
Book Description

El presente libro es un curso de actualización de filosofía de la ciencia. Su autor expone algunos de los problemas más candentes de la filosofía de las ciencias formales, naturales y sociales, así como de la ingeniería y la medicina. Obra dirigida especialmente al público hispanoamericano.

Filosofía de las ciencias humanas y sociales

Book Description

Estos Materiales están concebidos como una selección fundamental de textos para una iniciación en esta disciplina. Son un instrumento pedagógico que pone en manos del profesor y del alumno un conjunto de lecturas de los principales representantes y tendencias actuales de la Filosofía de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales.

La inapropiabilidad de la Tierra

Book Description

La Tierra está en estado crítico. La propiedad domina nuestro tiempo y también aumenta la desigualdad entre las sociedades del mundo. La Tierra no es solo la tierra, sino que también y fundamentalmente es el mundo habitable; pero está siendo continuamente destruida, el hombre la destruye. Es urgente pensar en ello y si la humanidad desea permanecer libre pensar en qué va a transmitir a las generaciones futuras. Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre otros desarrollos posibles, pero carecía de un principio que pudiera explicar el sentido filosófico de la vuelta que debemos tomar. Este es el tema de este libro, que tiene la intención de repensar el concepto de inapropiabilidad, nuestro ser en su relación con los demás, para la humanidad y el mundo de los vivos. Esta reforma tiene tres pilares (cosmopolitas, políticos y éticos) y viene a revisitar nuestra forma de vivir y actuar, individual y colectivamente. En última estancia, debemos superar el nihilismo contemporáneo y restaurar la esperanza en el futuro que no esté obsesionado con el fantasma del desastre.

Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift

Book Description

This volume has 41 chapters written to honor the 100th birthday of Mario Bunge. It celebrates the work of this influential Argentine/Canadian physicist and philosopher. Contributions show the value of Bunge’s science-informed philosophy and his systematic approach to philosophical problems. The chapters explore the exceptionally wide spectrum of Bunge’s contributions to: metaphysics, methodology and philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of physics, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of social science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of technology, moral philosophy, social and political philosophy, medical philosophy, and education. The contributors include scholars from 16 countries. Bunge combines ontological realism with epistemological fallibilism. He believes that science provides the best and most warranted knowledge of the natural and social world, and that such knowledge is the only sound basis for moral decision making and social and political reform. Bunge argues for the unity of knowledge. In his eyes, science and philosophy constitute a fruitful and necessary partnership. Readers will discover the wisdom of this approach and will gain insight into the utility of cross-disciplinary scholarship. This anthology will appeal to researchers, students, and teachers in philosophy of science, social science, and liberal education programmes. 1. Introduction Section I. An Academic Vocation (3 chapters) Section II. Philosophy (12 chapters) Section III. Physics and Philosophy of Physics (4 chapters) Section IV. Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind (2 chapters) Section V. Sociology and Social Theory (4 chapters) Section VI. Ethics and Political Philosophy (3 chapters) Section VII. Biology and Philosophy of Biology (3 chapters) Section VIII. Mathematics (3 chapters) Section IX. Education (2 chapters) Section X. Varia (3 chapters) Section XI. Bibliography

La Tierra no nos pertenece

Book Description

A lo largo de dos intensas jornadas, los filósofos Yves Charles Zarka y Enric Puig Punyet establecieron un diálogo socrático sobre el mundo contemporáneo a través del constante cruce entre disciplinas: política, estudios culturales, ecología, tecnología, lingüística y, por supuesto, filosofía. El diálogo parte de La inapropiabilidad de la Tierra, un «pequeño libro de principios» que significa para Yves Charles Zarka el punto de arranque para un análisis en diversos planos de nuestra relación con el mundo. A partir de ahí, surgen distintos senderos cruzados que abordan temas tan dispares como la relación entre naturaleza y cultura, la tensión entre identidad y migración, las repercusiones sociales de las tecnologías digitales, el papel de la Unión Europea, los derechos humanos, la resignificación del concepto de «monstruo» o las nuevas formas de terrorismo.

