Examining the Association Between Leisure Coping Strategies and Mental Health Among College Students

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The purpose of this study was to examine how leisure coping strategies (companionship, palliative and mood enhancement) and alcohol behaviors influence depression and stress among college students. The main findings revealed that using leisure to enhance mood lead to lower depression scores. Alcohol behaviors had no influence on depression or stress. Stress was higher among females and Caucasian college students. Further research needs to investigate the relationship between unhealthy leisure and mental wellness as well level of involvement in leisure activities. The results reinforce the benefits of using leisure as a means to enhance mood and counter act the harmful effects of negative emotions related to depression.

College Students

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College students are subject to a massive input of stresses which require successful and ever-changing coping strategies. These stresses include inside and outside pressures by the world to succeed, financial worries, concerns about uncertain futures, social problems and opportunities since college is often the meeting place for future mates, and homework and tests in multiple and complex subjects requiring preparation and focus with often conflicting priorities. Unsuccessful coping often results in anxiety, heavy drinking, depression and a host of other mental health problems. This book presents new and important research in this important field.

Mental Health and Physical Activity Among Undergraduate College Students

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Anxiety and depression among college students is not a new topic but is one of increasing importance and relevance given the changes seen in the social, political, and professional environments of the United States. Students are faced with numerous daily stressors, academic and personal, that take a toll on their health and impact their success. For some students, this stress can be coupled with a diagnosis of anxiety or depression. At Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) alone, there has been an increase in the rates of reported diagnoses of anxiety and depression in the custom student health surveys from 2012 to 2016. In addition to mental health, physical activity among college students is a popular topic in many health-related fields. Physical activity is known to be related to mental health in that more physical activity is correlated with better mental health. The current study examined the association between mental health and physical activity. There was no significant association found between mental health and physical activity. However, binary logistic regression found several significant adjusted odds ratios between any mental health diagnosis and several covariates. Most notably, females had greater odds of having any mental health diagnosis than males and students identifying as Black non-Hispanic had lower odds of having any mental health diagnosis. The findings of the present study provide insight into the undergraduate population at SCSU and indicate areas for future research to be performed.

Leisure, Stress Coping, and Health in University Employees

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Stress is the main contributing risk factor in the development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes as well as mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. In particular, job stress may undermine the productivity, morale, relationships, and well-being of employees. Mounting research demonstrate that leisure can contribute to one's health and well-being by enhancing a stress coping mechanism. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate stress coping and health-promoting behaviors in conjunction with leisure by comparing three types of leisure (active, passive, and social). In addition, the associations between types of leisure motivation and types of leisure, personal attributes influencing types of leisure, and personal attributes moderating the impact of types of leisure motivation on active leisure, were examined. A cross-sectional study was conducted by distributing electronic surveys containing five instruments (Types of Leisure, Leisure Motivation, Coping Self-Efficacy, Perceived Stress, and Health-Promoting Behaviors) along with a demographic questionnaire to 3739 Southern Illinois University (SIU) full-time employees. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was used to provide the theoretical framework for this study. Perceived stress, coping self-efficacy, and health-promoting behaviors in conjunction with types of leisure were examined. SDT, which mainly posits human psychological well-being induced by fostering intrinsic motivation as opposed to extrinsic motivation, derived research questions with respect to the relationships between types of leisure, types of leisure motivation, and health-promoting behaviors. In addition, the influences of types of leisure motivation on alleviation of perceived stress were examined by comparing the types of leisure (active, passive, and social). For the demographic variables, the influences of personal attributes such as age and BMI on types of leisure were examined. Lastly, whether perceived health status moderates the effect of the type of leisure motivation on active leisure was investigated. Demographic data showed that out of 605 (N = 605) who participated in the survey, 448 participants completed all the survey questions. Statistical analyses which employ descriptive, Pearson correlation, simple/simultaneous regression, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed to investigate the research questions. The analyses revealed that all three types of leisure (active, passive, and social) were positively correlated with each other, coping self-efficacy, health-promoting behaviors and negatively correlated with perceived stress. Also, coping self-efficacy significantly predicted health-promoting behaviors as well as perceived stress. With respect to the associations between types of leisure motivation and types of leisure, intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation had the strongest significant association with active leisure. Intrinsic leisure motivation toward knowledge had the strongest significant association with passive leisure. Extrinsic leisure motivation identified had the strongest significant association with social leisure. With regard to types of leisure motivation influencing perceived stress, intrinsic leisure motivation toward external regulation was the strongest significant predictor for elevated levels of perceived stress even after taking into account intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation and extrinsic leisure motivation identified. In addition, extrinsic leisure motivation identified significantly predicted lowered levels of perceived stress. With regard to the association between types of leisure motivation and health-promoting behaviors, extrinsic leisure motivation identified had the strongest significant association with health-promoting behaviors. For the demographic variables in conjunction with types of leisure, females exhibited a significantly higher score on social leisure than males and education levels influenced active leisure, indicating that employees with a master's degree had a significantly higher score on active leisure than those with bachelor's degree or some college/high school diploma. Perceived health status significantly predicted active leisure, indicating that university employees with higher levels of perceived health status were more likely to participate in active leisure than those with lower levels of perceived health status. Lastly, the interaction between perceived health status and intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation was significant, indicating that the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation on active leisure differed depending on perceived health status. In other words, the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation was significantly greater in university employees with low perceived health status as compared to those with high perceived health status. This study seems to be meaningful in suggesting that leisure can be a contributing factor for health possibly through reducing perceived stress and enhancing health behaviors. Also, meaningful engagement in leisure may play a role as an effective stress coping strategy, which may lead to long term health-promoting behaviors by fostering intrinsic motivation. Personal attributes such as age, BMI, education level, and perceived health status may impact participating in active leisure. Furthermore, perceived health status may moderate the impact of intrinsic leisure motivation toward stimulation on active leisure. Further research comparing types of leisure impacting stress and health behaviors with more well-refined types of leisure scale is warranted.

