Fluctuations and Sensitivity in Nonequilibrium Systems

Book Description

This volume contains the invited lectures and a selection of the contributed papers and posters of the workshop on "Fluctuations and Sensitivity in Nonequil ibrium Systems", held at the Joe C. Thompson Conference Center, Un i vers ity of Texas at Austin, March 12-16, 1984. The workshop dealt with stochastic phenomena and sensi tivity in nonequilibrium systems from a macroscopic point of view. Durin9 the last few years it has been realized that the role of fluctuations is far less trivial in systems far from equilibrium than in systems under thermodynamic equilibrium condi tions. It was found that random fluctuations often are a determining factor for the state adopted by macroscopic systems and cannot be regarded as secondary effects of minor importance. Further, nonequilibrium systems are also very sensitive to small systematic changes in their environment. The main aims of the workshop were: i) to provide scientists with an occasion to acquaint themselves with the state of the art in fluctuation theory and sensitivity analysis; ii) to provide a forum for the presentation of recent advances in theory and experiment; iii) to bring toge ther theoreticians and experimentalists in order to delineate the major open problems and to formulate strategies to tackle these problems. The organizing committee of the workshop consisted of W. Horsthemke, O.K. Konde pudi, G. Dewel, G. Nicolis, I. Prigogine and L. Reichl.

Self-Organization and Management of Social Systems

Book Description

Self-organization of systems belonging to quite different discipl ines has been a central topic of synergetics since its beginning. I am therefore particularly plea sed that Hans Ulrich and Gilbert Probst have not only undertaken to organize an interdisciplinary meeting on Self-Organization and Management of Social Systems, but have also edited these articles written by leading scientists after and based upon that symposium. While the previous volumes of the Springer Series in Synergetics were mainly de voted to physical, chemical and biological systems, with only the book by W. Weidlich and G. Haag deal i ng with "Quant i tat i ve Soc i 01 ogy" (Spri nger Ser. Syn., Vo 1. 14), the present volume opens a new perspective. As the reader will notice, the multitude of facets of self-organization is well reflected by various authors belonging to different discipl ines and representing different schools of thought. When such a wide scope of fields - ranging from phy sics to sociology - is covered, it is not surprising that the existence of a "hiatus" between sociology and the natural sciences was felt by some participants.

Instabilities and Chaos in Quantum Optics

Book Description

Of the variety of nonlinear dynamical systems that exhibit deterministic chaos optical systems both lasers and passive devices provide nearly ideal systems for quantitative investigation due to their simplicity both in construction and in the mathematics that describes them. In view of their growing technical application the understanding, control and possible exploitation of sources of instability in these systems has considerable practical importance. The aim of this volume is to provide a comprehensive coverage of the current understanding of optical instabilities through a series of reviews by leading researchers in the field. The book comprises nine chapters, five on active (laser) systems and four on passive optically bistable systems. Instabilities and chaos in single- (and multi-) mode lasers with homogeneously and broadened gain media are presented and the influence of an injected signal, loss modulation and also feedback of laser output on this behaviour is treated. Both electrically excited and optically pumped gas lasers are considered, and an analysis of dynamical instabilities in the emission from free electron lasers are presented. Instabilities in passive optically bistable systems include a detailed analysis of the global bifurcations and chaos in which transverse effects are accounted for. Experimental verification of degenerative pulsations and chaos in intrinsic bistable systems is described for various optical feedback systems in which atomic and molecular gases and semiconductors are used as the nonlinear media. Results for a hybrid bistable optical system are significant in providing an important test of current understanding of the dynamical behaviour of passive bistable systems.

Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics

Book Description

It was almost four hundred years ago that Galileo wrote in Il Saggiatore that the "Book of Nature is written in mathema ti ca 1 characters". Thi s sentence, i nspi red at the dawn of physics has proved with the passage of time to contain a deep truth and also a warning: in order to understand Nature, first we must learn to read mathema tical characters. Indeed, writing physical law in such characters has proved not as hard as unraveling the content of the resulting equations. In particular, the lack of knowledge in the field of nonlinear mathematics has been a severe limita tion in the past. Thus the solution to equations such as the Navier-Stokes equation in fluid dynamics has remained elusive. The recent advent of fast computers and some important analytical and numerical results in the study of bifurcations and nonlinear waves have encouraged work both in theory and experiment involving non linear phenomena. An explosive growth in the specialized literature penetrating most research areas in physics in the last few years has ensued. This book contains the most recent advances in nonlinear physics in various fields including astrophysics, gravitation, particle physics, quantum optics, fluid dynamics and the mathematics underlying the phenomena of chaos and nonlinear waves. It presents a selection from the lectures delivered at the XXI '_atin American School of Physics held in Santiago, Chile in July-August 1984 (EtAF'84).


Book Description

According to its definition, Synergetics is concerned with systems that produce macroscopic spatial, temporal, or functional structures. Autowaves are·a specific, yet very important, case of spatio-temporal structures. The term "autowave" was coined in the Soviet Union in analogy to the term "auto-oscillator". This is - perhaps too literal - translation of the Russian word "avto-ostsillyatory" (= self oscillator) which in its proper translation means "self-sustained oscillator". These are oscillators, e. g. , clocks, whose internal energy dissipation is compensa ted by a (more or less) continuous power input. Simi larly, the term "autowaves" de notes propagation effects - including waves - in active media, which provide spa tially distributed energy sources and thus may compensate dissipation. An example which is now famous is represented by spiral or concentric waves in a chemically active medium, undergoing the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. This book provides the reader with numerous further examples from physics, chem istry, and biology - e. g. , autowaves of the heart. While the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction is now widely known, a number of very important results obtained in the Soviet Union are perhaps less well known. I am particularly glad that this book may help to make readers outside the Soviet Union acquainted with these important exper imental and theoretical findings which are presented in a way which elucidates the common principles underlying this kind of propagation effects. Professor V.

Competing Interactions and Microstructures: Statics and Dynamics

Book Description

Many macroscopic properties of materials are determined primarily by inhomogeneous structures and textures. These intermediate-scale structures often arise from competing interactions operating on different length scales within the material. Our understanding of such phenomena has increased substantially with the identification and theoretical description of solid-state materials with incommensurate and long-period modulated phases, such as ferroelectrics, charge-density-wave compounds, epitaxial layers and polytypes. Experimental diagnosis of inhomogeneous ground states and metastable phases has advanced so far that these are now well-accepted phenomena. These proceedings bring together the work of physicists and materials scientists to review developments in this area and to examine possible future directions, such as how the microscopic understanding emerging in bench-top solid-state systems can be applied in materials science.