Experimental Study of Transitional Flow Behavior in a Simulated Low Pressure Turbine

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A detailed investigation of the flow physics occurring on the suction side of a simulated Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) blade was performed. A contoured upper wall was designed to simulate the pressure distribution of an actual LPT airfoil onto a flat lower plate. The experiments were carried out for the Reynolds numbers of 35,000, 70,000, 100,000 and 250,000 with four levels of freestream turbulence ranging from 1% to 4%. For the three lower Reynolds numbers, the boundary layer on the flat plate was separated and formed a bubble. The size of laminar separation bubble was measured to be inversely proportional to the freestream turbulence levels and Reynolds numbers. However, no separation was observed for the Re = 250,000 case. The transition on a separated flow was found to proceed through the formation of turbulent spots in the free shear layer as evidenced in the intermittency profiles for Re = 35,000, 70,000 and 100,000. Spectral data show no evidence of Kelvin-Helmholtz or Tollmien-Schlichting instability waves in the free shear layer over a separation bubble (bypass transition). However, the flow visualization revealed the large vortex structures just outside of the bubble and their development to turbulent flow for Re = 50,000, which is similar to that in the free shear layer (separated-flow transition). Therefore, it is fair to say that the bypass and separated-flow transition modes coexist in the transitional flows over the separation bubble for certain conditions. Transition onset and end locations and length determined from intermittency profiles decrease as Reynolds number and freestream turbulence levels increase. Sohn, Ki Hyeon and DeWitt, Kenneth J. Glenn Research Center NCC3-288...

Study of Boundary Layer Development in a Two-Stage Low-Pressure Turbine

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Experimental data from jet-engine tests have indicated that unsteady blade row interactions and separation can have a significant impact on the efficiency of low-pressure turbine stages. Measured turbine efficiencies at takeoff can be as much as two points higher than those at cruise conditions. Several recent studies have revealed that Reynolds number effects may contribute to the lower efficiencies at cruise conditions. In the current study numerical simulations have been performed to study the boundary layer development in a two-stage low-pressure turbine, and to evaluate the transition models available for low Reynolds number flows in turbomachinery. The results of the simulations have been compared with experimental data, including airfoil loadings and integral boundary layer quantities. The predicted unsteady results display similar trends to the experimental data, but significantly overestimate the amplitude of the unsteadiness. The time-averaged results show close agreement with the experimental data.Dorney, Daniel J. and Ashpis, David E. and Halstead, David E. and Wisler, David C.Glenn Research CenterJET ENGINES; TWO STAGE TURBINES; COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; BALDWIN-LOMAX TURBULENCE MODEL; BOUNDARY LAYER TRANSITION; TRANSITION FLOW; FLOW VISUALIZATION; BOUNDARY LAYER SEPARATION; SEPARATED FLOW; ROTOR BLADES (TURBOMACHINERY); TAKEOFF; CRUISING FLIGHT; COMPUTATIONAL GRIDS; NOZZLE FLOW; SKIN FRICTION; TURBINE BLADES; REYNOLDS NUMBER; FLOW CHARACTERISTICS; FLOW DISTRIBUTION

ASME Technical Papers

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Combined Effects of Reynolds Number, Turbulence Intensity and Periodic Unsteady Wake Flow Conditions on Boundary Layer Development and Heat Transfer of a Low Pressure Turbine Blade

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Detailed experimental investigation has been conducted to provide a detailed insight into the heat transfer and aerodynamic behavior of a separation zone that is generated as a result of boundary layer development along the suction surface of a highly loaded low pressure turbine (LPT) blade. The research experimentally investigates the individual and combined effects of periodic unsteady wake flows and freestream turbulence intensity (Tu) on heat transfer and aerodynamic behavior of the separation zone. Heat transfer experiments were carried out at Reynolds number of 110,000, 150,000, and 250,00 based on the suction surface length and the cascade exit velocity. Aerodynamic experiments were performed at Re = 110,000 and 150,000. For the above Re-numbers, the experimental matrix includes Tus of 1.9%, 3.0%, 8.0%,13.0% and three different unsteady wake frequencies with the steady inlet flow as the reference configuration. Detailed heat transfer and boundary layer measurements are performed with particular attention paid to the heat transfer and aerodynamic behavior of the separation zone at different Tus at steady and periodic unsteady flow conditions. The objectives of the research are (a) to quantify the effect of Tu on the aero-thermal behavior of the separation bubble at steady inlet flow condition, (b) to investigate the combined effects of Tu and the unsteady wake flow on the aero-thermal behavior of the separation bubble, and (c) to provide a complete set of heat transfer and aerodynamic data for numerical simulation that incorporates Navier-Stokes and energy equations. The analysis of the experimental data reveals details of boundary layer separation dynamics which is essential for understanding the physics of the separation phenomenon under periodic unsteady wake flow and different Reynolds number and Tu. To provide a complete picture of the transition process and separation dynamics, extensive intermittency analysis was conducted. Ensemble averaged maximum and minimum intermittency functions were determined leading to the relative intermittency function. In addition, the detailed intermittency analysis reveals that the relative intermittency factor follows a Gaussian distribution confirming the universal character of the relative intermittency function.