
Book Description

‘Eunoia’, which means ‘beautiful thinking’, is the shortest word in the English language to contain all five vowels. This book also contains them all, but never at the same time. Each of Eunoia’s five chapters is univocalic: that is, each chapter uses only one vowel. A triumphant feat, seven years in the making, this uncanny work of avant-garde literature is one of the most surprising and awe-inspiring books of the year. A challenging feat of composition and technical skill, Bök has worked this into a series of compelling narratives and rhythms.


Book Description

This collection contains some of the best new work being done on the subject of character from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, and psychology. From creating a virtual reality simulation of the Milgram shock experiments to understanding the virtue of modesty in Muslim societies to defending soldiers' moral responsibility for committing war crimes, these 31 chapters break much new ground and significantly advance our understanding of character. The main topics covered fall under the heading of our beliefs about character, the existence and nature of character traits, character and ethical theory, virtue epistemology, the nature of particular virtues, character development, and challenges to character and virtue from neuroscience and situationism. These papers stem from the work of the Character Project ( at Wake Forest University, generously supported by the John Templeton Foundation. This collection is truly unique in featuring the work of many young, up-and-coming voices in their fields with new perspectives to offer. Together their work will significantly shape discussions of character for years to come.


Book Description

Winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize (2002) Stunning and masterful in its execution, Eunoia is a five-chapter book in which each chapter is a univocal lipogram. The word ‘eunoia,’ which literally means ‘beautiful thinking,’ is the shortest word in English that contains all five vowels. Directly inspired by the Oulipo (l’Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle), a French writers’ group interested in experimenting with different forms of literary constraint, Eunoia is a five-chapter book in which each chapteris a univocal lipogram – the first chapter has A as its only vowel, the second chapter E, etc. Each vowel takes on a distinct personality: the I is egotistical and romantic, the O jocular and obscene, the E elegiac and epic (including a retelling of the Iliad!). Stunning in its implications and masterful in its execution, Eunoia has developed a cult following, garnering extensive praise and winning the Griffin Poetry Prize. The original edition was never released in the U.S., but it has already been a bestseller in Canada and the U.K. (published by Canongate Books), where it was listed as one of the Times’ top ten books of 2008. This new edition features several new but related poems by Christian Bok and an expanded afterword. 'Eunoia is a novel that will drive everybody sane.' —Samuel Delany 'Eunoia takes the lipogram and rendersit obsolete.' —Kenneth Goldsmith 'A marvellous, musical texture of rhymes and echoes.' —Harry Mathews 'An exemplary monument for 21st century poetry.' —Charles Bernstein 'Bök's dazzling word games are the literary sensation of the year.' —The Times 'A resounding success ... brilliant.' —The Guardian 'Brilliant ... beautiful and strange.' —Today Programme, BBC Radio 4 'Impressive.' —Sunday Telegraph 'No mere Christmas stocking filler for Countdown fans. Rather, it's an ingenious little novel ... playful and irreverent ... charming.' —Metro

Milton's Loves

Book Description

This book is about the multiple loves of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained: sanctioned loves and outlawed loves, sincere loves and false loves, Christian loves, classical loves, humanist loves, and love as emotion. In showing how these loves motivate the most significant actions of the Paradise epics, it reveals Milton to have made creative use of the tensions between philosophical ideals, social conventions, and the rather messier ways in which love emerges in practice. Love, so central to Milton’s view of Edenic joy and obedience to God, unsettles earthly and heavenly communities and is the origin of Miltonic transgression. Milton’s Loves sheds new light on some of the most prominent concerns of Milton scholarship, including why Milton’s God is so difficult for readers to connect to, Satan’s apparent heroism, Milton’s radical theology, and the nature of Milton’s muse. It is a book that will appeal to students and scholars of Milton and early modern studies more broadly and is structured in a way that will aid easy reference.

The Retrieval of Ethics

Book Description

Talbot Brewer presents an invigorating new approach to ethical theory, in the context of human selfhood and agency. The first main theme of the book is that contemporary ethical theorists have focused too narrowly on actions and the discrete episodes of deliberation through which we choose them, and that the subject matter of the field looks quite different if one looks instead at unfolding activities and the continuous forms of evaluative awareness that carry them forward and that constitute an essential element of those activities. The second is that ethical reflection is itself a centrally important life activity, and that philosophical ethics is an extension of this practical activity rather than a merely theoretical reflection upon it. Brewer's approach is founded on a far-reaching reconsideration of the notions of the nature and sources of human agency, and particularly of the way in which practical thinking gives shape to activities, relationships and lives. He contests the usual understanding of the relationship between philosophical psychology and ethics. The Retrieval of Ethics shows the need for a new contemplative vision of the point or value of human action — without which we will remain unable to make optimal sense of our efforts to unify our lives around a tenable conception of how best to live them, or of the yearnings that draw us to our ideals and to each other.

