Eustathius of Antioch

Book Description

This book argues for the importance of Eustathius of Antioch as a 'worthy representative' of the teachings of the Antiochene school of theology.

Christian Antioch

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive survey of the history and, more particularly, of the thought of Antioch from the second to the eighth centuries of the Christian era. Dr Wallace-Hadrill traces the religious background of Antiochene Christianity and examines in detail aspects of its intellectual life: the exegesis of scripture, the interpretation of history, philosophy, and the doctrine of the nature of God as applied to an understanding of Christ and man's salvation. The community at Antioch stressed history and literalism, in self-conscious opposition to the tendency to allegorise that prevailed at Alexandria. While insisting on the divinity of Christ, they were equally adamant that no other doctrine should be allowed to compromise their central belief that Jesus was really human.

The Theological Anthropology of Eustathius of Antioch

Book Description

This is a study of Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch from c.324 to c.327, a leading figure at the Council of Nicaea and opponent of Arianism. Sophie Cartwright considers in particular Eustathius' theological anthropology with chapters devoted to body and soul, the image of God, soteriology, and eschatology.

Two Ancient Christologies

Book Description

The purpose of this study is to examine the Christological teaching of the Alexandrine and the Antiochene theologians in the early history of Christian dogma with a view to showing that, in reality, they were both contending for the same fundamental truths, and that, in consequence, the conflict which raged between these two ancient schools of thought, and had as its outcome the break-up of the school of Antioch, is to be regarded as one of the major tragedies in the history of the Early Church.

The Theological Anthropology of Eustathius of Antioch

Book Description

This authoritative study explores Eustathius of Antioch's theological anthropology, offering insight into one of the most important thinkers of the early Arian controversy. Sophie Cartwright situates Eustathius' thought in relation to the early 'Arian' controversy, the Constaninian Revolution, the theological legacies of Irenaeus and Origen, and the philosophical commentary tradition. She also locates Eustathius within his historical context and provides a detailed overview of the sources for his complex and fragmented corpus. Eustathius' anthropology is indebted to a tradition shaped by the theology of Irenaeus, that had already come into conversation with Origen. Dr Cartwright suggests that Origen's own thought was indebted to Irenaeus but that he had a radically different cosmology; this shaped subsequent engagement with both thinkers. Eustathius' theology of embodiment draws on Irenaeus, in opposition to what he perceives as the Origenist and Platonist anthropology which, in his anti-Arian works, he associates with Eusebius of Caesarea. However, he is deeply indebted to Origen for his doctrine of Christ's human soul and, consequently, his wider psychology. He places humanity at a great distance from God and seeks to give humanity autonomous value, especially in his discourse on God's image. This represents one logical negotiation of the rejection of Origen's eternal intelligible world. Eustathius' divisive Christology offers a picture of Christ as the perfect human being that echoes Irenaeus' Adam-Christ typology, fleshed out by an Origenian discourse on Christ's human soul and infused with a keen awareness of the chasm between God and humankind. He proffers a doctrine of inherited sinfulness as an alternative to Origen's doctrine of the fall and looks to a corporeal eschatological kingdom ruled over by the human Christ; this eschatology probably reflects discomfiture with Constantine's role in the church.