Joy in the Journey

Book Description

Steve Hayner was serving as president of Columbia Seminary and was healthy and fit when he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer. These pages, including reflections from some of those closest to Steve and his wife Sharol, offer us a hope-filled glimpse into what it means to walk with God in honesty, with joy, even through great pain.

Find Joy

Book Description

In a difficult, divided world, or when going through challenges, it can be hard to lift our heads and hearts and yet Jesus says He came to bring good news of great joy for all people! It's a promise for us no matter our circumstances! But how do we get there? In this 60-day devotional, social researcher and best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn focuses on eight key elements of finding joy truths that shine out from both science and scripture. Ladies, join us on an amazing journey to transform our minds and find Christ-focused wonder in the midst of everyday life no matter what our situation might be. Joy is not a positive-thinking exercise. Joy is an intentional choice that will transform our hearts.

Let's Find Joy

Book Description

Jesus has a treasure for us--JOY! It's like happiness times a million--because joy is for ALWAYS! Not just when things seem good or easy or fair. When things are hard, joy is still there. Let's go on a scavenger hunt for clues that make joy our treasure. Ready . . . set . . . GO! Think of our world today--a global pandemic, racial injustice, social distancing, explosive politics. And if adults struggle to maintain a healthy portion of joy in this uncertain world, can you imagine how our kids feel? In addition to the unusual struggles of today, add everyday normal kid problems: school anxiety, bullying, technology overload, body image issues, peer pressure . . . kids are more at risk than we ever realized. Many think our children will be dealing with the mental health ramifications of today for years to come. But it doesn't have to be that way! If kids rely on this world to make them happy, the struggles will only deepen. But what if they could learn about joy? Like, real, unwavering, not-dependent-on-their-circumstances, joy? This joy can only be found in Jesus--and there are specific steps kids can take to train themselves to choose joy every day. Based on best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn's devotional "Find Joy: A Devotional Journey To Unshakable Wonder in an Uncertain World", this beautiful children's book gives kids the opportunity to go on an adventure for the treasure that only Jesus can give us--JOY! By following 8 clues on a treasure map (based on the 8 elements in Find Joy), children learn the daily choices that will profoundly impact their heads and hearts and give them a treasure that Jesus was born for--to give joy to all people, everywhere.

From Grouchy to Great

Book Description

As moms, we can all struggle to keep it together sometimes. In a moment, anger or frustration can spill out. The battle for Jesus to reign in our hearts and through our emotions is a fight we all face-- every single day. The good news is that we don't have to face this battle alone. Joy can be yours in the journey of motherhood!

Joy for the Journey

Book Description

Do you find yourself rushing along the path of your life frustrated, unmotivated and seeking deeper meaning? Are you looking for inspiration, motivation, and renewal? Joy for the Journey is a collection of thoughts, stories, and anecdotes that inspire and challenge readers to look at life from a different perspective. Joy for the Journey will provide you with a new sense of motivation and appreciation for life.

Finding Joy After Loss

Book Description

Finding Joy After Loss is one woman's journey to finding her joy after the tragic death of her husband, Patrick James McCarty. Patrick, a well-known natural healer in the macrobiotic world, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2005. After three years of fighting cancer with both natural and Western medicine, he lost the fight. Two years after his death, Vashon began writing as a way to come to terms with their family's tragedy. With time, she discovered a path to her healing, and ultimately, she found a path to finding her Joy. Vashon discovered seven simple steps that helped her to find joy again. Along the way, she found that her joy had always been there, but it had been hidden by her grief. Come journey with Vashon as she discovers these steps and puts them to the test. In the end she finds something she never expected.

Finding Joy After Loss

Book Description

A poignant story of loss and how a young mother picked herself up and found the courage to move forward in the search for answers about death, loss, and grief while foraging a new path in her desire to find joy again. Wendy's life was forever changed when her husband passed away from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in 2009. She had already experienced a traumatic loss when her mother had passed away a year earlier, and now she was left with a one-year-old son and a new path that she had to forge alone. This is a story about the loss of her spouse and her journey to finding her way out of the challenges of loss, grief, and sadness and back into joy. It is her story of hope, how she moved forward one step at a time and how her quest to understand life after death helped her heal and move forward.

Raising Girls

Book Description

Can't Steal My Joy

Book Description

We are all broken. It's a unified human experience. And we all need a hope that doesn't disappoint, a love that anchors us, joy that survives in unthinkable conditions, and a perspective shift that goes beyond our circumstances. Some days we feel the perfection of sunshine and a light breeze. Other days hold wet, gray skies with drowning grief. In the wake, comes promise of new growth. Still other days a cold winter frost catches us by surprise, halting our journey toward fruitful blooms. We step back, reeling at the damage from this frost. We question the system and environment we grow in. We can exist in this garden dictated by the changing weather patterns. Or, we can see a different kind of brave living-that which exists beyond our fragile stems and dainty leaves, living instead deep in our roots. This book is for those sitting in the deep-down dark, traveling with grief as a constant companion, and anyone whose life path has taken an unexpected turn. Bekah shares the heart break of a fatal diagnosis for not just one, but both her children. As she journeyed through dark valleys of death, it was there she experienced Jesus in a whole new way-in deeply broken places. Her journey holding pain in one hand and joy in the other is vulnerably scribbled out on these pages as she tore open the wounds in her soul to share how Christ created beauty and goodness in it all. It was in this journey, she learned to see wholeness in cracks, courage in the broken-hearted, and bravery in the act of letting go. May you discover the Life-Giver of joy, see your beautiful bloom, and know that hope is always worth holding on to, because redemption is coming--and in fact--is already happening here and now. "Can't Steal My Joy is an honest, real-life account of a life storm that drops down right on top of you with no warning - and the unspeakable beauty that blooms from the wreckage. Bekah's heart beats in every page, every word. To read her story from start to not-yet-finished, it's only natural to wonder how anyone could survive something like this. But the truth is that Bekah and Danny have done much more than survive. They have thrived. And as for the how? Jesus - only Jesus. God's grace weaves seamlessly throughout each moment of confusion, devastation, hope, surrender, and triumph. You cannot read this book without seeing the Creator and longing for all things new." Anne Riley, author of Voyage to the Star Kingdom "I had the absolute pleasure of being able to read Bekah Bowman's book, Can't Steal My Joy, before it hit the bookshelves. I honestly have not read anything so moving and soul stirring since, The Shack. Whether you are in a season of mourning or grief, or in my case, struggling in the heaviness of life to find peace and joy within, this book helps lift the veil of sadness to reveal God's promise that He never leaves you. God makes his presence known everyday in little ways if you only stop to look for the joy outside the pain. Bekah is a gifted writer and I'm so excited to share this book with my friends and family." Melinda, founder of WhenLife Co

Finding Joy in the Journey

Book Description

Live life to the fullest and really experience finding the joy in the journey of life. Just as everyone has a unique set of fingerprints, everyone has a unique journey through life. Experiences in every day of the journey through life and how you react to and handle those experiences are unique to each individual. Make the most of opportunities and coincidences that come your way to navigate through the twists and turns on the path of your lifes journey.