Eyes of the Virgin

Book Description

Accused of the murders of her husband and sister, Kate Hudson is drawn into an international battle to control a piece of stained glass that conveys messages from God through the image of the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Eye

Book Description

The Virgin Eye inspires us to see the world anew through the innocent eyes of a child, so as to become more aware of God's presence in everyday life and encounters. Offering insights into contemplative prayer and mindfulness from a Christian perspective, this book is accessible to those at various points on their journey. Robin Daniels encourages us to prioritise the inner life and our relationship with God, making space for silence and solitude. He helps us to jettison the tired preconceptions and stale paradigms through which we see the world and isolate ourselves from others. Daniels demonstrates how we can put St Paul's challenging exhortation to 'pray without ceasing' into practice. He explores how we can turn suffering and trial into opportunity and growth, as we learn to see God, ourselves and other people with a pure heart and a pure eye.

Eyes of the Virgin [eBook - Biblioboard]

Book Description

The Prophecies––The eyes of the Virgin Mother gaze out of the piece of stained glass, their expression wise and protective. From time to time, the Virgin "blinks," and words appear in the glass-cryptic prophecies which the Vatican decodes and discloses, carefully. The Cabal––There are those outside the Church who believe that Mary's words will lead them to untold wealth and earthly power. They have stolen the glass, but not the code needed to unlock the prophecies. The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways––A bloody message scrawled by her dying sister pitches computer programmer Kate Harrison into a storm of conspiracies, assassinations, and espionage. Suspected of murdering her husband and her sister, Kate finds herself hunted by the police and the cabal alike. Can Kate's few allies keep her safe from the unstoppable assassin on her trail long enough for her to find the stolen glass? And what will she do with it once it is in her hands? Should anyone really know the future?

Lucy's Eyes and Margaret's Dragon

Book Description

In this magical retelling of the lives of thirteen saints, we meet Lucy, Margaret, and eleven other courageous young girls who chose purity as a shield against devils, dragons, and devious suitors and earned their halos the hard way. Wonderfully told and illustrated, this lovely gift book is a potent tribute to female strength throughout time and a beautiful book to read and share. 90 full-color illustrations.

The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia

Book Description

The creative partnership of acclaimed writer and academic Mary M. Talbot and graphic-novel pioneer Bryan Talbot has produced some of the most challenging and entertaining graphic novels in recent memory, including 2012's Costa Award medalist Dotter of Her Father's Eyes. The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia explores the life of revolutionary French feminist Louise Michel, a visionary teacher, poet, and radical who took up arms against a reactionary regime that executed thousands. Even deportation to a distant penal colony could not stop Michel from taking up the cause of the indigenous population against French colonial oppression.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Book Description

Nearly a decade after Spain's conquest of Mexico, the future of Christianity on the American continent was very much in doubt. Confronted with a hostile colonial government and Native Americans wary of conversion, the newly-appointed bishop-elect of Mexico wrote to tell the King of Spain that, unless there was a miracle, the continent would be lost. Between December 9 and December 12, 1531, that miracle happened, and it forever changed the future of the continent. It was then that the Virgin Mary famously appeared to a Native American Christian convert on a hilltop outside of what is now Mexico City. The image she left imprinted on his cloak or tilma has puzzled scientists for centuries, and yet Our Lady of Gudalupe’s place in history is profound. A continent that just months before the apparitions seemed completely lost to Christianity suddenly and inexplicably embraced it by the millions. Our Lady of Guadalupe's message of love replaced the institutionalized violence of the Aztec culture, and built a bridge between two worlds — the old and the new — that were just ten years earlier engaged in brutal warfare. Today, Our Lady of Guadalupe continues to inspire the devotion of millions. From Canada to Argentina — and even beyond the Americas — one finds great devotion to her, and great appreciation for her message of love, unity and hope. Today reproductions of the Virgin’s miraculous image can be seen throughout North and South America, in churches and homes, on billboards and even clothing apparel. Her shrine in Mexico City, where the miraculous image is housed to this day, is one of the most visited in the world. In Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of the Civilization of Love, Anderson & Chavez trace the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe from the sixteenth century to the present discuss of how her message was and continues to be an important catalyst for religious and cultural transformation. Looking at Our Lady of Guadalupe as a model of the Church and Juan Diego as a model for all Christians who seek to answer Christ's call of conversion and witness, the authors explore the changing face of the Catholic Church in North, Central, and South America, and they show how Our Lady of Guadalupe's message was not only historically significant, but how it speaks to contemporary issues confronting the American continents and people today.

Through Mary's Eyes

Book Description

Through Mary’s Eyes is an engaging story about the final days of the Blessed Virgin’s life on earth. During those days she tells others about her son, Jesus. She answers questions such as: How did John the Baptist survive the slaughter of the innocent babes? Why did an obedient twelve-year old son leave his parents for three days? How did Luke, who was not a Jew or an apostle, know so much about Jesus? Why was Jesus reluctant to perform his first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana? What did Mary experience when Jesus was being scourged? What did Mary do after Jesus ascended into heaven?”

Guadalupe Mysteries

Book Description

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the most beloved symbol of Mexican Catholicism, and devotion to her is widespread in the USA. While she has entranced and encouraged Mexican Catholics for several centuries, believers and even nonbelievers the world over are inspired and intrigued by her. Millions of pilgrims visit her shrine in Mexico City every year. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis have travelled there to pray for her motherly intercession. And scientists from many disciplines have studied the amazing attributes of her mysterious image. In this glorious, lavishly illustrated book, the renowned author-photographer team Grzegorz Górny and Janusz Rosikon take the reader on an illustrated pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe. They tell the amazing story of her apparition to Juan Diego in 1531 and its dramatic impact upon the destiny of an entire people. They interview the various experts on the image and reveal its symbolic messages, those of the past and those speaking to us today.

The Image of Guadalupe

Book Description

The world-renowned Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has mystified and evoked the adoration of millions since its first appearance in Mexico City in 1531. The origin of the Image has baffled believer and skeptic alike. In his unparallelled examination of the Guadalupe mystery, Professor Jody Brant Smith, equally sensitive to the demands of objectivity and reverence, diligently applies current techniques of scientific and historical scrutiny like that used in investigating the Shroud of Turin to determine if the Image is attributable to myth or miracle. Here he continues his discussion of the enigmatic origin and history of the Image and offers new insight from his career-long exploration of the Guadalupan mystery.

Virgin Eyes

Book Description