Comunicación política y gobierno de coalición

Book Description

La presente obra analiza, desde el punto de vista teórico y práctico, la problemática que presenta la comunicación de los gobiernos de coalición. No en vano, el fenómeno coalicional ha ido adquiriendo un interés creciente, especialmente tras los cambios experimentados por el sistema de partidos y la irrupción de gobiernos de signo plural. En este contexto, cobran relieve las pautas de funcionamiento interno acordadas y, en especial, la comunicación política. Sin duda, los partidos coaligados deben priorizar la elaboración de planes que permitan relacionar el gobierno con la sociedad, y asegurar una buena sintonía entre la emisión y recepción de los mensajes por parte de las bases electorales. De ahí que la profesionalizaciónestratégica de las estructuras comunicativas de los ejecutivos o un buen manejo de las nuevas tecnologías coadyuve a que estos gobiernos sean más creíbles, duraderos y gocen de mayor reputación.

Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World

Book Description

Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World offers a broad exploration of the conceptual foundations for comparative analysis of media and politics globally. It takes as its point of departure the widely used framework of Hallin and Mancini's Comparing Media Systems, exploring how the concepts and methods of their analysis do and do not prove useful when applied beyond the original focus of their 'most similar systems' design and the West European and North American cases it encompassed. It is intended both to use a wider range of cases to interrogate and clarify the conceptual framework of Comparing Media Systems and to propose new models, concepts and approaches that will be useful for dealing with non-Western media systems and with processes of political transition. Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World covers, among other cases, Brazil, China, Israel, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Thailand.

Media and Politics in Post-Authoritarian Mexico

Book Description

This volume presents an analytical and empirical overview of the array of issues that the Mexican media faces in the post-authoritarian age, which jointly explains how a partially accomplished democracy, its authoritarian inertias, and its unintended consequences hinder the democratic performance of the media. This is analyzed from three points of view: the stalemate Mexican media system and ineffective regulations, the conditions of risk and insecurity of the journalists on the field, and the limits of freedom of expression, political substance, and inclusiveness of media content. A binational effort, with research from US and Mexican authors, a wide analytic perspective is provided on the macro, meso, and micro levels, allowing for a deep conceptual richness and a comprehensive understanding of the Mexican case. With leading researchers in the field, the volume revolves around the problems of the media in post-authoritarian democracies. By answering the questions of how and why the Mexican media has not fully democratized, the works encompassed here can resonate with and are relevant to other post-authoritarian countries and academic disciplines.

Estudios de educación comparada / Studies in comparative education

Book Description

Nos ofrece una serie de estudio sobre la situación en la que se encuentra la educación entodo el mundo ,

Engaging with Fragile States

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During fiscal 2003-05, World Bank lending and administrative budgets to fragile states amounted to $4.1 billion and $161 million, respectively. This report assesses the effectiveness of this Bank support. The report finds that the Bank and the donor community have improved their operational readiness to engage with fragile states, and made substantial progress on donor coordination at the international policy level. Significant challenges remain, however. Donor agendas have been overly ambitious and need to be made more selective, the effectiveness of donor programs needs to be improved after the immediate post-conflict phase in war-ravaged countries when structural change is needed, and donors need to develop transparent aid allocation criteria that ensure that fragile states will be neither under- nor over-aided. The report makes recommendations to overcome these challenges and distills lessons for the Bank and other donors.

Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies

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Using a comparative approach, this book examines how political communication and the mass media have played an important role in the consolidation of democratic institutions.

HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games

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This proceedings LNCS 13517 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, which was held virtually as part of the 24th International Conference, HCII 2022, in June/July 2022. HCII 2022 received a total of 5583 submissions from academia, research institutes, industry, and governmental agencies from 88 countries submitted contributions, and 1276 papers and 275 posters were included in the proceedings that were published just before the start of the conference. Additionally, 296 papers and 181 posters are included in the volumes of the proceedings published after the conference, as “Late Breaking Work” (papers and posters). The contributions thoroughly cover the entire field of human-computer interaction, addressing major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of application areas.

Tweeting to Power

Book Description

Using theory and data, Gainous and Wagner illustrate how online social media is bypassing traditional media and creating new forums for the exchange of political information and campaigning.


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Book Description