Living Together

Book Description

"Essays on Aristotle's "hylomorphism" - i.e., his conception of an organism's body as standing to its soul as matter (hulê) to form (morphê). Common readings - that there is only one form per species and that matter is what distinguishes individuals within a species from one another - are rejected in favor of the view that each member of a biological species has its own numerically distinct form. Original grounds are given for Aristotle's conception of soul as "the form and essence" of an organic body: he thinks it needed to account for the distinction between generation and destruction simpliciter and the mere alteration of existing stuff. The compatibility of this with Aristotle's conception of matter as the substratum of coming-to-be and passing-away is defended by appeal to a distinction between functionally defined organic parts (such as eyes) and the elements that constitute them. An original reading of the perceiving part of soul as one with the desiring part is given and asymmetries afforded by Aristotle's teleology explored. "Normative" cases (where formal explanations dominate) are contrasted with "defective" ones (where matter is incompletely "mastered" by form), with special attention to akratic subjects: their desires are not fully mastered by practical reason, which stands in normative cases as form to matter. The role played by Aristotle's conception of soul in his account of rational agency is employed against the dogma that he lacked the allegedly "modern" conception of "self" found in Locke and an original reading of Locke's account of personal identity is developed"--

Love: An evergoing evolution

Book Description

Do you believe in love? Some might say yes, and some no. But deep inside we all know it’s real and crave for someone who’s gonna stand side by side no matter what. Love is the bridge between you and everything. Love- An evergoing evolution pens down the feelings and emotions experienced by the 26 co-authors through different walks of their lives. It shows how important love is, no matter if it’s self-love or we receive it from someone cause in the end it’s something we experience from within.

Bronze and Sunflower

Book Description

A beautifully written, timeless tale by Cao Wenxuan, best-selling Chinese author and 2016 recipient of the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award. Sunflower is an only child, and when her father is sent to the rural Cadre School, she has to go with him. Her father is an established artist from the city and finds his new life of physical labor and endless meetings exhausting. Sunflower is lonely and longs to play with the local children in the village across the river. When her father tragically drowns, Sunflower is taken in by the poorest family in the village, a family with a son named Bronze. Until Sunflower joins his family, Bronze was an only child, too, and hasn’t spoken a word since he was traumatized by a terrible fire. Bronze and Sunflower become inseparable, understanding each other as only the closest friends can. Translated from Mandarin, the story meanders gracefully through the challenges that face the family, creating a timeless story of the trials of poverty and the power of love and loyalty to overcome hardship.

Enter the Kingdom

Book Description

Although many moral systems have been developed across history, Enter the Kingdom goes far beyond understanding virtue simply as the means to achieve moral goodness. It is a full presentation of the uniqueness of Christian virtue. Although the Christian virtues are rooted in natural virtues, they are distinct in two ways. First, Christian virtues can only be known as gifts of grace. Second, Christian virtues enable people of faith to enter deep intimacy with God. Enter the Kingdom has a chapter on each of twelve virtues that most enhance Christian spiritual formation. All twelve virtues are grounded in Scripture and Christian tradition. Some, incorporating spiritual concepts that are impossible to translate precisely into English, are presented under their original Greek names. They are humility, faith, hope, agape, apatheia, peace, kindness, generosity, purity of heart, praos, upomone, and wisdom. The final chapter, “The Way Home,” presents a pattern of spiritual formation designed to move a person of faith from a state of sin and alienation to a state of grace and intimacy with God. An “Addendum” lays out a prayer discipline, which will enable a person of faith to fully embrace Christian virtue.

Pathways of Peace and Being Essence: Keys to the Kingdom

Book Description

PATHWAYS OF PEACE - In order to move to the next prophesied level we need to unify in love and focus on paradigms that honour and respect all life. There is no mystery to the experience of Divinity; the workings of energy fields are quite simple. What we focus on grows, we all know this. Some say that it is time also now to focus on pathways of peace, on things that bind and unify us, a new operating system. The question is, can we all go beyond all current day struggle to experience inner and outer lasting peace? And if so, how? Is there a science or a system we can use for planetary refinement into peace? Is there a step by step process that we can adopt? The answer is yes and so we welcome you now to the poetic insights and pragmatics of our paths of peace. BEING ESSENCE - In Being Essence, the second part of this book, Jasmuheen shares of her lifelong love affair with her Essence with Its ability to nourish us and bring our world into a state of permanent peace.