European Journal of Psychoanalysis 28

Book Description

AVATARS OF THE CINEMA: Slavoj i ek, Avatar: An Exercise in Politically-Correct Ideology; Sergio Benvenuto, Avatars of Otherness; Cristiana Cimino, The Gaze on the Real: Marco Bechis's Political Poetics. LACAN AGAIN: Uri Hadar, The Analysis of the Real; Antonello Sciacchitano, Lacan, Subject, Object. REVIEWS: Christopher Bollas, The Evocative Object World, by Antonello Correale; Ruth Leys, From Guilt to Shame: Auschwitz and After, by Janet Thormann; Didier Fassin, Richard Rechtman, L'Empire du traumatisme. Enquete sur la condition de victime, by Cristiana Cimino; Lorenzo Chiesa, Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan, by Tom Eyers."

Jep European Journal of Psychoanalysis N 30

Book Description

PERVERSION: Elizabeth Roudinesco, Some Facets of Perversion; Sergio Benvenuto, Perversions Today. THE BODY AND THE REAL: Adrian Vodovosoff, The Suffering Subject Faced with Advances in Science and Medical Technique. Ethics, Thought, Humanity; Oren Gozlan, The "Real" Time of Gender; Viktor Mazin, Techniques for Masturbating. The Impossible Sexual Relationship as Prescribed by Gaspar Noe's Film We Fuck Alone. PASOLINI & FIREFLIES: Jean Paul Curnier, The Disappearance of the Fireflies; Cristiana Cimino, Witnesses of Desire. REVIEWS: Claudia Frank, Melanie Klein in Berlin - Her First Psychoanalyses of Childer, by Ayelet Hirshfeld; Roger Frie and Donna Orange (editors), Beyond Postmodernism, New Directions in Clinical Theory and Practice, by Raul Moncayo."

European Journal of Psychoanalysis 26/27

Book Description

The privileged link psychoanalysis has to spoken languages does not necessarily facilitate communication among analysts and psychotherapists of different mother tongues. The JEP European Journal of Psychoanalysis - which has been published since 1995 - seeks to overcome these linguistic barriers. It introduces the English reader to important European authors, as well as to authors of, for example, Latin American countries, whose paradigms are close to European "styles." Anyway the JEP European Journal of Psychoanalysis will publish not only translations, but also papers by English-speaking contributors whose works are close to European currents. The journal is not the official organ of any particular school. Material is chosen solely in terms of quality, originality and relevance to international debates in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic fields. Similarly, significant, hard-to-pigeonhole authors and works falling outside any particular trend are also presented. The JEP European Journal of Psychoanalysis presents debates and trends within psychoanalysis and other related fields (including philosophical, anthropological, literary and historical contributions). Psychoanalysis has practical, ethical, and theoretical implications relevant not only to clinical practice, but also to politics and social policy, philosophy, cultural studies and the social sciences. This is why JEP has included papers by many authors who work (exclusively or also) in fields other than psychoanalysis, as well as authors mainly involved in clinical practice such as N. Braunstein, H. Bresheet, C. Castoriadis, V. Crapanzano, J. Cremerius, J. Derrida, F. Dolto, R. Girard, B. Grunberger, H. Kachele, O. Kernberg, B. Kilborne, J. Kristeva, P. Lacoue-Labarthe, J. Laplanche, S. Leclaire, J.-F. Lyotard, R. Major, I. Matte Blanco, J.-L. Nancy, D. Nobus, G. Obeyesekere, M. Perniola, P. Roazen, R. Rorty, E. Roudinesco, J. Searle, P. Valesio, F. Varela, G. Vattimo, J.-P. Vernant, Paul L. Wachtel, Y. H. Yerushalmi, S. i ek, etc. The journal provides an international forum for the exploration of the frontiers of psychoanalytic inquiry, giving voice to diverse perspectives, research, and clinical practice which link and transform the many partial understandings."

Research Methodology

Book Description

Herman Aguinis′s Research Methodology provides a comprehensive guide to conducting high-impact empirical research. A valuable resource for all researchers, it offers step-by-step explanations of diverse methodologies with practical guidelines. This text aids readers in selecting compelling topics, reporting results, and evaluating published research.

Jep European Journal of Psychoanalysis 32

Book Description

SPECIAL ISSUE: Lacan and Philosophy: The New Generation Lorenzo Chiesa, Editorial Introduction. Towards a New Philosophical-Psychoanalytic Materialism and Realism Alenka Zupan i, Realism in Psychoanalysis Felix Ensslin, Accesses to the Real: Lacan, Monotheism, and Predestination Adrian Johnston, On Deep History and Lacan Michael Lewis, Structure and Genesis in Derrida and Lacan: Animality and the Empirical Sciences Matteo Bonazzi, Jacques Lacan s Onto-graphy Guillaume Collett, The Subject of Logic: The Object (Lacan with Kant and Frege) Raoul Moati, Metapsychology of Freedom: Symptom and Subjectivity in Lacan Lorenzo Chiesa, Wounds of Testimony and Martyrs of the Unconscious: Lacan and Pasolini contra the Discourse of Freedom Justin Clemens, The Field and Function of the Slave in the Ecrits Oliver Feltham, The School and the Act "

Jep European Journal of Psychoanalysis 31

Book Description

SCHREBER REVISITED Zvi Lothane, The Legacies of Schreber and Freud - Shmuel Hazanovitz, Schreber's Psychosis Revisited: A Look into the Function of Passion in the Emergence of Psychosis - Bernd Nitzschke, Solution and Salvation. Daniel Paul Schreber's "Cultivation of Femininity" - Galina Hristeva, "Homo Homini Deus." Freud as a Religious Critic in "Psycho-Analytic Notes on an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides)" - Andre Bolzinger, Freud's Affectionate Regard for Schreber - Andrea Wald, On a Breakdown in Science: The Paranoid's World and the Baroque - Francois Sauvagnat, Eight Forms of Realities in the Schreber Case"

