Essere e Tempo novanta anni dopo: attualità e inattualità dell’analitica esistenziale

Book Description

[Italiano]: Articolandosi in tre sezioni: l’analitica esistenziale fra neokantismo, fenomenologia ed ermeneutica; etica, prassi, politica a partire da Essere e Tempo; confronti, approfondimenti, prospettive, questo volume collettaneo prova ad offrire un bilancio sull’attualità e inattualità dell’analitica esistenziale a Novata anni dalla pubblicazione di Essere e Tempo ispirandosi ad “un’ermeneutica della Sachlichkeit”. Autori provenienti da diversi contesti presentano l’analitica esistenziale nel contesto storico e teorico della sua prima formulazione, si interrogano sul complesso problema di una possibile prassi o di una possibile etica all’interno dell’ontologia heideggeriana e misurano l’impatto dell’analitica esistenziale su pensatori contemporanei. Ne emerge come, nonostante tutti i problemi e le domande aperte, sia grande «il debito del pensiero contemporaneo verso Heidegger e come sia importante conservare l’eredità del suo pensiero e della tradizione in cui si colloca, al di là di ogni falsa alternativa fra ingenua apologetica e critica radicale» /[English]:Divided into three sections: the existential analytics between neokantism, phenomenology and hermeneutics; ethics, praxis, politics starting from Being and Time; confrontations, deepening, perspectives, this collective volume, inspired by "a hermeneutics of Sachlichkeit", tries to offer a balance on the actuality and unactuality of existential analytics ninety years after publication of Being and Time. Authors from different contexts present the existential analytics in the historical and theoretical context of its first formulation, question the complex problem of a possible praxis or a possible ethics within Heideggerian ontology and measure the impact of existential analytics on contemporary thinkers. It emerges how, despite all the problems and open questions, "the debt of contemporary thought to Heidegger is great and how important it is to preserve the legacy of his thought and the tradition in which it is placed, beyond any false alternative between naive apologetics and radical criticism".

Crisis and Renewal in the History of European Political Thought

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This volume advances a better, more historical and contextual, manner to consider not only the present, but also the future of ‘crisis’ and ‘renewal’ as key concepts of our political language as well as fundamental categories of interpretation.

The Forests of Norbio

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Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought

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The notions of happiness and trust as cements of the social fabric and political legitimacy have a long history in Western political thought. However, despite the great contemporary relevance of both subjects, and burgeoning literatures in the social sciences around them, historians and historians of thought have, with some exceptions, unduly neglected them. In Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought, editors László Kontler and Mark Somos bring together twenty scholars from different generations and academic traditions to redress this lacuna by contextualising historically the discussion of these two notions from ancient Greece to Soviet Russia. Confronting this legacy and deep reservoir of thought will serve as a tool of optimising the terms of current debates. Contributors are: Erica Benner, Hans W. Blom, Niall Bond, Alberto Clerici, Cesare Cuttica, John Dunn, Ralf-Peter Fuchs, Gábor Gángó, Steven Johnstone, László Kontler, Sara Lagi, Adriana Luna-Fabritius, Adrian O’Connor, Eva Odzuck, Kálmán Pócza, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Peter Schröder, Petra Schulte, Mark Somos, Alexey Tikhomirov, Bee Yun, and Hannes Ziegler.

A Scientific Autobiography

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Postscript by Vincent Scully Based on notebooks composed since 1971, Aldo Rossi's memoir intermingles his architectural projects, including discussion of the major literary and artistic influences on his work, with his personal history. His ruminations range from his obsession with theater to his concept of architecture as ritual. The illustrations-photographs, evocative images, as well as a set of drawings of Rossi's major architectural projects prepared particularly for this publicationwere personally selected by the author to augment the text.

The Metaphysics of German Idealism

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This volume comprises the lecture course that Heidegger gave in 1941 on the metaphysics of German Idealism. The first part of the lecture course contains a preliminary consideration of the distinction between ground and existence. The elucidation of the conceptual history includes a striking confrontation with Kierkegaard’s and Jaspers’ concepts of existence, as well as an elucidation of the concept of existence in Being and Time, which Heidegger distinguishes from the former concepts. Heidegger’s self-interpretation is not an end in itself, however, but rather a way of pointing to Schelling’s distinction between ground and existence, whose root and inner necessity and whose various versions Heidegger discusses subsequently. The second part of the lecture course is focused on Schelling’s “freedom treatise,” which Heidegger regards as the pinnacle of the metaphysics of German Idealism. Heidegger’s consideration of Schelling’s distinction between ground and existence finds its guiding thread in the introduction of the realms of being – eternal or finite, each being is a joining of the ground of existence and existence itself. In a subsequent overview, Heidegger discusses the relation of the distinction between ground and existence to the essence of human freedom and to the essence of the human. On the basis of this discussion, it becomes possible to grasp the connection between freedom and evil in Schelling’s system. This important work by Heidegger, published here in English for the first time, will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and to anyone interested in Heidegger’s work.

Loss and the Other in the Visionary Work of Anna Maria Ortese

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This book examines the vre of Anna Maria Ortese (1914-1998) from her first literary writings in the Thirties to her great novels in the Nineties. The analysis focusses on two interweaving core themes, loss and the Other. It begins with the shaping of personal loss of an Other following death, separation, abandonment, coupled with melancholy for life's transience as depicted in autobiographical works and in her masterpiece Il porto di Toledo. The book then addresses Ortese's literary engagement with social themes in realist stories set in post-war Naples in her collection Il mare non bagna Napoli and then explores her continuing preoccupation with socio-ethical issues, imbued with autobiographical elements, in non-realist texts, including her masterful novels L'Iguana, Il cardillo addolorato and Alonso e i visionari The book combines theme and genre analysis, highlighting Ortese's adoption and hybridization of diverse literary forms such as poetry, the novel, the short story, the essay, autobiography, realism, fairy tales, fantasy, allegory. In her work Ortese weaves an ongoing dialogue with literary and non-literary works, through direct quotations, allusions, echoes, adoption of motifs and topoi. The book thus highlights the intertextual relationship with her sources: Leopardi, Dante, Petrarch, Manzoni, Collodi, Montale, Serao; Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Blake, Joyce, Conrad, Melville, Poe, Hawthorne, Hardy; Manrique, Gongora, de Quevedo, Villalón, Bello, Cantar del mio Cid; Heine, Valery, Puccini's Madam Butterfly, folklore, popular songs, and the Bible. Ortese thus shapes her literary themes in the background of social, political and economic upheavals over six decades of Italian history, culminating in an allegorical critique of modernity and a call for a renewed bond between humans and the Other.

The Myth of the Other

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Rella came of age as a philosopher in Italy during the period of the "crisis of reason" or more generally the exhaustion of classical rationality in its authority to structure experience. For Rella, unlike many others, the tensions of the crisis are productive. In The Myth of the Other, he presents a unique perspective on four seminal French thinkers: Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze, and Bataille. Moe's masterful translation brings this remarkable Italian thinker to American readers for the first time. This slim book mayvery well change the way American scholars think about the crisis of the other and the self coming our of French poststructuralism.

Gender, Narrative, and Dissonance in the Modern Italian Novel

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Combining close textual readings with a broad theoretical perspective, this book is a study of the ways in which gender shapes the characters and narratives of seven important Italian novels of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Weak Thought

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Heralding the beginning of the philosophical dialogue on the concept for which Gianni Vattimo would become best known (and coining its name), this groundbreaking 1983 collection includes foundational essays by Vattimo and Pier Aldo Rovatti, along with original contributions by nine other Italian philosophers influenced by and working within the authors’ framework. Dissatisfied with the responses to nineteenth- and twentieth-century European philosophy offered by Marxism, deconstruction, and poststructuralism, Vattimo found in the nihilism of Friedrich Nietzsche an important context within which to take up the hermeneutics of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer. The idea of weak thought sketched by Vattimo and Rovatti emphasizes a way of understanding the role of philosophy based on language, interpretation, and limits rather than on metaphysical and epistemological certainties—without falling into relativism. To the first English-language edition of this volume, translator Peter Carravetta adds an extensive critical introduction, providing an overview of weak thought and taking stock of its philosophical trajectory over more than a quarter century.