Libraries in the early 21st century, volume 2

Book Description

Following the pattern of the first volume, the second volume of Libraries in the early 21st century: An international perspective extends the range of countries covered. Each chapter covers a different country and describes the modern history, development of libraries and library technology. The careful selection of countries achieves good representation of professional library work on all continents. This two-volume work represents an excellent contribution to international librarianship and allows comparative studies both at graduate and professional level.

Newspapers collection management: printed and digital challenges

Book Description

This volume offers presentations at the most recent events of the IFLA Newspapers Section (Santiago de Chile, May 2007 & Durban, August 2007). The Santiago International Newspaper Conference as the first of its kind, aimed at taking stock of the Latin American newspaper collection and analyzing current activities from the basics to sophisticated digitization and software technologies. Most presentations are offered in Spanish and English. This publication focuses on the key issues in newspaper librarianship - preservation and access - in which digitization is a very important tool. Este volumen ofrece las presentaciones aportadas a las sesiones más recientes de la Sección de Periódicos de la IFLA (en Santiago de Chile, Mayo de 2007, y en Durban, Agosto de 2007). La Conferencia Internacional sobre Periódicos celebrada en Santiago de Chile, en tanto que la primera de su especialidad, estuvo dedicada a revisar la situación de las colecciones de periódicos en Latinoamérica y analizar las necesidades y actividades actuales en este campo, que van desde los aspectos más básicos hasta la mayor sofisticación en digitalización y en el empleo de todo tipo de software. Para lograr que los resultados de este acontecimiento estén disponibles para la comunidad bibliotecaria en general, la mayor parte de las presentaciones incluidas están en español y en inglés. Esta publicación se centra en las cuestiones clave de la biblioteconomía en relación con los periódicos - conservación y acceso - para las que la digitalización constituye un instrumento muy importante. El volumen recoge tanto los desarrollos más recientes como los muchos retos que quedan por afrontar.

La evaluación de impacto en la práctica, Segunda edición

Book Description

La segunda edición del libro “Evaluación de impacto en la práctica†? es una introducción completa y accesible al mundo de las evaluaciones de impacto para los formuladores de políticas públicas y los profesionales del desarrollo. Publicado por primera vez en 2011, este libro ha sido utilizado ampliamente por las comunidades académicas y del desarrollo. El libro incorpora ejemplos de la vida real para introducir guías prácticas para el diseño y la implementación de evaluaciones de impacto. Los lectores podrán tener un conocimiento sólido sobre evaluaciones de impacto y las mejores formas de utilizarlas para diseñar políticas y programas basados en evidencia rigurosa. La versión actualizada cubre las técnicas más novedosas de evaluación de programas e incluye consejos prácticos, así como un conjunto ampliado de ejemplos y estudios de casos provenientes de problemáticas de desarrollo recientes. También incluye un nuevo material sobre la ética de la investigación y asociaciones para llevar a cabo evaluaciones de impacto. El libro está dividido en cuatro secciones: en la primera parte se analiza qué evaluar y por qué; en la segunda parte se presentan los principales métodos de evaluación de impacto; la parte tres aborda el tema de cómo administrar las evaluaciones de impacto; en la parte cuatro se revisa la etapa de muestreo de las evaluaciones de impacto y la recolección de datos. Además, los estudios de casos ilustran diferentes aplicaciones de las evaluaciones de impacto. El libro contiene enlaces a material instruccional complementario disponible en línea, incluyendo un caso aplicado, así como preguntas y respuestas. La segunda edición actualizada será un recurso valioso para la comunidad internacional del desarrollo, universidades, y aquellos formuladores de políticas públicas que buscan contar con una mejor evidencia en torno a lo que funciona en el mundo del desarrollo.

Putting Library Assessment Data to Work

Book Description

Effective library assessment is crucial for a successful academic library. But what do we mean by library assessment and how can it be used to improve the library service? This new book provides a practical guide for library administrators, managers and practitioners on how to make effective use of existing sources of information for assessment activities with the aim of improving academic library services. Putting Library Assessment Data to Work brings together key library assessment methodologies detailing how they can be used to improve an academic Library. The book takes common sources of data that academic libraries will already be collecting, and presents simple qualitative and quantitative techniques that can be used to evaluate and assess their services, both in detail and overall. The different assessment methods are presented from a practical perspective with a theoretical grounding, and include practical case studies to illustrate how the methodologies have successfully been applied. - The book includes coverage of: - The theoretical framework for assessment, its purpose and the tools and techniques used - Institutional, national and international student surveys and how they can be used to improve library service - The history and development of standardised library surveys (eg LibQUAL+®), how they have been used and their impact - The benefits of In house library surveys and case studies of where they gave been used - Library statistics, including standardised statistics sets and key performance indicators - Qualitative feedback in the library - Emerging techniques including UX - Taking a holistic approach to library assessment through advocacy and strategic planning This book will be essential reading for library and information service managers, administrators, assessment practitioners, educators and policy shapers. It will also be useful for students and researchers interested in library assessment.

