Spiritual Gifts

Book Description

This best-selling Spiritual Gifts Pamphlet explains the spiritual gifts in the Bible and includes a Spiritual Gifts Quiz to help people know their gifts. This Spiritual Gifts booklet explains each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean. When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow believers, both in your own church and worldwide. This pamphlet defines spiritual gifts, and describes the differences between the biblical gifts. The Spiritual Gifts Test helps you identify your spiritual gifts, and explains how to use your gifts to benefit others. Each gift of the Spirit is vital and none is more important than others. No matter what your giftedness is, you play an important role in strengthening the church. Did You Know? 63% of Christians Don't Know Their Spiritual GiftsA recent Barna study showed that nearly two-thirds of Christians don't know their spiritual gift(s), don't think they have a gift at all, or claim to have a gift that is not actually biblical. Most Christians know something about Spiritual Gifts, but many don't realize how important they are. Believers are given Spiritual Gifts to contribute to the growth of the church. Spiritual Gifts are important because Scripture says that the church needs all of the gifts working together to help build the Body of Christ. Every believer counts! This pamphlet includes a Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to determine which gift(s) you might have. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to Christians to help build the life and ministry of the Church. Yet, a large number of Christians do not use or even recognize their spiritual gift. Rose Publishing's Spiritual Gifts pamphlet will help you learn how important Spiritual Gifts are and how to develop the gift(s) the Holy Spirit has given you. Topics in the Spiritual Gifts pamphlet include — • A self-test "Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire" to determine which gift or gifts you may have. • Description of each gift and how to develop it more as you minister to other believers. Use for • Individual study • Discipleship • Small Group or Sunday School class • Christian School • Homeschoolers • New Believers' class • Church library Study Questions for Personal Use or Small Groups: • Read pages 2-4: Based on page 2, what are the purposes of the gifts? These days many churches have paid staff; so why would the God give each believer a gift for the church? Why are these gifts important to all believers? • See page 3: Some gifts are very dramatic and visible and others are quiet and don't attract much attention. What is the main purpose of these gifts? Why do people need to be involved with other Christians, rather than becoming isolated? Scripture says we must appreciate each person's gift even if it is not very showy. How might you recognize the gifts that other believers have? • See page 4 and the 8 biblical ways that Holy Spirit works in our lives: The Holy Spirit is actively at work in the church with the purpose of glorifying Christ and helping the body of Christ (believers in the church) become more mature. Look at the list: Pick two ways the Holy Spirit acts and why they are important to the church. What would happen if these did not happen? How might you help carry out these priorities in your church? • Read all of page 5 and then go back to the first paragraph. If the Holy Spirit provides the life to the body, how do the members "keep it moving"? Later in the Spiritual Gifts pamphlet, each gift will be described, but based on these four lists of spiritual gifts from Scripture, why do you think such a wide variety of gifts is given to the church? Pick any two gifts and tell how (in your opinion) they fit into the Holy Spirit's priorities on page 4. • Read page 6-7: Christians in every type of church agree on what the spiritual gifts are, but not all Christians agree on precisely how and when they are to be used. Look at Paul's warning at the bottom of page 6 (taken from 2 Corinthians 12:12-26) about not being arrogant but showing concern for each member of the body (each person) so that the church isn't divided. How can we show concern and respect and avoid hard feelings today? • Read pages 8-10 describing each gift. Pick two gifts and read the Bible verses that go with it. Questions: How does this gift build up other believers? Give two examples of ways it ministers to the church. Is there a way this gift might be misused? • Answer the questions on the Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire on pages 11-13. Which gift(s) do you think you might have and why? How could you use this gift to minister to others in your church? Are there any ministries in your church you could help? Why Buy? • Easy to read. Explains the Bible visually. • Attractive. Full-color, packed with fascinating charts and illustrations. • Easy to understand. Uses concise and simple language. • Fast. This glossy attractive booklet can take less than 20 minutes to read. • Durable. Spiritual Gifts glossy coating helps it last. • Convenient. This pamphlet's small size makes it easy to carry inside of your Bible, folder, or binder. • Engaging. Spiritual Gifts offers fascinating facts and handy study tips that revitalize individual and group Bible studies. • Lightweight. Easier to mail than a book, enabling you to uplift and equip friends, family members, and missionaries anywhere in the world.

The Ministry Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Book Description

