Rights in Land

Book Description

Property Rights in Land widens our understanding of property rights by looking through the lenses of social history and sociology, discussing mainstream theory of new institutional economics and the derived grand narrative of economic development. As neo-institutional development theory has become a narrative in global history and political economy, the problem of promoting global development has arisen from creating the conditions for ‘good’ institutions to take root in the global economy and in developing societies. Written by a collection of expert authors, the chapters delve into social processes through which property relations became institutionalized and were used in social action for the appropriation of resources and rent. This was in order to gain a better understanding of the social processes intervening between the institutionalized ‘rules of the game’ and their economic and social outcomes. This collection of essays is of great interest to those who study economic history, historical sociology and economic sociology, as well as Agrarian and rural history.