Esistenza e dialogo

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Dialogo della salute e altri scritti sul senso dell'esistenza

Book Description

Carlo Michelstaedter scrisse il Dialogo della salute nel 1910, mentre lavorava alla stesura della tesi di laurea, e lo concluse il 7 ottobre. Dieci giorni dopo si sarebbe tolta la vita. Cosa può significare riflettere, dialogando socraticamente, sulla salute trovandosi nel contempo in prossimità di una morte volontaria? Non si creda che Michelstaedter, nelle sue pagine, irrida il nostro «stato mortale», come sembra fare il custode del cimitero nella pagina che apre il Dialogo. Piuttosto egli c’invita a essere pienamente noi stessi ritrovando la verità profonda della nostra esistenza: chi ha la «salute» può guardare in faccia persino la morte, la quale «di fronte a lui è senz’armi». Perché l’oscurità, per lui, «si fende in una scia luminosa», ed egli «sa godere la luce del sole».

Converts to the Real

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Phenomenology has the strongest claim to the mantle of continental philosophy. Edward Baring shows that credit for its prodigious growth goes to a surprising group of early enthusiasts: Catholic intellectuals. Tracing debates in Europe from existentialism to speculative realism, he shows why European philosophy bears the mark of Catholicism.

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Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 659,000 articles from more than 30,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2011, have been catalogued.

Abitare il dialogo

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Cirpit Review 4 - 2013

Book Description

This issue of CIRPIT REVIEW features the Cirpit Proceedings of three Conferences promoted by Cirpit Association in the year 2012, in collaboration with public and private institutions, universities and Philosophical Departments (CISRECO – ROMA TRE Univ, SIENA Univ.), which saw the participation of several Italian and foreign scholars of intercultural philosophy and inter-religious dialogue (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa, Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). The Review also features contributions by Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. The topics discussed regard the actual problems and perspectives of interculturality, pluralism and dialogue, focusing on the many different visions of the world, cultures, philosophies , behaviors, values, and with the problem of peace: the real practical question of human coexistence on the planet .Questo numero della Cirpit Review 4/2013 accoglie gli Atti di tre Convegni promossi dall’Associazione Cirpit, in collaborazione con alcune istituzioni pubbliche e private, università e dipartimenti filosofici (CISRECO -. Università ROMA TRE, Università di SIENA), che hanno visto la partecipazione di diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri di filosofia interculturale e di dialogo interreligioso (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa , Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). La rassegna ospita anche i contributi di Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. Gli argomenti trattati riguardano gli attuali problemi e prospettive relative all’interculturalità, al pluralismo e al dialogo e sono incentrati sulle molteplici visioni del mondo, culture, filosofie, comportamenti, valori e sul problema della pace: la vera questione pratica della convivenza umana sul pianeta .

The Wreckage of Philosophy

Book Description

The work of Carlo Michelstaedter (1887-1910) was the first to analyze modernist philosophy in strict connection with social changes in mass society. Revealing how Michelstaedter was able to unveil the relations between pivotal early-modernist philosophies and social restructurings, The Wreckage of Philosophy examines the ongoing processes of "specialization," "rationalization," and "atomization." It points out how Michelstaedter connected the main theoretical expressions of modernism with the decisive social transformations of the early twentieth century, taking into consideration the key players of modernist philosophy, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Ernst Mach, and William James. By following Michelstaedter's analysis and strategies, The Wreckage of Philosophy focuses on several intertwined issues: the distinct philosophical positions within the modernist area; the connections between philosophy and modernist literature; the relations between intellectual positions and social upheavals; and the early-twentieth-century links among traditional philosophy, critique of language, and epistemology of technique.