Fly Ty's Famous Fruit Smoothies and Juice Recipes

Book Description

I took the time to study and learn for myself what is in different foods that we choose to consume from meats to dairy products to fast foods etc... The end result was very alarming. It made me really sit back and think about what I was feeding my body; and a lot of it wasn't healthy at all. As I began to cut those poisonous food choices out, my body began to feel better. I began juicing fresh fruits and vegetables and learning of the benefits each one provides. I would recommend you look into a raw vegetable or fruit juice diet if you're in search of a healthier lifestyle. I know it has benefited me immensely. You won't be sorry you did.

The Facts of Life in the Ghetto R.B.G. Edition Volume 1 My Thoughts in Rhyme

Book Description

I come from a place where if you're not from around there you might not understand it. I see police on almost every block, stopping and frisking, harassing hardworking citizens etc... And in the midst of all this there is still a high rate of drugs and violent crime. To see the raw realities of life in certain poverty stricken or low wage communities is depressing to say the least. I decided to paint a vivid picture through rhyme of what I see and experience on an everyday basis. Millions of people in and out the ghetto can relate to these stories even if they don't reside there because they know someone who is going through some sort of trouble. The truth is ugly, it hurts, it breaks you down, but it's real and it wakes you up to the Facts of Life Living in the Ghetto.....

Life's a Test

Book Description

Imagine dealing with problem after problem after problem after problem in your life! For most of us, we don't have to imagine, it's a reality! From pain, to sickness to heartache, to the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, Etc, if you're human, more than likely you've dealt with or are dealing with a test in your life, whether big or small! The trick is how you deal with and overcome these tests. If we can keep in mind that nothing lasts forever, we will be able to better handle and deal with these obstacles. I look at tests as a way to learn and to better myself for now and for the long run! How do you view the Tests in your life? Ask yourself that...

Work Hurt or Starve!! - Living With Chronic Pain/Illness

Book Description

Pain is terrible! Pain is awful! Pain is misery! But pain is also a lesson! Pain is also a teacher! Pain can be a blessing! Sometimes pain may make you get up and change something in your life to bring back something better! We don't realize a lot of times how pain can benefit us. Trust me I know, No one wants to deal with pain of any kind, whether physical, mental or spiritual. The thing is we need to learn how to grow to a level of patience that will allow nothing to bother us in a negative way in our lives until whatever problem we are dealing with subsides, and it will, whether now or later. It takes time though, believe me I'm going through it right now and it's not easy! Over time though I have learned that many people are dealing with tremendous physical pain in their lives, and they have no choice but to try to get through it and live their lives to the best of their ability.

The ILLUMI-KNOTTY Diaries - Unity in Diversity

Book Description

The Name ILLUMI-KNOTTY is an actual play on the word Illuminati. We tweaked it to fit our Natural hair movement. We were tired of our women having to cover their knotty thick roots to please society, and our men having to cut off their Locs or knotty afro's just to conform to society's standards or to stand a better chance of landing that job we were offered. The word Illuminate means to supply or brighten with light, and that's exactly what we do, Bring light to a world full of darkness, and the Knotty stands for our hair that is often labeled as ugly or unkempt. This is a compilation of Poems, Short Stories, Spoken Word Pieces, Paragraphs, etc of our collective thoughts all gathered together in one book. We are speaking on various subjects from Natural Hair to Politics to just everyday things that we all may go through from time to time. Hopefully it will bring you as much joy and insight as it has brought me after reading it.

Money Is the New Father

Book Description

This book is not intended to be used to try to down, belittle or point a finger at single mothers or parents of any gender for that matter. It is simply an unbiased look at one of the major problems that we face in the Black community, single parent households. All too often we seem to think that as long as we are compensated X amount of dollars every two weeks through child support, that we can replace a fatherly figure in the home. I often sit back and wonder when and how this phenomenon started. I know it doesn't only occur in the black community but it seems to be more destructive for blacks than any other race.I really hope that we will be able to come together as a people and find some solutions to this problem so that our children don't repeat the cycle.

Welcome to My World My Crazy, Crazy World!

Book Description

I like to give the public little glimpses of what I see and deal with in my everyday life. Although I'm a very private person, I understand that other people may benefit reading about how others overcame trials and tribulations. My life has taken a lot of interesting twists and turns in the past seven to eight years, and I'm glad that I'm able to share those experiences with my peers and the general public, whether they were great experiences or ones I would like to forget. I now realize the power that writing books can hold. You can immortalize moments in your life in words forever, and they'll be here long after you're gone for your children and grandchildren to enjoy. I hope you enjoy what I write and I hope you're inspired to do better in your life.

25 Herbal Tea's for Optimum Health

Book Description

I was beginning to suffer from aches, pains and certain diseases of the body like acid reflux, and in my opinion, it was mostly due to my lifestyle and diet. As I began to change my eating habits over the years, such as cutting red meat, pork and soda out of my diet, and consuming more water, vegetables and Tea, I began to notice how much better my body felt over all. While I still suffer with mild acid reflux at times, due to my diet change I don't experience nearly as much heartburn and discomfort as I once did. Drinking a cup of Green Tea every morning and then before bed made a big difference in my life and overall health. I hope the information you may find in this book can help you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, or maybe start you out on a path to finding Optimum Health

The Knotty Dread Diaries - DKJ Edition

Book Description

We are a powerful group of Dread Heads! From different states, different time zones, with different beliefs, different backgrounds, different goals, Etc; But we were fortunately able to come together for one common cause. Every one deals with trials and tribulations in their life, as well as joy and happiness and we decided to share our experiences with the world in our Knotty Dread Diaries. I hope that you will enjoy, be intrigued, feel sad, mad, be uplifted, Feel disappointed, fall in love, Etc, after reading our thoughts. It was with great pleasure that I was able to participate in something as special as this with such a special group of intelligent Loc'd Kings and Queens. I hope you as a reader will be as entertained as I was while going through each writer's work. Peace...