Worldly Spirits, Extra-Human Dimensions, and the Global Anglophone Novel

Book Description

Engaging a diverse range of contemporary anglophone literature from authors of the Asian, Middle Eastern and Caribbean diasporas, this book explores how such works turn to spirit forces, spirit realms and spirit beings - were-animals, mystical birds, and snake goddesses - as positive forces that assert perceptual dimensions beyond those of the human, and present a vision of Earth as agentive and animate. With previous scholarship downplaying these aspects of modern works as uncanny hauntings or symptoms of capitalism's or anthropocentrism's destructiveness, or within a blanket rubric of 'magical realism', Hilary Thompson rejects this partitioning of them as products of an exotic East or global South. By contrast, this book builds a new critical framework for analysis of worldly spirits, drawing on anthropological discussions of animism, the newly recovered 1930s boundary-crossing art movement Dimensionism, and multispecies theories of animals' diverse perceptual worlds. Taking stock of novels published from 2018-2020 by such writers as Amitav Ghosh, André Alexis, Yangsze Choo, Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, Zeyn Joukhadar, and Tanya Tagaq, Thompson illuminates how these works extend an ecological call to decentre the human and align with multidimensional theories of art and literature to provide ways to read for rather than reduce the extra-human dimensions emerging in contemporary fiction. A refreshing rejection of ecological apocalypticism, this book unsettles typical conceptualizations of both anglophone and Anthropocene literatures by invoking European art theory, philosophy, and non-Western ideas on animism and spirits to put forward perceptions of the extra-human as a form of dealing with the many uncertainties of today's different crises.

Postcolonial Theory and Avatar

Book Description

The Film Theory in Practice series fills a gaping hole in the world of film theory. By marrying the explanation of a film theory with the interpretation of a film, the volumes provide discrete examples of how film theory can serve as the basis for textual analysis. The second book in the series, Postcolonial Theory and Avatar offers a concise introduction to postcolonial theory in jargon-free language and shows how this theory can be deployed to interpret James Cameron's high-grossing, immensely popular, and critically acclaimed 2009 film. Avatar is widely celebrated for its politically and culturally sensitive critique of the “West's” neocolonial wars and exploitation of the “global south” – an allegory for (neo)colonialism – and for highlighting the plight of tribal communities throughout the world (for instance, the case of the Dongriah Kondh tribe of India). At the same time, it has been also criticized for repeating the colonialist fantasy of saving natives doomed by imperialist aggression. Intervening in this debate over how to read the film, Basu Thakur focuses on issues of representations, discourse, subalternity, and subjectivity, all of which have been central to postcolonial theory and postcolonial analyses of culture. This history will help students and scholars who are eager to learn more about this important area of theory and bring the concepts of postcolonial theory into practice through a detailed interpretation of the film.

Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)

Book Description

Get the latest on the controversies of the sexual and gender diagnoses contained in the current DSM The revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is an ongoing process, and changes in criteria or terminology can have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): A Reevaluation provides a range of viewpoints from noted authorities on gender and sexuality issues presently included in the DSM. Arguments for or against revisions of various gender and sexual diagnoses are presented-some may have repercussions regarding insurance reimbursement and patient access to care. This book is certain to raise questions for mental health professionals interested in how cultural influences affect psychiatric diagnoses. Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) reviews those controversial gender issues previously seen as being a disorder. The book critically evaluates the medical, psychotherapeutic, and civil rights issues in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of GID in children, adolescents, and adults, and presents evidence and debates for its exclusion from the next DSM. Arguments for and against removal of paraphilias from the DSM are explored in detail. Finally, sexual pain criteria for diagnoses are examined, reviewing the latest studies that support or criticize the view that dyspareunia and vaginismus may be better classified as a pain disorder. Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) presents controversial debate from experts such as: Robert Spitzer, MD Charles Moser, MD, and Peggy J. Kleinplatz, PhD Walter O. Bockting, PhD, and Randall Ehrbar, PsyD Kelley Winters, PhD Arlene Istar Lev, CSW-R, CASAC Paul Jay Fink, MD and other respected authorities! Sexual and Gender Diagnoses of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is thought-provoking, enlightening reading for psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health workers, epidemiologists, researchers, educators, and students.

Viral Critique

Book Description

This book brings together papers that employ postfoundational theory to critically investigate the social, political, economic and ecological dynamics and power structures that shaped Western democracies, non-Western societies and international politics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted not only social relations and personal lives across the globe, but also the landscape of postfoundational theory. Giorgio Agamben, one of its most prominent figures, attracted harsh criticism for his suggestion that the pandemic was nothing but an invented tool of state power. In the face of a collectively experienced emergency, it seemed tempting to forgo critical questioning in favour of taking action on a manifestly real, viral threat. Resisting this temptation, this volume makes the case that COVID-19 has rendered postfoundational critique urgently necessary. The chapters collected here use postfoundational theory to unpack the pandemic’s global social event beyond dominant narratives of unprecedentedness, exception and necessity. The authors explore where the pandemic has actually altered political, social and economic dynamics. But they also highlight where divisions, inequalities and expropriation continued unchanged, or even reinforced, throughout and after the COVID-19 event. The chapters apply, scrutinise and re-work the writings of postfoundational thinkers from Jacques Derrida, Roberto Esposito and Gilles Deleuze to Jasbir Puar to both offer a better understanding of the pandemic’s social reality and to draw from it visions for a different post-pandemic future. Viral Critique will be a key resource for academics, researchers, and advanced students of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Economics and Cultural Studies. The chapters included in this book were originally published as a special issue of Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory.