The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade

Book Description

Originally published in 1994, The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade provides a detailed analysis of the economic linkages between the trade and forest degradation. Based on a report prepared for the ITTO, it looks current and future market conditions at the time of publication, and assesses the impacts on current and future market conditions, and assesses the impacts on tropical forests of both the international timber trade and domestic demand. The authors examine the causes of deforestation and compare the environmental impacts of the timber trade with other factors, such as the conversion of the forests to agriculture. Finally, they assess the national and international trade policy options, and discuss the potential role of interventions in the international timber trade in promoting efficient and sustainable use of forest resources. The book will be of interest to those concerned with forest management and policy, trade and environment, and with the economics of conversation and resource use.

Sustainable Farm Forestry in the Tropics

Book Description

'The text is valuable in that it describes tropical small-scale farm forestry and the complex interrelationships between social, economic, and biological issues quite well . . . For readers interested in tropical forestry in a developed nation, the book is a detailed and excellent source of information.' - Matthew Pelkki, Natural Resources Journal There has been an increased awareness of the need to establish and maintain small-scale forestry in tropical countries. This is due to concerns over continued deforestation, as well as the long-term environmental and economic resources these plantations can contribute if managed successfully. This book examines the constraints that limit the development of small-scale forestry in tropical environments and how they can be overcome.

Sustainable management of logged tropical forests in the Caribbean to ensure long-term productivity

Book Description

To facilitate sustainable management of logged forests in the Caribbean, forest authorities of Belize, Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the University of Hamburg as a scientific partner, implemented the regional project “Ensuring Long-Term Productivity of Lowland Tropical Forests in the Caribbean” financed by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The main objective of the project was to support the sustainable management of logged forests to maintain productivity and prevent further degradation. For this purpose, extensive field studies were conducted in the project countries, which resulted in silvicultural recommendations presented in this publication. The project findings revealed that the application of general sustainable forest management protocols for tropical production forests that set limits on harvesting does not necessarily ensure sustained productivity if the composition and management of the residual stand are not considered. The ratio of the number of harvested trees to the remaining future crop trees can provide a simple indicator of the sustainability of harvest. If the current harvest exceeds the number of future crop trees, the harvest is not sustainable. As a rule of thumb, at least one, preferably two future crop trees per harvested tree should be retained for future use. Protection of future crop trees can be a simple and practical approach to prevent high grading and degradation of the forest growing stock. The importance of reduced impact logging to reduce unnecessary damage to the future crop trees and for sustainable forest management, in general, is stressed.

Developing a Scientific Basis for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forest Watersheds

Book Description

Myanmar is a country situated in continental Southeast Asia and most parts of the country are highlands forming as watersheds of country's drainage systems. These highland watersheds are usually clad with tropical forests of different types providing productive and protective functions essential for sustainable development of the country. Accordingly, sustainable forest management has to be adopted as a standard approach for effective watershed conservation whereas timber production guided by sustained yield principles would be one of the overriding objectives. Four case studies provide some useful insight into resolution for some technical problems of the prevailing strategic challenges in sustainable forest management for effective conservation of forest watersheds of the country.

Sustainable Forestry

Book Description

In the context of forest sustainability, this book presents the issues related to both global climate change and conservation of biodiversity. It highlights four methodologies and shows how they contribute in overcoming the ecological challenges facing our world. The practical experience presented can be applied to the implementation of successful sustainable forestry policies.

Sustainable Forestry

Book Description

This book reviews the current state-of-the-art within each of the four major themes: science and policy; inventory and monitoring; statistics and modelling; and information and knowledge management, in the context of sustainable forestry. It fosters dialogue across thematic areas concerning both strategic and operational approaches to integrate research on sustainable forestry. It also enhances and encourages international collaboration towards sustainable forestry practice worldwide.

The Causes of Tropical Deforestation

Book Description

The Causes of Tropical Deforestation (1994) is an analysis of the problem of deforestation, using statistical technique – a form of ‘environ-metrics’ – to discover the true causes of an issue whose basis is hotly debated, and attributed to causes as varied as poverty, external debt, multinational logging companies, government corruption, the IMF, population growth, and non-sustainable agriculture.

Certified Tropical Timber and Consumer Behaviour

Book Description

Boycotting tropical timber reduces its economic value and provides an incentive to burn down forests, making them available for subsequent agricultural use or livestock farming. In contrast, a certification scheme for sustainably produced timber (tropical or non-tropical) protects the forests by raising their economic value. Examined here the impact of a certification scheme on German demand for tropical timber. A partial-equilibrium model is developed for the German tropical timber market as a whole as well as for five important submarkets representing 50% of the total demand. The results reveal that a credible certification scheme can induce a significant expansion of demand for sustainably produced tropical timber. This holds true for a scheme restricted to Germany as well as for an OECD-wide approach.