Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations

Book Description

This book presents the latest research and theory about organizational evolutionary change. It brings together the work of organization theorists who have played key roles in challenging the orthodox adaptation views that prevailed until the beginning of the 1980s. Joel A.C. Baum and Jitendra V. Singh emphasize hierarchy of evolutionary processes at the intraorganizational level, the organizational level, the population level, and the community level. Derived from a conference held at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations is organized in a way that gives order and coherence to what has been a diverse and multidisciplinary field.

Evolutionary Processes and Organizational Adaptation

Book Description

How do firms adapt? Is it through rational choice and intentionality, or rather a process of evolutionary dynamics? Using the ideas of Gregor Mendel as a touchstone, this book aims to construct a middle-ground between these two conceptions and provide a new framework for understanding the adaptive dynamics of organizations.

Evolutionary Dynamics

Book Description

At a time of unprecedented expansion in the life sciences, evolution is the one theory that transcends all of biology. Any observation of a living system must ultimately be interpreted in the context of its evolution. Evolutionary change is the consequence of mutation and natural selection, which are two concepts that can be described by mathematical equations. Evolutionary Dynamics is concerned with these equations of life. In this book, Martin A. Nowak draws on the languages of biology and mathematics to outline the mathematical principles according to which life evolves. His work introduces readers to the powerful yet simple laws that govern the evolution of living systems, no matter how complicated they might seem. Evolution has become a mathematical theory, Nowak suggests, and any idea of an evolutionary process or mechanism should be studied in the context of the mathematical equations of evolutionary dynamics. His book presents a range of analytical tools that can be used to this end: fitness landscapes, mutation matrices, genomic sequence space, random drift, quasispecies, replicators, the Prisoner’s Dilemma, games in finite and infinite populations, evolutionary graph theory, games on grids, evolutionary kaleidoscopes, fractals, and spatial chaos. Nowak then shows how evolutionary dynamics applies to critical real-world problems, including the progression of viral diseases such as AIDS, the virulence of infectious agents, the unpredictable mutations that lead to cancer, the evolution of altruism, and even the evolution of human language. His book makes a clear and compelling case for understanding every living system—and everything that arises as a consequence of living systems—in terms of evolutionary dynamics.

Variations in Organization Science

Book Description

If he were an assistant professor today, what work would social science giant Donald T. Campbell be doing in the field of organization science? Joel A. C. Baum and Bill McKelvey explore this question in Variations in Organization Science. This volume reveals and celebrates Campbell's many contributions to the field by presenting new variations that stem directly from his work. Rather than analyzing Campbell's work, chapter authors pursue additional implications and further applications of his perspective to organization science - some of which Campbell himself might have pursued if he were starting out as an assistant professor in 1999.

The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation

Book Description

Organizational change and innovation are central and enduring issues in management theory and practice. Dramatic changes in population demographics, technology, competitive survival, and social, economic, and environmental health and sustainability concerns means the need to understand how organizations repond to these shifts through change and innovation has never been greater. Why and what organizations change is generally well known; how organizations change is therefore the central focus of this Handbook. It focuses on processes of change — or the sequence of events in which organizational characteristics and activities change and develop over time — and the factors that influence these processes, with the organization as the central unit of analysis. Across the diverse and wide-ranging contributions, three central questions evolve: what is the nature of change and process?; what are the key concepts and models for understanding organization change and innovation?; and how should we study change and innovation? This Handbook presents critical evolving scholarship from leading experts across a range of disciplines, and explores its implications for future research and practice.


Book Description

(R)Evolution studies the adaptation of industrial organisations to the dynamics of the environment by drawing an analogy with evolutionary biology, by extensively studying literature in management science, and by case studies. These investigations have lead to the insight that companies might evolve slower than generally expected; they doubt the effect of reorganizations, as commonly practiced in industry. Additionally, this work proposes the model for the Innovation Impact Point, the model for the Dynamic Adaptation Capability, the model for Collaboration.

The Evolution and Maturation of Teams in Organizations: Theories, Methodologies, Discoveries & Interventions, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Publisher’s note: In this 2nd edition, the following article has been added: Shuffler ML, Salas E and Rosen MA (2020) The Evolution and Maturation of Teams in Organizations: Convergent Trends in the New Dynamic Science of Teams. Front. Psychol. 11:2128. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02128

Innovation, Organization and Economic Dynamics

Book Description

Conventional economic analysis of property rights in natural resources is too narrow and restrictive to allow for effective comparisons between alternative institutional structures. In this book, a conceptual framework is developed for the analysis of the