Financing State and Local Governments

Book Description

State and local governments are at a financial crossroads. As the federal government attempts to reduce its deficits, state governments will have to provide a greater share of support for mandatory social programs. Local governments face demands for new initiatives in education and for civic improvements. Both have obligations to employee pension plans that are large and still relatively untested. Running counter to these claims on state and local budgets is a voter effort to limit the amounts that governments may tax or spend. This fourth edition of James A. Maxwell's classic and widely acclaimed book will help both layman and lawmaker understand the choices open to their governments. It provides a lucid, nontechnical analysis of state and local finance. It gives concise descriptions of the taxes, grants, debt issues, and user charges that finance state and local government and discusses their relative virtues and drawbacks. It traces the history of state and local finance and presents statistical data on expenditures, federal aid, revenue from taxes and user charges, debt, and pension funds. The new edition, in recognition of changes since the mid-1970s, also includes a separate chapter on financing education and broadened analyses of federal grant programs, employee retirement systems, and nonguaranteed municipal debt.

Funding of State and Local Government Pension Plans

Book Description

Congress is considering establishing federal standards for state and local government pension plans similar to those imposed on private plans by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The act generally provides that the minimum standard for pension funding by private employers be an annual contribution for normal costs plus the amount needed to amortize current unfunded liabilities in 40 equal annual installments. Public pensions are becoming a large financial burden on state and local governments, and that burden will increase in the future. Many jurisdictions do not systematically fund retirement benefits accruing to their employees. Adopting a pension plan funding standard similar to that required by the act would have serious initial impact on some jurisdictions. During the years the plans are on a pay-as-you-go basis, their unfunded liabilities will continue to grow. At the end of the amortization period of 40 years required for private plans, their unfunded liabilities will more than triple and yearly pay-as-you-go contributions will increase several fold. To protect the pension benefits earned by public employees and to avert fiscal disaster, state and local governments need to fund the normal or current cost of their pension plans on an annual basis and amortize the plans' unfunded liabilities. Although sponsoring governments are responsible for sound funding of state and local government plans, the federal government has substantial interest in these pension plans. Many jurisdictions have increasingly relied on federal grant funds and revenue sharing to help meet pension plan costs. These plans directly affect the continued well-being and security of millions of state and local government employees and their dependents.