The holy Bible

Book Description


Book Description

The Authorized Version of the Old Testament of 1611, Commonly referred to as the King James Bible. This printing includes the Epistle Dedicatory as well as the Translators to the Reader preface to the text. The New Testament is also available from us online as well.

Jesus Christ: Savior, Judge and King of the World

Book Description

This book, written in simple English, is targeted at everyone that can readthe scholarly, not-so-scholarly, and inquisitive-minded, persons. It should whet the appetite of the inquisitive minded, causing them to conduct further researches into numerous other aspects of the person and work of Jesus Christ. The book considers the sinfulness of mankind from his fall through the coming of the Savior, noting that sin is not the exclusive reserve of any particular people but of the whole of mankind. And the salvation that the gracious, almighty God offers through Jesus Christ alone is also to not just a few, but all who believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Prophet, Priest, and King. He is also Savior/Redeemer and Judge. He is Creator of the universe and the Mediator between God and man. There were prophets, but Jesus is the Son of God. There were priests and high priests who had to enter Gods presence in the holiest place with blood of an animal in their hands. But Jesus Christ is the Everlasting High Priest, who entered the presence of God with His own unblemished blood once for all and remains with God the Father in heaven, pleading our cause. There were/are kings also. But Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. There were, and are, judges. But Jesus Christ is the Righteous Judge that will on behalf of God the Father judge the living and the dead without favoritism or sentiments. He alone is the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. Jesus Christ shall soon return to set up his millennial kingdom on earth.