Financing Transportation Networks

Book Description

Argues the case for road tolls becoming the preferred means of financing roads.

Engineering Economics and Finance for Transportation Infrastructure

Book Description

This textbook provides a fundamental overview of the application of engineering economic principles to transportation infrastructure investments. Basic theory is presented and illustrated with examples specific to the transportation field. It also reviews the history of transportation finance, as well as current methods for funding transportation investments in the U.S. Future problems and potential solutions are also discussed and illustrated.

Paying Our Way

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Sustainable Urban Transport Financing from the Sidewalk to the Subway

Book Description

Urban transport systems are essential for economic development and improving citizens' quality of life. To establish high-quality and affordable transport systems, cities must ensure their financial sustainability to fund new investments in infrastructure while also funding maintenance and operation of existing facilities and services. However, many cities in developing countries are stuck in an "underfunding trap" for urban transport, in which large up-front investments are needed for new transport infrastructure that will improve the still small-scale, and perhaps, poor-quality systems, but revenue is insufficient to cover maintenance and operation expenses, let alone new investment projects. The urban transport financing gap in these cities is further widened by the implicit subsidies for the use of private cars, which represent a minority of trips but contribute huge costs in terms of congestion, sprawl, accidents, and pollution. Using an analytical framework based on the concept of "Who Benefits Pays," 24 types of financing instruments are assessed in terms of their social, economic and environmental impacts and their ability to fund urban transport capital investments, operational expenses, and maintenance. Urban transport financing needs to be based on an appropriate mix of complementary financing instruments. In particular for capital investments, a combination of grants †“from multiple levels of government†“ and loans together with investments through public private partnerships could finance large projects that benefit society. Moreover, the property tax emerges as a key financing instrument for capital, operation, and maintenance expenses. By choosing the most appropriate mix of financing instruments and focusing on wise investments, cities can design comprehensive financing for all types of urban transport projects, using multi-level innovative revenue sources that promote efficient pricing schemes, increase overall revenue, strengthen sustainable transport, and cover capital investments, operation, and maintenance for all parts of a public transport system, "from the sidewalk to the subway."

Transport Trends and Economics 2016-2017

Book Description

During recent decades governments all around the world were faced with a complicated set of options for investing in transport, including transport infrastructure. This publication examines main principles for determining the most appropriate models for financing transport infrastructure expenditures but also illustrates and analyses many innovative ways to finance transport infrastructure. Financing, in this context, means the provision of money at the time and in the quantity, that is needed to meet society's transport infrastructure and transport service provision needs. Thus, financing is a basic underpinning of the entire process of providing and operating transport infrastructure. Accepting the view, that transport infrastructure is needed to provide a well-defined set of public services, at the highest-level financing the transport sector, including transport infrastructure expenditures, is fundamentally a sovereign task, which involves determining how much of the government's available (public) resources will be channelled into the transport infrastructure, during a given period, as opposed to other policy priorities. However, this report proves that this is not the case anymore. There are many other innovative ways from which transport infrastructure construction could be funded other than the government's available (public) resources.

Funding and Financing Transport Infrastructure

Book Description

This book seeks to enhance understanding of the impacts of project setup and its implementation environment on project performance by leveraging information from the study of a rich set of European transport infrastructure project cases. It puts forward a system’s view of project delivery and aims to serve as a strategic tool for decision makers and practitioners. The proposed approach is not limited to specific stakeholder views. On the contrary, it allows stakeholders to formulate their own strategies based on an holistic set of potential implementation scenarios. Furthermore, by including cases of projects that have been influenced by the recent financial crisis, the book aims to capitalise on experiences and provide guidelines as to the design and implementation of resilient projects delivered both through traditional as well as Public Private Partnership (PPP) models. Finally, the book proposes a new Transport Infrastructure Resilience Indicator and a corresponding project rating system that can be assessed with an eye to the future, ultimately aiming to support the successful delivery of transport infrastructure projects for all stakeholders involved.

Evolving Transportation Networks

Book Description

Over the last two centuries, the development of modern transportation has significantly transformed human life. The main theme of this book is to understand the complexity of transportation development and model the process of network growth including its determining factors, which may be topological, morphological, temporal, technological, economic, managerial, social or political. Using multidimensional concepts and methods, the authors develop a holistic framework to represent network growth as an open and complex process with models that demonstrate in a scientific way how numerous independent decisions made by entities such as travelers, property owners, developers, and public jurisdictions could result in a coherent network of facilities on the ground. Models are proposed from innovative perspectives including self-organization, degeneration, and sequential connection to interpret the evolutionary growth of transportation networks in explicit consideration of independent economic and regulatory initiatives. Employing these models, the authors survey a series of topics ranging from network hierarchy and topology to first mover advantage. The authors demonstrate, with a wide spectrum of empirical and theoretical evidence, that network growth follows a path that is not only logical in retrospect, but also predictable and manageable from a planning perspective. In the larger scheme of innovative transportation planning, this book provides a re-consideration of conventional planning practice and sets the stage for further development on the theory and practice of the next-generation, evolutionary planning approach in transportation, making it of interest to scholars and practitioners alike in the field of transportation .