Stress and Mental Health of College Students

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College students are subject to a massive input of stresses which require successful and ever-changing coping strategies. These stresses include inside and outside pressures by the world to succeed, financial worries, concerns about uncertain futures, social problems and opportunities since college is often the meeting place for future mates, and homework and tests in multiple and complex subjects requiring preparation and focus with often conflicting priorities. Unsuccessful coping often results in anxiety, heavy drinking, depression and a host of other mental health problems. This new book presents new and important research in this important field.

Examining the Relationship Among Physical Activity, Stress, Depression, and Anxiety in College Students

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Mental health challenges have been steadily increasing around college campuses, with consistent findings pointing to ethnic minorities and low socioeconomic groups adversely affected and needing more support than their counterparts. On the other end, physical activity (PA) has consistently been associated with positive mental health outcomes. Therefore, further understanding the relationship among race, socioeconomic status, and PA, as well as college students personal experiences on campuses, is of great importance to improve college student well-being. This two-study dissertation sought to address these relationships. Study 1 evaluated differences in mental health across race, parental education (proxy for SES) and PA. Student obstacles to using on-campus mental health and PA resources were examined in a mixed methods design. Most of the data was collected prior to the establishment of COVID-19 restrictions at a large Midwest university. Mental health levels were anticipated to vary between the variables of race, parental education, and PA, which was partially supported. Results showed that low SES participants had significantly higher levels of depression, while PA was associated with lower levels of anxiety and stress.Study 2 sought to replicate findings of study 1 and test the relationships within the context of a diathesis-stress model that includes PA using an expanded sample of students drawn from a large Midwest university and a smaller East Coast university. In addition to replicating study 1 findings, study 2 yielded several themes that revealed common obstacles of college students and how they overcome those obstacles. The hypothesized relationship among race, SES, PA and mental health was partially supported. Specifically, participants whose parents or guardians had lower levels of education reported higher levels of anxiety, while there were significant differences in mental health across different levels of PA. The other goal of this study was to map the above relationship onto a PA moderating model, including variables of race, parental education, depression, stress, and anxiety, based on an adapted diathesis-stress model. This relationship was not supported by the data. Free response answers revealed interesting themes related to the college student experience and campus resources. Focus groups added to this through discussions on topics like the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health, and advice for future students. Data from study 2 was collected while COVID-19 pandemic restrictions were in place. Overall results expanded knowledge on the experience of COVID-19 on college campus and the interconnection between race, parental education, PA, and mental health. Further social relations were important for student wellbeing. Students' also shared obstacles they faced with the use of on campus mental health and other resources.


