Evaluator Rating of Unit Performance in Field Exercises: A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis

Book Description

Statistical data analysis techniques were applied to expert judgments to explore systematic methods to incorporate expert military opinion into unit evaluation procedures. The research involved two related studies designed to define the major dimensions, or factors, that military judges use to assess unit performance in field exercises. In the first study, 15 military judges rated unit performance described in written narratives of 15 field exercises. These ratings were then analyzed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques to determine how many dimensions the judges used to evaluate performance. The second study attempted to define, or label, the dimensions obtained in the first study. To do this, a list of possible dimension-defining attributes (adjectives or descriptive phrases) was composed, a new group of 30 military judges ranked the 15 narratives with respect to how much each narrative was characterized by the attributes, and these ratings were used as input to a second MDS analysis. The results indicated that judges used only three dimensions to evaluate unit performance, and that the dominant dimension was quality of overall performance. Subsequent interpretive analyses suggested that the weaker two dimensions were use of indirect fire and use of TOWs; when the dominant quality-of-performance dimension was eliminated, however, the secondary dimensions were (a) leadership functions, including coordination of elements, command and control, and exercise of leader functions, and (b) tactical skills, including use of indirect fire, quality of tactical plan, and use of tanks.

Technical Report

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Improved Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) Methods for Unit Evaluation. Volume VI. Conventional ARTEP Missions and Engagement Simulations: An Examination of Options

Book Description

Differences between the philosophies and procedures of engagement simulation training methods and conventional ARTEP field exercises generate several issues if both are to be integrated into exercises where unit performance measurement and unit evaluation is desired. This report examines four issues: development of accurate, comprehensive criteria and measures of unit tactical performance; structure and functions of evaluator/controller teams for data collection and performance rating; reduction/integration of ES-generated data and conventional ARTEP Test and Evaluation Outline data; and use of collected data to establish training objectives and assess progress in training program. Primary audiences for this report are researchers and TRADOC personnel responsible for development of ES and ARTEP training/evaluation methodologies. (Author).

Using an Assessment Center to Predict Field Leadership Performance of Army Officers and NCOs

Book Description

"During 1973 and 1974, the U.S. Army Infantry School (USAIS) Assessment Center (ACTR) at Fort Benning, GA., tested 408 officers and NCOs who were students in USAIS leadership courses. Field leadership performance ratings for these assessees were then obtained at 6- and 18-month intervals following graduation and assignment to new units. Complete rating data was obtained at 6 months for 159 of the original assessees and at 6 and 18 months for 108 of these assessees. Correlations between these ratings at 6 and 18 months averaged .66 for the different assessee groups, indicating a substantial degree of reliability for the rating instrument. Field leadership performance at 6 months was predicted by items in entry interview, a paper and pencil test, and a Person Description Blank. Taken together, however, the results indicate only marginal utility for the USAIS ACTR for prediction of the field leadership performance of junior officers and NCOs. Typically, the more assessor time required for an assessee measure, the less chance that the score would predict field leadership."--Abstract.

Human Factors Testing and Evaluation

Book Description

Human factors measurement has characteristics that set it apart from psychological or engineering measurement and for that reason, human factors testing and evaluation deserves special treatment. The many excellent texts available in the behavioral area do not give an adequate picture of this topic, and this is particularly unfortunate because testing and evaluation (T&E) is an integral part of human-machine system design and operation. The emphasis in this book is on why and how to conduct such testing. One of its outstanding features is its pragmatism; based on his past experience in system testing, the author recognizes the difficulties that occur in testing and indicates how these may be overcome or minimized. Special attention has been paid to the context in which T&E is conducted. Although the book contains detailed procedures for performing T&E, the logic and the conceptual foundation of testing have not been overlooked. Comparisons are made with laboratory-centered experimentation. For those with research interests, the author points out the many research questions that can be answered by system testing. An illustrative case history of a T&E program for a fictional system has been included to provide ``real life'' context. Special problem areas in T&E are emphasized, in particular human error data collection, the evaluation of computerized systems and software, the measurement of maintenance technician and team performance; workload and training effectiveness testing. Special attention is also paid to environmental testing (e.g. temperature, lighting, noise, vibration, etc.). One chapter reviews all the relevant T&E literature including government documents that may not be readily available to the general reader. As part of the preparation for writing this text a survey was made of 45 distinguished T&E specialists in order to determine their characteristic T&E practices.The book will be useful not only to the human factors professional who specializes in T&E, but to all students and practitioners interested in human factors and work measurement.