B- and D-meson Decay Constants from Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We calculate the leptonic decay constants of B_{(s)} and D_{(s)} mesons in lattice QCD using staggered light quarks and Fermilab bottom and charm quarks. We compute the heavy-light meson correlation functions on the MILC asqtad-improved staggered gauge configurations which include the effects of three light dynamical sea quarks. We simulate with several values of the light valence- and sea-quark masses (down to m̃_s/10) and at three lattice spacings (a ̃0.15, 0.12, and 0.09 fm) and extrapolate to the physical up and down quark masses and the continuum using expressions derived in heavy-light meson staggered chiral perturbation theory. We renormalize the heavy-light axial current using a mostly nonperturbative method such that only a small correction to unity must be computed in lattice perturbation theory and higher-order terms are expected to be small. We obtain f_{B+̂} = 196.9(8.9) MeV, f_{B_s} = 242.0(9.5) MeV, f_{D+̂} = 218.9(11.3) MeV, f_{D_s} = 260.1(10.8) MeV, and the SU(3) flavor-breaking ratios f_{B_s}/f_{B} = 1.229(26) and f_{D_s}/f_{D} = 1.188(25), where the numbers in parentheses are the total statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature.

Charmed Meson Decay Constants in Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

The authors present the first lattice QCD calculation with realistic sea quark content of the D-meson decay constant f{sub D+}. They use the MILC Collaboration's publicly available ensembles of lattice gauge fields, which have a quark sea with two flavors (up and down) much lighter than a third (strange). They obtain f{sub D+} = 201 ± 3 ± 17 MeV, where the errors are statistical and a combination of systematic errors. They also obtain f{sub D{sub s}} = 249 ± 3 ± 16 MeV for the D{sub s} meson.

The Decay Constants F(B) and F(D+) from Three-flavor Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We present new preliminary results for the leptonic decay constants f{sub B} and f{sub D+} determined in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD at lattice spacings a = 0.09, 0.12 and 0.15 fm. Results are obtained using the MILC Collaboration gauge configuration ensembles, clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab interpretation and improved staggered light quarks. Decay constants, computed at partially quenched combinations of the valence and sea light quark masses, are used to determine the low-energy parameters of staggered chiral perturbation theory. The physical decay constants are found in an extrapolation using the parameterized chiral formula.

Leptonic B- and D-Meson Decay Constants with 2+1 Flavors of Asqtad Fermions

Book Description

We present the status of our updated D- and B-meson decay-constant analysis, based on the MILC Nf =2+1 asqtad gauge ensembles. Heavy quarks are incorporated using the Wilson clover action with the Fermilab interpretation. This analysis includes ensembles at five lattice spacings from [alpha] ≈ 0.045 to 0.15 fm, and light sea-quark masses down to 1/20th of the strange-quark mass. Projected error budgets for ratios of decay constants, in particular between bottom- and charm-meson decay constants, are presented.

The Ds and D+ Leptonic Decay Constants from Lattice QCD.

Book Description

We present the leptonic decay constants f{sub D{sub s}} and f{sub D{sup +}} computed on the MILC collaboration's 2+1 flavor asqtad gauge ensembles. We use clover heavy quarks with the Fermilab interpretation and improved staggered light quarks. The simultaneous chiral and continuum extrapolation, which determines both decay constants, includes partially-quenched lattice results at lattice spacings a (almost equal to) 0.09, 0.12 and 0.15 fm. We have made several recent improvements in our analysis: (a) we include terms in the fit describing leading order heavy-quark discretization effects, (b) we have adopted a more precise input r1 value consistent with our other D and B meson studies, (c) we have retuned the input bare charm masses based upon the new r1. Our preliminary results are f{sub D{sub s}} = 260 ± 10 MeV and f{sub D{sup +}} = 217 ± 10 MeV.

Lattice QCD Calculations of Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays

Book Description

In lattice QCD, obtaining properties of heavy-light mesons has been easier said than done. Focusing on the B meson's decay constant, it is argued that towards the end of 1997 the last obstacles were removed, at least in the quenched approximation. These developments, which resulted from a fuller understanding and implementation of ideas in effective field theory, bode well for current studies of neutral meson mixing and of semileptonic decays.