Financing for Development - Challenges of development cooperation and development finance in a globalized world

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Master's Thesis from the year 2005 in the subject Economics - International Economic Relations, grade: 1,7, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: Preface The recent years have been the era of globalization with enormous growth in international trade, financial flows and foreign direct investment (FDI). Globalization intensifies interdependence between formerly separated nations, however the world seems to be more fragmented, between the rich and the poor, between the powerful and the powerless, and between supporters and opponents of the new global economy. Current figures reveal the contradiction between those that have managed to benefit from globalization, and those that are considered to be the losers of this period: A girl born in Japan has a 50 percent chance of seeing the chance of seeing the 22nd century, while a newborn in Afghanistan has a 25 percent chance of dying before age 5. The richest five percent of the world’s people have incomes 114 times those of the poorest five1, and the world’s richest one percent of people receive as much income as the poorest 57 percent.2 The developing countries are currently facing two major problems: The first one is income poverty. In order to reduce the share of people living on one Dollar a day, the per capita income has to grow by 3.7 percent annually according to optimistic estimations. However, only 24 developing countries have realized these growth rates in the recent years. On the other hand, more than 127 countries with 34 percent of the world population have not grown at this rate.3 Many countries have suffered negative growth and the share of the poor people has increased, although the public focused increasingly on the poverty problem in the recent years, as it just happened at the “Live Aid Concert.” The second problem is infant mortality. 85 countries are on the track to reduce infant mortality to one third of the 1990 level, but they comprise less than one quarter of the world population. One the other hand, 81 percent of the countries with more than 60 percent of the world population will not be able to achieve this goal until 2015. Every day, more than 30,000 children die of preventable diseases.4 It is dramatic that many countries that will not achieve this goal are among the world’s poorest, i.e. the least – developed countries. --- 1 Source: UNDP, “Human Development Report 2002”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002, Page 13 2 Source: Ibidem, Page 19 3 Source: Ibidem, Page 17 4 Source: Ibidem

The Future of Development Financing

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Today's international development financing system seems like a collection of disjointed entities that often work at cross purposes without being able to mobilize enough finance for developing countries in their efforts to reduce poverty and improve living standards. This book brings together the vast array of new initiatives in financing mechanisms and proposals to transform the development finance architecture. Based on four different scenarios for the next ten-year period, proposals are made for how to reach an effective system.

Financing for Development 2030 Global Agenda and Post Covid19 Challenges

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The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered major weaknesses in our global system. It has shown beyond doubt how the prevalence of poverty, weak health systems, lack of cducation, and above all sub-optimal global coopcration is aggravating the crisis. Be- sides its immcdiatc impact on hcalth, the socio-cconomic conscqucnces of the pan-demic are likcly to be felt by cconomic actors all over the world, and the populations of developing countries and economies in transition are expected to be among those most vulnerable to suffer from COVID-19-related challenges. The economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic has also left its mark on Sustainable Development financing. Financing Sustainable Developmment is critical for the future of the countries of the Global South. These countries are dependent on a single source of financing i.e. the ODAs from thec developed Global North. It is estimated that the financing gap betwecn the pre and post pandemic times could increase by a whopping 70 pcrccnt, owing to the fall in ODAs as a result of poor growth outlook in the devcoped countrics. 'The retreat from globalisation and the devastating impact of the pandemic on global economic growth needs to be dealt with an alternate strategy for financing Sustainable Development. The post-pandemic development finance needs to tap into muliple sources of financing that might include the public domestic resources, private sector linance, ODA from other governmens and philanthropies, remittances and South-South lows. This book is an outcome of the first of its kind e-conference in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, tackling the qucstions of cconomic growth recovery in the Global South and financing sustainable dcvclopment among the poor and vulncrable commu-nities of the Global South. Prof.(Dr.) Hebatallah Adam is Associate Professor, Assistant Dean for Acadcmic Affairs of Jindal School of International Affairs ISIA) and Executive director of Jindal Centre for the Global South O.P.Jindal Global University, Haryana - India. She is affiliated as well to the Department of Economics, Faculty of Business, Ain Shams University Cairo-Egypt where she has acquired more than 17 years of research and academic leaching experience.

