Flavor Physics

Book Description

Flavor Physics

Book Description

Frontiers in Flavor Physics

Book Description

Heavy Flavor Physics - Proceedings Of The Seventh International Symposium

Book Description

The physics of heavy flavors is a very active area of research in experimental and theoretical high energy physics. A number of heavy flavor experiments at new or upgraded accelerators are just coming on line to address some of the most fundamental questions of particle physics, e.g. matter-anti-matter asymmetry (CP violation).The Seventh International Symposium on Heavy Flavor Physics focused primarily on the physics of bottom and charmed quarks, but there were also sessions on the top quark and the tau lepton. It presented a great opportunity to take stock of the field on the eve of the new era in heavy flavor physics which will be opened up by the next generation of experiments.

International Conference on Flavor Physics

Book Description

This volume contains many excellent articles presenting the most recent progress in high energy physics and the current interesting problems concerning flavor physics. The reader will see how flavor physics has become a central area of particle physics, with the Standard Model (SM) being subjected to increasingly precise experiments, and why the remaining puzzles in the SM, such as the mechanisms of symmetry breaking and CP violation, as well as fermion mass and mixing generation, all are mysteries hidden in the physics of flavor. The book also shows that flavor physics is likely to be a window for probing new physics beyond the SM for many years to come.

Flavor Physics For The Millennium (Tasi 2000) - Proceedings Of The Theoretical Advanced Study Institute In Elementary Particle Physics

Book Description

This book is devoted to the broad subject of flavor physics, embracing the question of what distinguishes one type of elementary particles from another. The articles range from the forefront of formal theory (treating the physics of extra dimensions) to details of particle detectors. Although special emphasis is placed on the physics of kaons, charmed and beauty particles, top quarks, and neutrinos, the articles also dealing with electroweak physics, quantum chromodynamics, supersymmetry, and dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Violations of fundamental symmetries such as time reversal invariance are discussed in the context of neutral kaons, beauty particles, electric dipole moments, and parity violation in atoms. The physics of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and of quark masses are described in some detail, both from the standpoint of present and future experimental knowledge and from a more fundamental viewpoint, where physicists are still searching for the correct theory.