Encouraging One Another

Book Description

and "No personal study in the New Testament has impacted my own life more than this one on mutual encouragement. and " So begins Gene Getz and ’s study of one of the most dominant themes in the New Testament: encouraging one another. And as the Book of Acts and the Epistles show, it is basic not only to the process of starting churches but to building them toward maturity. Gene Getz wrote Encouraging One Another as part of his well-known and "One Another Series and " back in 1981, and now he has updated this classic for a new generation of readers. Also, this new edition includes a personal and group study. Join Dr. Getz in a dynamic journey toward becoming a better encourager. It and ’s a lifelong adventure that will help you grow spiritually, as well as build the body of Christ.

Encouraging Others

Book Description

Build Others Up! As God’s people live out their faith in this world, they need advice, challenge, and encouragement to persevere. Sometimes we need a reminder that we can be “spiritual cheerleaders” for other believers. These studies give models from Scripture for encouraging others and building them up in their faith, showing that as we support others, the blessing of encouragement comes back to us.

Turning People on

Book Description

Perfect for managers, teachers, parents, spouses, and persons in any leadership role. Great insights and ideas for anyone who wants to help a friend on a personal or work level. Book jacket.

Encouraging Others

Book Description

This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can encourage others, such as sending a thoughtful message or note. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered

Encouraging One Another

Book Description

Filling the needs of today's women, we offer the next 4 titles in the best-selling Women of Faith series. These topical guides deal with issues that women wrestle with today, such as friendship, encouragement, managing moods, finding contentment, and how to live out your faith. Reaching an audience across racial, socio-economic, denominational, and age boundaries, these guides will enhance the lives of women as they empower them in their weekly devotions. The study guides can be used for both individual and group settings. Women are asking good questions about their faith. With our study guides, we want to join them in their quest for knowledge and lead them in finding the answers they are seeking. The Study Guide Series will include the following: #5 Managing Your Moods - Foreword by Marilyn Meberg ISBN: 0-7852-5151-0 #6 Cultivating Contentment - Foreword by Luci Swindoll ISBN: 0-7852-5152-9 #7 Encouraging One Another - Foreword by Nicole Johnson ISBN: 0-7852-5153-7 #8 A Life of Worship - Foreword by Sheila Walsh ISBN: 0-7852-5154-5

Encouraging the Heart

Book Description

All too often, simple acts of human kindness are often overlookedand under utilized by people in leadership roles. Advising mutualrespect and recognition of accomplishments, Encouraging the Heartshows us how true leaders encourage and motivate those they workwith by helping them find their voice and making them feel likeheroes. Recognized experts in the field of leadership, authorsJames Kouzes and Barry Posner show us that, through love, leaderscan encourage, and indeed allow those around them to be their verybest. Both practical and inspirational, Encouraging the Heart givesreaders a thoughtful approach to motivating individuals within anorganizational structure. Read Chapter 3 or Chapter 12, or see The Encouragement Index.

Encouraging One Another

Book Description

Encouraging The Heart Workbook

Book Description

Getting things done in today’s workplace is hard work. Employees become exhausted, frustrated, and sometimes entirely disenchanted–and often, they are tempted to simply give up. But the research conducted by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner over the last two decades clearly shows that successful leaders find ways to combat these negative feelings by encouraging the hearts of their team members. This workbook, based on the model presented in the bestselling book Encouraging the Heart, guides readers through seven essentials of encouraging the heart: set clear standards, expect the best, pay attention, personalize recognition, tell the story, celebrate together, and set the example. The authors also provide a 21-question self-assessment to help leaders determine how they are doing and where they should focus their development efforts.

The Encouraging the Heart Workbook

Book Description

Getting things done in today's workplace is hard work. The climb to the top is demanding and long. Employees become exhausted, frustrated, and sometime entirely disenchanted. Often, they are tempted to simply give up. It's clear from the research conducted by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner over the last two decades that successful leaders find ways to combat these negative feelings by encouraging the hearts of their team members. They inspire others with courage and hope. This hands-on workbook helps leaders to do just that, whether in the workshop environment or on their own. Delving deep into the behaviors that make up this important practice, readers will gain a better understanding of how they can recognize contributions and celebrate the values and victories. The workbook guides readers through 7 essentials of encouraging the heart: set clear standards, expect the best, pay attention, personalize recognition, tell the story, celebrate together, and set the example. The 21-question self-assessment Encouragement Index is now sold seperately..

Balcony People

Book Description

Joyce Landorf Heatherley writes insightfully about the gift and ministry of affirmation and those people in the balcony who shout words of encouragement to us and spur us on to be what God intends for us.