World Economic Historical Statistics

Book Description

Since the earliest of times, human beings have endeavored to uncover the causes of prosperity. History is the best tool that society possesses for identifying and analyzing the factors that contribute to economic growth; yet economic statistics that lend

Géopolitique et mondialisation

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Minicars, Maglevs, and Mopeds

Book Description

This book provides a fascinating look at the amazing diversity of forms of travel and transport around the world today in the context of cultures, politics, economics, and environment of a place. Across the timeline of human history, transportation has played a role in the migration of people and information, nation-building, economic development, environmental alteration, access to and the use of resources, and even the fall of civilizations. This single-volume reference presents more than 150 entries that describe the most up-to-date surface transport technologies and routes in use on every continent, including a broad range of road vehicles, railroads, person-powered vehicles, and even animals used for transportation. The book melds transportation geography with culture, politics, economics, and environment of place in its coverage of vehicles, transportation technologies, and some of the most famous streets, rail systems, and highways from around the world. The entries are written by transport geography scholars to be accessible to general readers without technical backgrounds. Each entry incorporates cross references that allow readers to easily find related entries, making the book ideal for conducting specific research or completing school projects.

L’Europe et ses Populations

Book Description

ET VUES D'ENSEMBLE SUR L'EUROPE GENESE, CARACTERISTIQUES ET CONTEXTES MORAUX DU PRESENT OUVRAGE versite de Caen fut excellent. On aurait aime L'elaboration d'un dictionnaire des populations pouvoir y poursuivre sa carriere. Mais des que de l'Europe est citee au nombre des motifs donnes dans le decret ministeriel date du 20 juin 1960 l'Universite de Rouen fut fondee, Le Havre etant officialisant une societe scientifique fondee au de son ressort, cet Institut de psychologie des Havre, au cours de l'hiver 1937-1938, vivant sous peuples y fut necessairement transfere. I1 apparut le regime de la loi sur les associations de 1901 vite que l'apport fait ci cette toute nouvelle uni et denommee Institut havrais de sociologie econo versite ne pouvait etre evalue comme une richesse mique et de psychologie des peuples. Les deux au suscitant beaucoup d'interet. I1 fallait se contenter tres motifs de l'officialisation, c'etaient l'existence d'un succes d'estime pour une revue de psycho logie des peuples dont le rayonnement avait pu ci maintenir de la Revue de psychologie des peuples s'etendre ci une soixantaine de pays etrangers et qui, parvenue ci cette epoque ci sa quinzieme annee, I qui, grace ci quelques collaborations de la plus avait dejci largement fait ses preuves, et le lance ment de Cahiers de sociologie economique dont haute valeur, fournissait les premiers efforts pour deux numeros etaient dejci parus, devancant l'an hisser ci un niveau scientifique notre discipline de.


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Maps and Politics

Book Description

Do maps accurately and objectively present the information we expect them to portray, or are they instead colored by the political purposes of their makers? In this lively and well-illustrated book, Jeremy Black investigates this dangerous territory, arguing persuasively that the supposed "objectivity" of the map-making and map-using process cannot be divorced from aspects of the politics of representation.

Report of the Session

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Bibliographie mensuelle

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