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Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique

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Book Description

Sécurité Collective Et Ordre Public Dans Les Sociétés Anciennes

Book Description

Six presentations followed by discussions. Contents: Introduction par P. DUCREY; H.VAN WEES, -Stasis, Destroyer of Men. Mass, Elite, Political Violence and Security in Archaic Greece-; W.RIESS, -Private Violence and State Control. The Prosecution of Homicide an its Symbolic Meanings in Fourth-Century BC Athens-; A. CHANIOTIS, -Policing the Hellenistic Countryside. Realities and Ideologies-; C. BRELAZ, -Ladieu aux armes: La defense de la cite grecque dans l'empire romain pacifie-; A. W. LINTOTT, -How High a Priority did Public Order and Public Security have under the Republic?-;R. MacMULLEN, -The Problem of Fanaticism-; Y. RIVIERE, -L'Italie, les iles et le continent: Recherches sur l'exil et l'administration du territoire imperial (Ier-IIIe siecles); Epilogue par C. BRELAZ et P. DUCREY.

The Shadow of Creusa

Book Description

Anders Cullhed’s study The Shadow of Creusa explores the early Christian confrontation with pagan culture as a remote anticipation of many later clashes between religious orthodoxy and literary fictionality. After a careful survey of Saint Augustine’s critical attitudes to ancient myth and poetry, summarized as a long drawn-out farewell, Cullhed examines other Late Antique dismissals as well as appropriations of the classical heritage. Macrobius, Martianus Capella and Boethius figure among the Late Antique intellectuals who attempted to save or even restore the old mythology by means of allegorical representation. On the other hand, pious poets such as Paulinus of Nola and Bible epic writers such as Iuvencus or Avitus of Vienne turned against pagan lies, and the mighty arch-bishop of Milan, Saint Ambrose, played off unconditional Christian truth against the last Roman strongholds of cultural pluralism. Thus, The Shadow of Creusa elucidates a cultural conflict which was to leave traces all through the Middle Ages and reach down to our present day.

Hierocles of Alexandria

Book Description

This is the first comprehensive work in English on the fifth-century Neoplatonic philosopher Hierocles. It contains a survey of his life, writings, and pagan and Christian surroundings, and examines the major tenets of his thought under the rubrics of contemplative philosophy, practical philosophy (civil and telestic), and providence. Schibli situates Hierocles in the mainstream of Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Damascius. Particularly helpful is the inclusion of a modern English translation of Hierocles' Commentary on the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans and of the remnants of his treatise On Providence. The translations are fully annotated throughout.