Integrated Fault Seal Analysis

Book Description

Faults commonly trap fluids such as hydrocarbons and water and therefore are of economic significance. During hydrocarbon field development, smaller faults can provide baffles and/or conduits to flow. There are relatively simple, well established workflows to carry out a fault seal analysis for siliciclastic rocks based primarily on clay content. There are, however, outstanding challenges related to other rock types, to calibrating fault seal models (with static and dynamic data) and to handling uncertainty. The variety of studies presented here demonstrate the types of data required and workflows followed in today’s environment in order to understand the uncertainties, risks and upsides associated with fault-related fluid flow. These studies span all parts of the hydrocarbon value chain from exploration to production but are also of relevance for other industries such as radioactive waste and CO2 containment.

Faulting, Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Book Description

As hydrocarbon reserves have become depleted and the oil industry has become more competitive, the need to cut costs by optimizing production and predicting the occurrence of subtle traps has highlighted the importance of information on the way in which faults and fractures affect fluid flow. This volume aims to answer such questions as: are hydrocarbons likely to have migrated into (or out of) the trap?; what is the likely height of hydrocarbons that a fault can support?; is it likely that compartments which have not been produced exist within a field and will therefore require further drilling?

Traps and Seals: Structural

Book Description

Oil and Gas Traps

Book Description

"Discusses the morphology and development of a wide range of hydrocarbon trap situations, illustrating these whenever possible with good quality seismic examples and taking account of seismostratigraphic characteristics where these are relevant to the particular trap type. There is some general examination of morphological aspects of various classes of trap, accompanied in many instances by case-history examples from the literature. Although the accent is on North Sea traps, a large number of examples has been chosen from many areas worldwide."--Back cover.