Book Description

Savage and civilized

Book Description

On a sunny January morning in 1833, through one of the Southern Channels of Tierra del Fuego, a British vessel sails alongside a smaller boat. The natives of the area, through screams and smoke, quickly communicate with each other the novelty, and dozens of canoes with hundreds of natives emerge to observe the peculiar event. Curious and friendly for the most part, somewhat aggressive at times, they observe the smallest boat approaching the shore with three Fuegians (two men and one woman) returning to their homeland after almost a year in London. To the surprise of their compatriots, who receive them almost naked, these three Fuegians dressed in European clothes, with short hair, speak English and they bring with them porcelain tea sets, bed linens, hats and dresses. This unique scene is only a small part of a larger story that was headed to oblivion at that hostile Southern tip of South America, except for the fact that it was part of extensive passages in the journey diaries of the two British protagonists of the same story: the expedition captain Robert Fitz Roy and the naturalist on board, and eventually one of the most influential scientists in the modern world, Charles Darwin. But in addition to those direct testimonies, a more or less standard version has been installed, restated time after time for almost two centuries; with a series of assumptions and errors that deserve to be reviewed and reassessed. The aim of this book is to reconstruct this story and, above all, review it from a critical perspective.

The Development of Social Knowledge

Book Description

The result of a deep research work sustained for more than two decades, this book studies the construction of social knowledge from a constructivist perspective inherited from Piagetian thought. It thus advances in a process of revision and discussion, while maintaining crucial aspects of this current for the approach to the construction of the subject and the object of knowledge, in the search for the elaboration of an explanatory theory for the formation of new knowledge. A collaborative proposal between different disciplines of potential interest for the different actors who study and intervene in this field.

Relational Mindfulness

Book Description

This book proposes a new approach to mindfulness-based interventions, presenting them not as individual, but as relational practices. In the last decades, mindfulness has exerted a growing influence on many fields of research and activity, but always as an individual practice. The authors in this volume believe that the strong development of mindfulness today implies considering a dialogue between this individualistic approach and the perspective of relational mindfulness based on social constructionism. The volume is organized in two parts. The first part focuses on the theoretical foundations of relational mindfulness. The second part presents possibilities of applications of relational mindfulness in clinical and organizational settings to promote mental health and personal development. Relational Mindfulness: Fundamentals and Applications will be of interest to a wide range of professionals interested in applying mindfulness-based interventions in mental health care and productive organizations, such as clinical and health psychologists, public health professionals and human resources analysts and consultants, among others. "It is true that the metaphor of mindfulness has been enormously fruitful in its invitation to innovate. By removing meditative practices from their ancient roots, practitioners were free to create practices especially relevant to context. (...) At the same time, there was also a recognizable loss in the profoundly rich heritage that was left behind. For many of us, the greatest loss resulted from the absorption of such practices into Western individualism. What had once been an orientation to practice emphasizing our fundamental inter-being, had become a gateway to silent separation. It is in this context that the present volume bursts into significance. With special appreciation to the editors of this book, we are treated to a multi-dimensional exploration into the relational dimensions of mindfulness practices. Bringing ideas, experience, and wisdom from across professions, and across continents the contributors open an exciting path to the future." - Excerpt from the Foreword by Kenneth J. Gergen

FilosofÍa para PolicÍas

Book Description

FILOSOFÍA PARA POLICÍAS Todos los y las policías del mundo, deben tener un mínimo de conocimiento no sólo jurídico, político y criminal. La filosofía es una oportunidad para conocer desde una perspectiva más humanista el trabajo policial. En este contexto, encontramos la ética policial, la filosofía de la mente y las mentes criminales, entre otras ramas del conocimiento filosófico. Conforme nos conozcamos a nosotros mismos, nos volvemos más conscientes de nuestros objetivos en nuestra vida, más responsables y comprometidos con nuestro trabajo como defensores de los Derechos Humanos y Estados de Derecho Democráticos. En este libro, encontrarás algunas de las premisas más importantes de la filosofía y su aplicación en el trabajo policial, como podría ser: El darnos cuenta de nuestras potencialidades como seres humanos, el uso eficiente de nuestra inteligencia, racionalidad, voluntad, intuición y tendencias a la superación personal. Conforme te introduces en el mundo de la filosofía, te irás sintiendo más humano, más inquieto por el conocimiento, más seguro de ti mismo, de tus objetivos de vida y lo más importante, te irás convirtiendo, cada vez más, en un oficial de la policía responsable, profesional y con alta calidad humana.