Three Essays on Financial Development, Consumption Risk Sharing and New Keynesian Price Setting Model

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Abstract: The first chapter investigates the effects of inflation, accessibility and depth of credit markets on wealth distribution. We find that from 1995 to 2002 in China, the inequality of wealth distribution decreased, the money-wealth ratio increased for all wealth levels and the aggregate money-output ratio increased. We develop a two-asset dynamic general equilibrium model in which households face a portfolio-adjustment cost and a borrowing constraint. The accessibility and depth are measured by the portfolio-adjustment cost and the borrowing constraint, respectively. Model calibration based on the Chinese data shows that the portfolio-adjustment cost was reduced and the borrowing constraint was relaxed from 1995 to 2002. We find that financial development lowers the inequality of wealth distribution by reducing the precautionary motive of households. In addition, tight monetary policy increases the value of money and, in turn, raises the money-wealth ratio for all wealth levels and the aggregate money-output ratio. The second chapter examines inter-provincial consumption risk sharing and intertemporal consumption smoothing across Chinese provinces before and after the 1979 economic reform. Our results indicate that the degree of consumption risk sharing among Chinese provinces is lower than that within the U.S. and across the national boundaries of OECD countries. On the other hand, the level of consumption smoothing among Chinese provinces is higher than that across OECD or EU countries, but lower than that in the U.S. Moreover, our results show that consumption risk sharing and smoothing in China have deteriorated since the 1979 economic reform. Finally, we show that eliminating consumption fluctuations yields substantial welfare gains, which suggests that stabilization policies are desirable for China. The third chapter compares continuous and discrete time sticky price models. For given menu costs, continuous time models imply shorter average contracts but larger real effects of inflation.

Essays on Corporate Finance and Interstate Risk Sharing

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My dissertation consists of two topics: the relation between derivatives and corporate finance, and the relation between bank deregulation and interstate risk sharing. In the first essay, I study the use of commodity derivatives among U.S. oil and gas producers. Using hand-collected data, I find large variations in hedging intensity and hedging profits. On average, firms generate significantly positive profits, and their profits relate positively to the intensity of hedging. I further decompose the hedge ratio into two components: the pure hedging component and the market timing component. I find that the hedging profits relate strongly and positively to the market timing component. I also identify a group of firms that can consistently generate profits from their hedging activities. Among firms who actively change their hedging positions, the winners tend to be the larger firms. The hedging outcome does not increase equity beta while the pure hedging component tends to decrease equity beta. The positive profits are exclusive for the commodity derivative transactions of the oil and gas producers, while they do not profit from their interest rate or foreign exchange derivative transactions. In the second essay, I look at the relation between the trading of CDS contracts and corporate’s risk-taking behavior. Because the CDS hinders successful debt renegotiation with creditors and weakens shareholders’ put option to strategically default, equity values of CDS firms are more sensitive to cash flow risk. As a result, I show that the onset of CDS trading is accompanied by a rise in equity market beta and return volatility, particularly for firms with poor credit ratings, high liquidation costs, and a more liquid CDS market. In the years after CDS trading is initiated, I find that firms reduce corporate risk-taking by expanding diversification across industries, scaling back risky investment, and reducing demand for leverage. The final essay studies the impact of two types of banking deregulation, interstate banking deregulation, and interstate branching deregulation, on interstate risk sharing. We consider both the initial permission of interstate banking and interstate branching, and the follow-up changes in state-level restrictions. From the residential perspective, interstate risk sharing has two components: personal income smoothing and personal consumption smoothing. Our results provide evidence that interstate banking deregulation plays an important role in improving personal income smoothing, while it slightly hinders personal consumption smoothing. On the contrary, interstate branching deregulation does not have a significant impact on personal income smoothing, but does improve personal consumption smoothing.