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Mental health issues are prevalent in the college population and may impact students' quality of life and wellbeing. Physical activity has been demonstrated to improve mental health in a variety of populations, including college students. A conceptually based physical activity course may be an educational opportunity for students. Students who strive to be physical active may recognize the positive impact that it can have on mental health. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between a conceptually based physical activity course and college students' mental health. The conceptual basis of this course is to explain what components make up physical activity or exercise, how it affects the human body, and the importance of developing a lifetime physical activity plan. Mental health was operationally defined as stress, mental well-being, and quality of life. METHODS: The 16 - week study took place over Fall 2019. Participants (n = 94) completed online questionnaires for both pre and post course measurements that examined physical activity levels, perceived stress, quality of life, and overall mental health. Physical activity levels were measured subjectively and examined by a 7-Day IPAQ Recall (short form). The Keyes' Mental Health Continuum (short form) addressed students' levels of anxiety and depression. The Quality of Life health survey (12 item) examined students' quality of life. The Perceived Stress Scale (10 item) examined students' stress levels. Descriptive statistics and repeated measures analysis of variance (RM - ANOVA) were used to compare pre and post course mental health scores and self- reported physical activity levels. Pearson correlations were used to determine the relationship between pre and post mental health outcome score. The measurement for effect size was Cohen's d. Statistical significance was set at p [less-than] 0.05. RESULTS: The undergraduate participants included (n = 94; 71.3% female; 71.3% Caucasian; 19.7 ± 1.3 years) 33% sophomores. The average BMI was 24.1 ± 8.4 kg/m2. On average, participants reported participating in 552.8.0 ± 1,298.3 MET minutes of moderate physical activity during the post data collection period, which was an increase of 21.8 MET minutes per week from the pre course period (p = 0.871; d = 0.019). Participants self - reported an average of 1,549.4 ± 2,188.4 MET minutes per week of vigorous activity before the course and only 1,121.6 ± 2,276.5 MET minutes post course (p = 0.119; d = 0.191). It was found that participants engaged in approximately 2,872.0 ± 2,930.8 MET minutes of total leisure activity on a weekly basis upon completion of the course, which was 1,338.7 less MET minutes than their prior active minutes before course (p = 0.001; d = 0.338). Participants scored lower on Keyes' Mental Health Continuum short form post course (M = 65.6 ± 13.8 pre, 63.3 ± 14.7 post; out of a possible total score of 84) but it did not represent any significance within this measured outcome (p = 0.099; d = 0.161). A higher score indicates a higher level of emotional well - being, and a lower score indicates a lower level of emotional or mental well - being. The correlation between pre and post course scores did reflect a moderate, positive association for overall mental well - being (r = .56**; p = 0.000; ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level - 2-tailed). Participants scored lower on the Quality of Life Short Form Health Survey post course, but it did not represent any significance between the pre - post change within this measured outcome (M = 31.4 ± 5.2 pre, 30.9 ± 4.4 post; p = 0.423; d = 0.103). A higher score indicates a better quality of life. The correlation between pre and post course scores did reflect a minor, positive association for students' quality of life (r = .10; p = .322). Participants did not report lower scores on the Perceived Stress Scale compared to their pre - course mean scores (M = 29.7 ± 5.8 pre, 29.7 ± 6.3 post; p = 1.00; d = 0). A higher the score indicates higher stress levels. The relationship between pre perceived stress and pre quality of life scores revealed a strong, positive association (r = .71, p = 0.000). CONCLUSION: Results suggest that students were less active post course with minimal change in mental health. Further examination of the effect of a physical activity course on mental health within the college population is warranted.

Stress and Coping: an Anthology

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Evaluated are stress causes and its effects, both physical and emotional. Also studied are coping and stress management techniques.

The Science of Real-Time Data Capture

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The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has designated the topic of real-time data capture as an important and innovative research area. As such, the NCI sponsored a national meeting of distinguished research scientists to discuss the state of the science in this emerging and burgeoning field. This book reflects the findings of the conference and discusses the state of the science of real-time data capture and its application to health and cancer research. It provides a conceptual framework for minute-by-minute data capture- ecological momentary assessments (EMA)- and discusses health-related topics where these assessements have been applied. In addition, future directions in real-time data capture assessment, interventions, methodology, and technology are discussed.Despite the rapidly growing interest in the methodology of real-time data capture (e.g. journal special issues, widely attended conference presentations, etc.), to date no single book has focused solely on this topic. The volume will serve as an important resource for researchers, students, and government scientists interested in pursuing real-time health research, and will nicely complement our lists in epidemiology, public health, and oncology.

Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications

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"No one is rich enough to do without a neighbor." Traditional Danish Proverb This bit of Danish folk wisdom expresses an idea underlying much of the current thinking about social support. While the clinical literature has for a long time recognized the deleterious effects of unwholesome social relationships, only more recently has the focus broadened to include the positive side of social interaction, those interpersonal ties that are desired, rewarding, and protective. This book contains theoretical and research contributions by a group of scholars who are charting this side of the social spectrum. Evidence is increasing that maladaptive ways of thinking and behaving occur disproportionately among people with few social supports. Rather than sapping self-reliance, strong ties with others particularly family members seem to encourage it. Reliance on others and self-reliance are not only compatible but complementary to one another. While the mechanism by which an intimate relationship is protective has yet to be worked out, the following factors seem to be involved: intimacy, social integration through shared concerns, reassurance of worth, the opportunity to be nurtured by others, a sense of reliable alliance, and guidance. The major advance that is taking place in the literature on social support is that reliance is being -placed less on anecdotal and clinical evidence and more on empirical inquiry. The chapters of this book reflect this important development and identify the frontiers that are currently being explored.