Boosting the Knowledge Economy

Book Description

This book presents a comprehensive, international and up-to-date review of the key contributions of information services to the Knowledge Economy. Chapters contributed by experts in different areas of LIS focus on the crucial roles libraries, archives and museums are playing in their home institutions -private, public, non-profit-, as much as their impact on the economy and society as a whole. Boosting the Knowledge Economy: Key Contributions from Information Services in Educational, Cultural, and Corporate Environments has a particular interest in learning services, exploring principles and strategies for their implementation - from marketing strategy to analytics -, and covers implications for the LIS profession. - Provides new insights into the value of information services in the context of the Knowledge Economy - Presents an overview and analysis of cutting-edge practices in information services, with a particular focus on learning services and their particular contribution to LAMs' (Libraries, Archives, and Museums) brand awareness and to social capital building - Introduces a collaborative reflection on the role of information professionals at challenging times, with implications for the design of educational programs in the informationfield

Impact Evaluation in Practice;La Evaluación de Impacto en la Práctica

Book Description

This book offers an accessible introduction to the topic of impact evaluation and its practice in development. While the book is geared principally towards development practitioners and policymakers designing prospective impact evaluations, we trust that it will be a valuable resource for students and others interested in using impact evaluation. Prospective impact evaluations should be used selectively to assess whether or not a program has achieved its intended results, or to test alternatives for achieving those results. We consider that more and better impact evaluation will help strengthen the evidence base for development policies and programs around the world. If governments and development practitioners can make policy decisions based on evidence - including evidence generated through impact evaluation - our hope is that development resources will be spent more effectively, and ultimately have a greater impact on reducing poverty and improving people's lives. The three chapters in this handbook provide a non-technical introduction to impact evaluations, including “Why Evaluate” in Chapter 1, “How to Evaluate” in Chapter 2 and “How to Implement Impact Evaluations” in Chapter 3. These elements are the basic ‘tools' needed in order to successfully carry out an impact evaluation. From a methodological standpoint our approach to impact evaluation is largely pragmatic: we think that the most appropriate methods should be identified to fit the operational context, and not the other way around. This is best achieved at the outset of the program, through the design of prospective impact evaluation that can be built into the project's implementation. We argue that gaining consensus between key stakeholders and identifying an evaluation design that fits the political and operational context is as important as the method itself. We also believe strongly that impact evaluations should be upfront about their limitations and caveats. Finally, we strongly encourage policymakers and program managers to consider impact evaluations in a logical framework that clearly sets out the causal pathways by which the program works to produce outputs and influence final outcomes, and to combine impact evaluations with monitoring and selected complementary evaluation approach to gain a full picture of performance. This book builds on a core set of teaching materials developed for the “Turning Promises to Evidence” workshops organized by the office of the Chief Economist for Human Development (HDNCE) in partnership with regional units and the Development Economics Research Group (DECRG) at the World Bank.

Evaluaciones nacionales del rendimiento académico Volumen 2

Book Description

Desarrollo de pruebas y cuestionarios para una evaluación nacional del rendimiento académico es el segundo de esta serie diseñada para ayudar a desarrollar la capacidad de llevar a cabo evaluaciones técnicamente adecuadas de los niveles nacionales de rendimiento estudiantil. Presenta a los lectores las actividades ligadas al desarrollo de las pruebas de rendimiento académico, e incluye el desarrollo de un marco de evaluación, la redacción de ítems de tipo opción múltiple y respuesta construida, la realización de pruebas previas, la producción de cuadernillos de prueba y la calificación manual de los ítems. Una parte dedicada a la elaboración de los cuestionarios describe el diseño de los mismos, la redacción de las preguntas, la codificación de las respuestas y la vinculación del cuestionario con los datos de puntuación de la prueba. La parte final expone el desarrollo de un manual de administración de la prueba, la selección de administradores de las pruebas y los contactos con las escuelas muestreadas. El CD de acompañamiento contiene ejemplos de ítems procedentes de pruebas nacionales e internacionales, cuestionarios de muestra y manuales administrativos. El libro debe servir de recurso útil para todos aquellos interesados en las evaluaciones educativas, especialmente el personal dedicado a la realización de evaluaciones nacionales de rendimiento estudiantil.

Revista AIBDA

Book Description

Rethinking the Conceptual Base for New Practical Applications in Information Value and Quality

Book Description

Information value and quality can be considered an essential factor to evaluate both conceptual and practical contributions in organizational, technical, and scientific tasks and projects. It is important to effectively observe and implement these concepts in real organizational plans and efforts. Rethinking the Conceptual Base for New Practical Applications in Information Value and Quality discusses the re-evaluation of the conceptual base of information value and quality found in different forms of media; and how these concepts can be analyzed in real applications and business scenarios. This book is a vital reference source for scholars, practitioners, IT specialists, and students interested in information and knowledge management.