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Innovation and Research - A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development

Book Description

This book presents the proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Innovation and Research—A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development (CI3 2021). CI3 was held on September 1–3, 2021. It was organized by the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui and GDEON, in co-organization with Higher Institutes: Bolivariano de Tecnología, Central Técnico, Espíritu Santo, José Chiriboga Grijalva, ISMAC, Policía Nacional del Ecuador Vida Nueva; and sponsored by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil) and City University of New York (United States). CI3 aims to disseminate the research project results that are being carried out in different Higher Education Institutions, research centers, and the business sector.

Tendencias de la Comunicación. El Ecosistema Mediático Contemporáneo. Discusiones sobre audiencias, estrategias de comunicación y resultados. Vol. II

Book Description

La peculiaridad del presente libro es que son dos libros en uno. Los primeros 5 capítulos se presentan bajo el subtítulo “Conocer a las Audiencias” y en ellos se abordan temas que tienen a las audiencias contemporáneas y sus procesos de consumo cultural y de interacción mediática y digital como centro de la discusión; mientras que los siguientes 5 capítulos se agrupan bajo el subtítulo: “Posicionarse a las Nuevas Estrategias para Nuevos Sectores” y ofrecen temas variados relacionados a la publicidad, los modelos de negocio y las nuevas situaciones del mercado mediático, abordajes sobre turismo y la situación nueva de turistas en tanto receptores de información con demandas más puntuales a la ofertada tradicionalmente. El capítulo final es un ensayo elocuente sobre el comportamiento comunicacional de sectores de la audiencia vinculados a Internet frente a una teleserie de la televisión clásica en Ecuador. Y si bien estos dos conjuntos de capítulos difieren en sus temáticas concretas, conllevan en común la búsqueda de nuevas definiciones, nuevos diseños metodológicos y nuevas conceptualizaciones de sus temas específicos.Los autores aquí reunidos proceden del ámbito iberoamericano, hispano y luso parlante, americano y europeo, lo cual ofrece una singular muestra internacional de trayectorias, intereses académicos y abordajes a los temas seleccionados.

Ciencias y sociedad

Book Description

Las ciencias y las técnicas han formado parte, desde el principio de la civilización, del desarrollo de la sociedad. Los cambios que han caracterizado las diferentes etapas del pensamiento científico se han producido dentro del marco de determinadas formaciones sociales y en condiciones específicas de producción del conocimiento. En este libro se aborda la manera en que se relacionan ciencia y sociedad: las formas de valorización social de las investigaciones, el sistema de trabajo en el interior de los laboratorios, las razones ideológicas de las teorías científicas, los mecanismos de financiación de la indagaciones científicas, las luchas jerárquicas entre los sabios y académicos, etc. Un conjunto de problemas que están más que nunca implicados en nuestros grandes problemas sociales. La explosión de las nanotecnologías, la controversia sobre los OGM, el cambio climático, etc., tantas temáticas cuya comprensión y control implican también conocer mejor las dinámicas sociales que forman parte de la producción de conocimientos y de las innovaciones. La presente obra, refundición de Sociología de las ciencias, publicada en 1995, muestra un planteamiento completo de todos estos problemas, con numerosos ejemplos y una muy amplia documentación. Presenta las diferentes formas de articulación ciencia/sociedad (emergencia de las ciencias, dinámica de innovación y democracia técnica) y los principales mecanismos sociales que hacen vivir a las ciencias (instituciones, organizaciones, intercambios entre investigadores, elaboración de contenidos, etc.). Este libro permite aprehender tanto la cultura material y cognitiva de un laboratorio como el funcionamiento del mercado de empleo científico. Más allá de la referencia a los grandes autores, corrientes de pensamiento y debates, ayuda a comprender mejor qué la sociedad y aquellas personas que tiene el poder decisorio fuerzan el desarrollo de las ciencias y de las técnicas, y qué los artesanos de estas últimas imponen a cambio sus lógicas propias. Habla así sobre la sociología de "la sociedad de los conocimientos”.

Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology

Book Description

This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at the Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, held at Brunel University, London, on 20–23 February 2023. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to information and communication technology (ICT) for managerial applications, e-governance, e-agriculture, e-education and computing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and e-mining. Written by respected experts and researchers working on ICT, the book offers a valuable asset for young researchers involved in advanced studies. The work is presented in four volumes.

Research in English Language Teaching

Book Description

Research in English Language Teaching: Mexican Perspectives Teacher research takes different forms and serves a variety purposes, but it is conducted by teachers, individually or collaboratively, with the basic aim of understanding teaching and learning in context. In Mexico, teacher research is starting to gain momentum and newcomers search for guidance and examples. This book can be used by English language teachers, teacher educators and student teachers who want to develop their professional expertise by investigating learning and teaching in a systematic and organized way. It is also useful for undergraduate students of EFL teaching and applied linguistics who need to produce a thesis, or experienced teachers who want to develop a research project for the first time. Research in English Language Teaching: Mexican Perspectives combines basic general knowledge and practical advice with reports of research conducted in Mexican educational contexts. PART ONE offers an overview of research and discussion on the teaching-research nexus, and different ways to meet the challenges of doing research. PART TWO presents accounts of recent research in the national context, written by teacher researchers working for different public higher education institutions. These accounts reflect diverse theoretical approaches, topics, methods of data collection and analysis, and styles of reporting. PART THREE includes basic guidelines to write the most common research genres: thesis, conference paper, and research article. The final section contains a glossary of research terms."

Handbook of Research on Driving STEM Learning With Educational Technologies

Book Description

Educational strategies have evolved over the years, due to research breakthroughs and the application of technology. By using the latest learning innovations, curriculum and instructional design can be enhanced and strengthened. The Handbook of Research on Driving STEM Learning With Educational Technologies is an authoritative reference source for the latest scholarly research on the implementation and use of different techniques of instruction in modern classroom settings. Featuring exhaustive coverage on a variety of topics including data literacy, student motivation, and computer-aided assessment, this resource is an essential reference publication ideally designed for academicians, researchers, and professionals seeking current research on emerging uses of technology for STEM education.

Global Meaning Making

Book Description

Global Meaning Making disrupts and interrogates the contradictions and tensions in language and literacy global scholarship, reimagining global approaches that respect the histories, ways of knowing, needs, hopes and values of voices beyond the western, including those from the Global South.

Higher Education and Human Capital: Re/thinking the Doctorate in America

Book Description

This book attempts to re-imagine the purpose of the doctorate, which has historically been used to prepare leaders who will work to improve the sciences (social and physical), humanities, and professions, while articulating curriculum as a living shape where students, faculty, and institution melded in a humanist and creative process. This idea, seriously eroded by the explosion in doctoral degrees between the early 1970s (20,000 doctorate per year) and last year (to over 46,000)—and an explosion in doctoral and research universities that has created a crossroads for the doctorate in America. We believe the value of a doctorate is Intellectual Capital, and are particularly interested in encouraging reflection as an important characteristic of a successful quality doctoral program. We posit that a “good doctoral” experience fosters active engagement in reflection on all elements of our work—the intellectual, advisory, and pedagogical work of faculty, curricular opportunities, as well as the intellectual of the doctoral candidates through an avocation that drives research and theory in our fields. Specific issues raised in this edited volume include comprehensive analysis of programs, rethinking evaluation and programmatic coherence, doctoral degrees beyond the discipline, subject, and field, and implications of individual identity. Along with authors’ chapters, we paid attention to encourage reflection as an important characteristic of a quality doctoral program; positing that “good doctoral” experiences foster active engagement in reflection on all elements of the doctoral experience, including program and curricular issues, personal relationships, work, and the creation of a community of scholars.

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