Debt And Disorder

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One of the most important and controversial challenges feeing the international financial and trading system is the need for developing countries to meet their high and rapidly growing external debt obligations and foreign exchange requirements. Developing countries have suffered major shocks in the form of global recession, high real interest rates, weakened terms of trade, and rising protectionism against their exports. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Western central banks, and private financial institutions are seeking to avoid a collapse of the international financial system, and developing countries are seeking to grow through increased trade and access to external financing. Yet the fragility of current international trade and monetary systems seriously threatens the achievement of both sets of objectives. Professor Loxley integrates the structural adjustment experience of Third World countries with the policies, practices, and relationships of external financial agents in his discussion of options for reforming policy and of the limitations inherent in implementing these reforms.

The Development Dimension Sector Financing in the SDG Era

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are highly intertwined with sectors such as health, education, energy or agriculture. Hence, measuring official development finance (ODF) flowing to sectors is critical to designing efficient development strategies in the SDG era.

Contemporary Issues in Development Finance

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Contemporary Issues in Development Finance provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of theoretical and policy issues in development finance from both the domestic and the external finance perspectives and emphasizes addressing the gaps in financial markets. The chapters cover topical issues such as microfinance, private sector financing, aid, FDI, remittances, sovereign wealth, trade finance, and the sectoral financing of agricultural and infrastructural projects. Readers will acquire both breadth and depth of knowledge in critical and contemporary issues in development finance from a philosophical and yet pragmatic development impact approach. The text ensures this by carefully integrating the relevant theoretical underpinnings, empirical assessments, and practical policy issues into its analysis. The work is designed to be fully accessible to practitioners with only a limited theoretical economic background, allowing them to deeply engage with the book as useful reference material. Readers may find more advanced information and technical details provided in clear, concise boxes throughout the text. Finally, each chapter is fully supported by a set of review questions and by cases and examples from developing countries, particularly those in Africa. This book is a valuable resource for both development finance researchers and students taking courses in development finance, development economics, international finance, financial development policy, and economic policy management. Practitioners will find the development impact, policy, and conceptual analysis dimensions insightful analysing and designing intervention strategies.

Development Finance

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This book provides an in-depth overview of the most salient aspects of development finance. It critically reviews the current state of relevant literature on this topic and assesses both the challenges and the opportunities presented by the various forms of finance for development. Chapters from expert contributors examine a range of topics from the link between finance and growth and finance and misallocation, the relationship between financial illiteracy and lack of legal titles on access to finance, to the role of governments in the financial system and the role of overseas development assistance, remittances, microfinance, foreign direct investment (FDI) and stock exchanges on development. This book offers a good point of reference for postgraduate and PhD students and will appeal to researchers in this field.

Development Finance in the Global Economy

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A positive chapter has begun in finance for poor countries. Yet progress remains tentative. This book looks at how to make international finance better serve the needs of poor countries and poor people. It contains contributions by economists and political scientists who have been at the centre of the international policy debate.

Innovative Financing for Development

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Developing countries need additional, cross-border capital channeled into their private sectors to generate employment and growth, reduce poverty, and meet the other Millennium Development Goals. Innovative financing mechanisms are necessary to make this happen. 'Innovative Financing for Development' is the first book on this subject that uses a market-based approach. It compiles pioneering methods of raising development finance including securitization of future flow receivables, diaspora bonds, and GDP-indexed bonds. It also highlights the role of shadow sovereign ratings in facilitating access to international capital markets. It argues that poor countries, especially those in Sub-Saharan Africa, can potentially raise tens of billions of dollars annually through these instruments. The chapters in the book focus on the structures of the various innovative financing mechanisms, their track records and potential for tapping international capital markets, the constraints limiting their use, and policy measures that governments and international institutions can implement to alleviate these constraints.