Eternal Covenant" in the Pentateuc

Book Description

This book provides the reader a uniquely comprehensive and exegetical study of "eternal covenant." It answers questions involving eternal covenant in the Bible by beginning with an exegetical study of Berit Olam" in the Pentateuch. The study reveals that Berit Olam" actually represents a bilateral and conditional arrangement that reflects certain common themes as it is used within distinct passages.

The Everlasting Covenant

Book Description

Ellet Joseph Waggoner (1855 – 1916) was a leading Seventh-day Adventist preacher and writer. He writes, "The Bible was written for no other purpose than to show the way of life. It contains history and biography, but these are parts of the Gospel Message. Not one line is written except to reveal Christ; whoever reads it for any other purpose than to find in it the way of salvation from sin, reads it in vain; studied in the light of Calvary, it is a delight, and things that would otherwise be obscure are made clear as the noonday. The pages that follow are designed as an aid to all who would look at the precepts and promises of the Bible in their true setting. One line runs through the entire Bible, God’s everlasting covenant. Standing at the Cross, one can see the working of God’s eternal purpose, which He purposed “in Christ before the world began.” The history from Paradise lost till Paradise restored, is set forth as in a panorama."

The Remarkable Record of Job

Book Description

Far from being an engaging fable, the account of Job in the bible is one of the most historically and scientifically accurate records of the ancient world. Perhaps the oldest book in the Bible, the book of Job touches on many subjects of science and history. This commentary on the controversial Book of Job is very different from most of the seminary and church teachings so prevalent today, for it attests to the historicity of a man named Job who understood at the end of his life that God cannot be ?figured out,? but He can most certainly be trusted.

God Who is Real

Book Description

Written really for the unbeliever or person whose faith is weak, this book is a fresh look at the author’s love of apologetic works, emphasizing the amazing design of the created world. An easily-read book, The God Who is Real reiterates that, quite different from the god of deism, the true God of the universe is also very near to each of us. Dr. Morris’ unique commentary on God’s Word will make a powerful witnessing tool for anyone with a burden for the loss, while serving as a steady guide for the believer.

The Everlasting Covenant

Book Description

The everlasting covenant between God and His people. The covenant and it's operations is carefully, and clearly explained in all it's aspects. Chapter headings include: The Council between The Father, Son and Spirit Properties of The Everlasting Covenant The Gospel Is The Everlasting Covenant The Eternal Covenant of Grace between the Father, Son And Holy Spirit Christ, The Mediator of the Covenant Christ, The Covenant Head of the Elect The Spirit of God And The Covenant of Grace The Covenant of Grace in The Patriarchal Period The Covenant of Grace under the Mosaic Dispensation The Covenant of Grace in the Times of David, and the Succeeding Prophets, to the Coming of Christ

Covenant in the Persian Period

Book Description

The 22 essays in this new and comprehensive study explore how notions of covenant, especially the Sinaitic covenant, flourished during the Neo-Babylonian, Persian, and early Hellenistic periods. Following the upheaval of the Davidic monarchy, the temple’s destruction, the disenfranchisement of the Jerusalem priesthood, the deportation of Judeans to other lands, the struggles of Judeans who remained in the land, and the limited returns of some Judean groups from exile, the covenant motif proved to be an increasingly influential symbol in Judean intellectual life. The contributors to this volume, drawn from many different countries including Canada, Germany, Israel, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United States, document how Judean writers working within historiographic, Levitical, prophetic, priestly, and sapiential circles creatively reworked older notions of covenant to invent a new way of understanding this idea. These writers examine how new conceptions of the covenant made between YHWH and Israel at Mt. Sinai play a significant role in the process of early Jewish identity formation. Others focus on how transformations in the Abrahamic, Davidic, and Priestly covenants responded to cultural changes within Judean society, both in the homeland and in the diaspora. Cumulatively, the studies of biblical writings, from Genesis to Chronicles, demonstrate how Jewish literature in this period developed a striking diversity of ideas related to covenantal themes.

Divine Covenants

Book Description

The Covenant & the Promises of God

Book Description

In this book, the covenant and the promises of God the Father and God the Son had in an agreement regarding the elect (being the children of God from the covenant statutes). This covenant was made before the universe was created, and it consisted of the Father promising to bring to the Son all whom the Father had to give the world. The Eternal Covenant, then, leads to the Covenant of Grace. Whereas the Eternal Covenant was made between the Father and the Son, the Covenant of Grace was made between God and Man. In this latter covenant, God promises to Man eternal salvation based upon the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross The manifestation of that covenant occurs in our world in a sequence of additional covenants that God made with individuals. This leads to liberation from poverty, sicknesses and destruction. Such as well and examples is well treated in this book from Abraham ,Isaac,Jacob.

The Theology of B. B. Warfield

Book Description

Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield (1851-1921) was undoubtedly one of the greatest Reformed theologians in the history of America. As professor of didactic and polemic theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, he wrote extensively in defense of fundamental Christian doctrines. While his writing touched on the full spectrum of theological topics, it was spread over hundreds of periodicals, books, and pamphlets, and a significant portion has never been published in an accessible form. Warfield stands as a dominant figure on the theological landscape, but few have a comprehensive grasp of his theology, largely because of the difficulty of tracing his ideas through numerous sources. Fred G. Zaspel has spent many years studying Warfield's published and unpublished writing, and presents here a concise and coherent systematic theology per B. B. Warfield. For the first time ever, readers can, in one volume, access the content of this great theologian's academic, sermonic, and devotional works. Scholars, pastors, and students will profit from the unique combination of comprehensive detail and devotional warmth in this systematic theology.