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood things in the Bible if the Holy Spirit. Most people know that it is a part of the Holy trinity, some may even know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit; however most people rarely go beyond that. The Holy Spirit is significantly more important than most Christians understand. It's not only important to us but the Church as well. Today more than ever we need to understand the Holy Spirit, as well as the gifting of the Spirit. We read in Ephesians 4:11 that the Lord gave us gifts to be used. These gifts are known as ministry gifts they are to be used to prefect the church. They were all but forgotten however, they were restored to the church by the reawakening of the charismatic movement. Like all things of God the Devil has a counterfeit which had led to much confusion and misunderstanding, it has also led to much abuse. Today, He is restoring a biblical understanding of what these roles and callings mean. The church has come a long way, even though there is still a lot of wrong conceptions and rejection due to the abuse prevalent in His body. However, when the gifts are recognized and they start taking their rightful places, the Church can come into its maturity. Having all five offices in place in the church does not mean it is free from all work and responsibilities, on the contrary. It will find itself in a place of growth and equipping that nobody has ever dreamed possible. Only when the church becomes what God meant it to be, with all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the five-fold ministry gifts, in place, will we truly come into full maturity and have the ability to fulfill the commission our Master Jesus gave us, to make disciples of all nations, doing the same works He did, and even greater. That is why now more then ever their is a need to understand the Gifts of the Spirit more than ever. Over the years, there have been volumes written on the subject of spiritual gifts. Lists have been compiled, and test written and administered with various degrees of success and understanding. Even with all the differing opinions from various people, the study and application of knowing one's spiritual gift can have the greatest of impacts on the character of the church and its membership. Once you understand what your gifting is, it will bring a greater sense of pleasure, purpose and security. In today's Church the gifts of ministry are needed more than ever, however we don't see them in action very often, some people may even have gone their entire life and not see the gifts working. Some may have a general idea of what they are while others may not know what they are. Most who do know of the Gifts of the Spirit are often confused about them. How often does someone misunderstand how they work, and confuse the use of them? Such as the prophet, and the gift of Prophecy, both are gifts of the Spirit but each is different in how they are used. For example all prophets have the gift of prophecy and can use the gift of prophecy, but not all people who can prophecy are prophets. With the reawakening of the charismatic movement the gifts of the spirit (Spiritual gifts) has been reawakened and brought back into the church. It is sad to say that in today's church the use of Spiritual gifts are the source of much controversy and confusion among believers. Some churches and or their demotions won't allow them because they don't know them are they fear them. This is interesting and something of a sad commentary, since these gifts are meant to be graces from God for the edification of the church. Even today, as in the early church, the misuse and misunderstanding of spiritual gifts have brought division--splitting up, rather than building up--in the church. Here in this book I seek to avoid the controversies by simply exploring what the Bible says about spiritual gifts, and help you to understand what the gifts are and how they can benefit the Church.

Know Your Ministry

Book Description

Fulfill Your Unique Calling Everyone has gifts and talents, but do you know what gift is the foundation of your God-given purpose in life? In Know Your Ministry: Spiritual Gifts for Every Believer, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey explains the seven foundational gifts of the Holy Spirit—also known as motivational gifts—found in Romans 12. You will discover the one gift that you identify with most closely and through which you will obtain the most success. Once you have identified your core gift, you will see how it permeates all areas of your life. You have an indispensible part in the fulfillment of God’s purposes, and your foundational gift enables you to carry out your unique role. Through Know Your Ministry, you can… Feel confident about your life calling Be encouraged and motivated in your area of service Live a satisfying life exercising your gifts Work together harmoniously with other believers Realize your full potential God designed a special gift for you! Discover and enjoy that gift as you fulfill your unique calling and serve others in His name.

An Essential Guide to Spiritual Gifts

Book Description

DIV In An Essential Guide to Spiritual Gifts, Ron Phillips explains the gifts of the Spirit—including the five leadership gifts, the seven service gifts, and the eight sign gifts—and provides clear biblical background and support for them./div

Know Your Spiritual Gifts

Book Description

Here is a new edition of this important book from one of the most influential charismatic churches in the UK. Many Christians hunger for the gifts of the Holy Spirit described in the new Testament, but don't know how to discern their validity or fully use their potential. In this book, Mark Stibbe examines the biblical presentation of these gifts, and applies it for Christians to use in all areas of their life and service today. He helps us discern true authenticity in the realm of spiritual power, and exercise the responsibility which accompanies the Spirit's gifting. Most importantly, he helps us to become more faithful and fruitful disciples of Christ.

Team Ministry

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Book Description

Everyone has at least one spiritual gift, according to the Bible. But many don't know what that gift is or how to use it. This book provides clear steps and guidelines to find and activate spiritual gifts. The eight lessons offer biblical insight on what the gifts are and practical suggestions on how to use them. This book will especially help those leading a small group to know how to discern the different gifts among group members-and then to help each person activate that gift. The only way to discover spiritual gifts is in the context of relationships. Spiritual gift tests, while helping believers to think through the possibilities, are insufficient in themselves. The atmosphere of trust in a small group is the key cornerstone that allows the free flow of the spiritual gifts. When trust is established, people are more willing to risk and try out new, potential gifts. A small group can provide honest feedback about the person's success, as well as areas of improvement. This book prepares each small group member to understand what his or her spiritual gift is and then instructs the person how to use that gift. Discover is a great resource to use individually, in a small group, or in a classroom teaching setting.

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Book Description

Which of God's gifts has your name on it? When you become a follower of Christ, you receive gifts from the Holy Spirit. How can you know for certain which gifts you have? And once you do know, how should you use your gifts to best serve God? Discover Your Spiritual Gifts gives you life-changing answers to these questions and more. In this trusted study, you will be introduced to the 28 biblical gifts, learn the definition and history of each one and examine biblical and modern-day examples of people who share those gifts. By using the included questionnaire, you will be able to identify your specific gifts and find ways to use them in a community of faith. This edition contains a new Bible study for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting that will help you explore in greater detail each of the gifts that Dr. Wagner discusses.

Identifying Your Gifts and Service

Book Description

What is a spiritual gifts? How can I know what gifts are spiritual gifts? The original edition of Identifying Your Gifts and Service was a program for whole church congregations, led by a teacher, to discover their gifts and place of service. It contained a survey, as does this book, but that is not a typical scientific survey designed to discover what kind of personality you have, what you feel like doing, or even what your talents are. The author believes that the key to identifying spiritual gifts is a process of spiritual discernment, a process that takes place in the Body of Christ, your local church congregation or group. This Small Group Edition is designed for a group of people to study together. The lectures and study materials are provided in the various chapters. With the cooperation of your pastor and church leadership, you can identify your gifts and find your place of service in your church congregation. In going through this process you will be invited to shake off some of the walls and limitations you have placed on yourself and open yourself up to the full call that God has on your life. Discovering and using your Spiritual Gifts is an adventure! Get involved!