Smoothing Consumption Across Households and Time

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This thesis studies two strategies that households may use to keep their consumption smooth in the face of fluctuations in income and expenses: credit (borrowing and savings) and insurance (state contingent transfers between households). The first chapter asks why insurance among households in rural Thai villages is incomplete. The second chapter analyzes the impacts of micro-credit. The third chapter examines the interaction between interpersonal insurance and access to savings. The first chapter is motivated by the observation that interpersonal insurance within villages is an important source of insurance, yet consumption, while much smoother than income, is not completely smooth. That is, insurance is incomplete. This chapter attempts to identify the cause of this incompleteness. Existing research has suggested three possibilities: limited commitment-the inability of households to commit to remain within an insurance agreement; moral hazard-the need to give households incentives to work hard; and hidden income-the inability of households to verify one another's incomes. I show that the way in which "history" matters can be used to distinguish insurance constrained by hidden income from insurance constrained by limited commitment or moral hazard. This history dependence can be tested with a simple empirical procedure: predicting current marginal utility of consumption with the first lag of marginal utility and the first lag of income, and testing the significance of the lagged income term. This test is implemented using panel data from households in rural Thailand. The results are consistent with insurance constrained by hidden income, rather than limited commitment or moral hazard. I test the robustness of this result to measurement error using instrumental variables and by testing over-identifying restrictions on the reduced form equation for consumption. I test robustness to the specification of the utility function by nonparametric ally estimating marginal utility. The results suggest that constraints arising from private information about household income should be taken into account when designing safety net and other policies. My second chapter (co-authored with Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Rachel Glennerster) uses a randomized trial to analyze the impacts of micro credit in urban South India. We find that more new businesses are created in areas where a micro credit branch opens. Existing business owners increase their spending on durable goods but not non-durable consumption. Among households that did not have a business before the program began, those with high estimated propensity to start a business reduce non-durable consumption and increase spending on durables in treated areas. Those with low estimated propensity to start a business increase non-durable consumption and spend no more on durables. This suggests that some households use micro credit to pay part of the fixed cost of starting a business, some expand an existing business, and others pay off more expensive debt or borrow against future income. We find no effects on health, education, or women's empowerment. My third dissertation chapter (co-authored with Arun Chandrasekhar and Horacio Larreguy) is motivated by the observation that the ability of community members to insure one another may be significantly reduced when community members also have the ability to privately save some of their income. We conducted a laboratory experiment in rural South India to examine the impact of savings access on informal insurance. We find that transfers between players are reduced when savings is available, but that, on average, players smooth their consumption more with savings than without. We use social network data to compute social distance between pairs, and show that limited commitment constraints significantly limit insurance when risk-sharing partners are socially distant, but not when pairs are closely connected. For distant pairs, access to savings helps to smooth income risk that is not insured interpersonally.

Two Essays on Consumption Smoothing and Saving

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This dissertation is comprised of two essays on the importance of two consumption smoothing mechanisms.

Three Essays on Imbalances in a Monetary Union

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This thesis investigates the implications of imbalances within a monetary union. In the first chapter, I study how international financial frictions lead to international imbalances and affect optimal fiscal policy in a two-country, two-good DSGE model of a monetary union. I show that the presence of international imbalances affects the optimal conduct of cooperative fiscal policies when the traded goods are complements. Government expenditures optimally play a cross-country risk sharing role which is in conflict with the domestic stabilization role: optimal fiscal policy consists in setting government expenditures such as to reduce international imbalances at the expense of higher domestic inefficiencies. In the second chapter, I assess the implications of strategic fiscal policy interactions in a two-country DSGE model of a monetary union with nominal rigidities and international financial frictions. I show that the fiscal policy makers face an incentive to set fiscal policy such as to switch the terms of trade in their favour. This incentive results in a Nash equilibrium characterized by excessive inflation differentials as well as sub-optimally high current account imbalances within the monetary union. There are thus non-negligeable welfare losses associated with strategic fiscal policy making in a monetary union. The third chapter investigates empirically the degree of risk sharing in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), using two different methods. The first measure relates to the capacity of consumption smoothing. This measure indicates that risk sharing is rather low and that the introduction of the common currency did not lead to higher intra-EMU risk sharing. The second measure is based on the welfare losses associated with deviations from full risk sharing. These welfare losses have fallen since the introduction of the common currency. However, this is mostly due to changes in macroeconomic risk - not to changes in risk sharing per se.

A Heterogeneous Household Model of Consumption Smoothing with Imperfect Capital Markets and Income Risk-sharing

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The proposed statistical test is applied to Townsend Thai Data. The results show evidence that households surveyed either do engage in risk-sharing arrangements and face high costs of accessing capital markets or do not engage in risk-sharing arrangements and face high costs of accessing capital markets.