FAO Yearbook [of] Forest Products 2005

Book Description

The FAO "Yearbook of Forest Products" is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. This issue contains annual data on the production and trade of forest products for the years 2001-2005 and on the direction of trade in 2004 and 2005. - L' "Annuaire des produits forestiers" est un recueil de donnees statistiques sur les produits forestiers de base pour tous les pays et territoires du monde. Le present volume contient les chiffres annuels de la production et du commerce des produits forestiers pour la periode 2001-2005 et de la direction des echanges en 2004 et 2005. - El "Anuario FAO de productos forestales" es un compendio de datos estadisticos sobre los productos forestales basicos para todos los paises y territorios del mundo. Esta edicion contiene datos anuales sobre la produccion y el comercio de productos forestales para los anos 2001-2005 y sobre la direccion del comercio en 2004 y 2005."

الكتاب السنوي للمنتجات الحرجية | 粮农组织林产品年鉴 | FAO Yearbook of Forest Products | Annuaire FAO des produits forestiers | Ежегодник лесной продукции ФАО | Anuario FAO de productos forestales 2018

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains a series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing the direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available.

FAO Yearbook

Book Description

FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2016/ 粮农组织林产品年鉴/ Annuaire FAO des produits forestiers / Ежегодник лесной продукции ФАО/ Anuario FAO de productos forestales/ الكتاب السنوي للمنتجات الحرجية

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available.

FAO Yearbook

Book Description

Yearbook of Forest Products

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available.

Yearbook of Forest Products 2009

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available. L' Annuaire FAO des produits forestiers est un recueil de donnees statistiques sur les produits forestiers de base pour tous les pays et territoires du monde. Il contient les chiffres annuels concernant le volume de la production ainsi que le volume et la valeur du commerce. Des tableaux relatifs a la direction du commerce, qui montrent des courants commerciaux principaux, y sont inclus ainsi que des tableaux indiquant la valeur unitaire des echanges de certains produits. Les donnees se basent essentiellement sur des renseignements fournis par les pays en reponse aux questionnaires qui parviennent au Departement des forets de la FAO ou a des publications officielles. Lorsque ces renseignements font defaut, la FAO etablit des estimations a partir des meilleures informations dont elle dispose. El Anuario FAO de productos forestales es un compendio de datos estadisticos sobre los productos forestales basicos para todos los pates y territorios del Mundo. Se presentan datos anuales sobre el volumen de la produccidn y el volumen y valor del comercio. Se incluyen cuadros que muestran la dlreccion del comercio y el valor unitario del comercio de algunos productos. Los datos estadisticos se basan sobre todo en la informacion que los paises proporcionan al Departamento Forestal de Ia FAO a traves de cuestionarios o de publicaciones estadisticas oficiales. Cuando no se dispone de esta informaciOn, Ia FAO realiza estimaciones utilizando los mejores datos en su poder."

FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2017

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Forest Products is a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world. It contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information in the yearbook is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications. In the absence of official data, FAO makes an estimate based on the best information available.