Technological Change and Labor Markets

Book Description

In developed countries like the US, Germany and the UK it has been observed that workers who perform non-routine activities, either cognitive or manual, have benefited in terms of employment and income, while those performing routinary tasks have seen their job prospects and wages decline. This has led to a polarization of the labor markets and to a decrease in certain measures of inequality. This phenomenon has been attributed to task-biased technological change (TBTC), which differs from the skilled biased technological change in the fact that not only highly skilled workers have benefited from technology advancement. This book presents evidence of how digitalization and task-biased technological change are affecting the labor markets of different regions of the world and examines the factors that cause this inequality among nations. It examines recent issues around the effect of task-biased technological change on labor markets and the economy in general, with a comparison of different countries in Central and Eastern Europe, North America, and Latin America, as well as in other regions of the world. The incorporation of the abovementioned regions presents relevant particularities for the subject matter addressed in the book. The book also considers questions such as how labor market effects differ by gender and what the impact of digital skills on employment, inequalities and public policies might be. In so doing, it identifies the advances, opportunities, and changes that have taken place, while also making public policy proposals. The main market for the book is the global community of graduate students and researchers in the field of economics and, specifically, in the study of labor markets.

Management Information Systems

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Management Information Systems provides comprehensive and integrative coverage of essential new technologies, information system applications, and their impact on business models and managerial decision-making in an exciting and interactive manner. The twelfth edition focuses on the major changes that have been made in information technology over the past two years, and includes new opening, closing, and Interactive Session cases.

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The Politics of Technology in Latin America

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This collection sets out to explore technology policy in Latin America during the 1970s and 1980s. It is based on country studies and industry studies in the main Latin American economies and examines the political turmoil surrounding protected industrialisation in these countries.

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Quilómetros, euros e pouca terra: manual de economia dos transportes

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Na economia dos transportes estudam-se os mercados, no seu desempenho em tempo, na interação com o espaço e nos reflexos externos, num contexto de possível regulação e sob o objetivo de uma mobilidade sustentável. Esta deverá ser infra-máxima, a um preço moderador do consumo. O transporte é um importante sector e empregador. Cresce com a economia e contribui para que se cresça mais. É um elemento relevante da despesa das famílias e de Investimento. Permite o comércio, com consequências para a organização interna, regional e mundial da produção. Altera padrões de localização de empresas, pessoas e aglomerados urbanos, bem como estilos de vida. Gera externalidades positivas, aproximando ideias e mercados, mas é também um poluidor; o congestionamento é outra externalidade a lesar desempenho, procura e custos, sempre condicionados pelo tempo. As pessoas usam mais o automóvel. Nas mercadorias, dominam o navio e o camião. Também se abordam os projetos de infra-estruturas e as políticas.

Spanish Philosophy of Technology

Book Description

This volume features essays that detail the distinctive ways authors and researchers in Spanish speaking countries express their thoughts on contemporary philosophy of technology. Written in English but fully capturing a Spanish perspective, the essays bring the views and ideas of pioneer authors and many new ones to an international readership. Coverage explores key topics in the philosophy of technology, the ontological and epistemological aspects of technology, development and innovation, and new technological frontiers like nanotechnology and cloud computing. In addition, the book features case studies on philosophical queries. Readers will discover such voices as Miguel Ángel Quintanilla and Javier Echeverría, who are main references in the current landscape of philosophy of technology both in Spain and Spanish speaking countries; José Luis Luján, who is a leading Spanish author in research about technological risk; and Emilio Muñoz, former head of the Spanish National Research Council and an authority on Spanish science policy. The volume also covers thinkers in American Spanish speaking countries, such as Jorge Linares, an influential researcher in ethical issues; Judith Sutz, who has a very recognized work on social issues concerning innovation; Carlos Osorio, who focuses his work on technological determinism and the social appropriation of technology; and Diego Lawler, an important researcher in the ontological aspects of technology.

Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts

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First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Valoración económica en el uso de los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente

Book Description

Medicion del impacto economico de la adopcion de tecnologias de produccion para la agricultura sostenible; Ingresso economico y la valorizacion del medio ambiente; Avaliacao de impactos ambientais de projetos de desenvolvimento tecnologico agropecuario; Environmental accounting: emergy perspectivas on perspectives on sustainability; Sustentabilidaddel desarrollo en Chile: um analisis del sector exportador; Criterios de evaluacion de proyectos y estudios de impacto ambiental en el sector agropecuario; Evaluacion de impacto ambiental de represas en el alto Biobio. Valoracion de efectos sobre comunidades indigenas; concept paper. Natural resource valuation, environmental. Impact assessment and sustainability the role of the NIARs in the Southern Cone.