God of Liberty

Book Description

A "thought-provoking, meticulously researched" testament to evangelical Christians' crucial contribution to American independence and a timely appeal for the same spiritual vitality today (Washington Times). At the dawn of the Revolutionary War, America was already a nation of diverse faiths-the First Great Awakening and Enlightenment concepts such as deism and atheism had endowed the colonists with varying and often opposed religious beliefs. Despite their differences, however, Americans found common ground against British tyranny and formed an alliance that would power the American Revolution. In God of Liberty, historian Thomas S. Kidd offers the first comprehensive account of religion's role during this transformative period and how it gave form to our nation and sustained it through its tumultuous birth -- and how it can be a force within our country during times of transition today.

Liberty in the Things of God

Book Description

From one of the leading historians of Christianity comes this sweeping reassessment of religious freedom, from the church fathers to John Locke In the ancient world Christian apologists wrote in defense of their right to practice their faith in the cities of the Roman Empire. They argued that religious faith is an inward disposition of the mind and heart and cannot be coerced by external force, laying a foundation on which later generations would build. Chronicling the history of the struggle for religious freedom from the early Christian movement through the seventeenth century, Robert Louis Wilken shows that the origins of religious freedom and liberty of conscience are religious, not political, in origin. They took form before the Enlightenment through the labors of men and women of faith who believed there could be no justice in society without liberty in the things of God. This provocative book, drawing on writings from the early Church as well as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, reminds us of how "the meditations of the past were fitted to affairs of a later day."

Liberty, the God That Failed

Book Description

What has gone wrong with the grand American experiment in "ordered liberty"? The liberal's answer is that America has failed to live up to its full promise of inclusiveness and equality--likely the result of corporate greed and white male ruling elites. The mainstream conservative or libertarian reply points to the Warren Court, the 1960s, or a loss of Constitutional rectitude. Christopher Ferrara, in Liberty, the God That Failed, offers an entirely different answer. In a counter-narrative of unique power and scope, he unmasks the order promised as a sham; the liberty guaranteed, a chimera. In his telling, the false god of a new political order--Liberty--was born in thought long before America's founding, and gained increasing devotion as it slowly amassed power during the first century of the nation's existence. Today it reveals its full might, as we bear the weight of its oppressive decrees, and experience the emptiness of the secular order it imposes upon us. The secular state has constructed a "myth of religious violence" to mask its own violent origins and ongoing displays of force. Ferrara destroys this myth with a relentless uncovering of truths hidden by both liberal and conservative/libertarian accounts of what has gone wrong. In this brilliant retelling of American history and political life, the author asks us to open our eyes to harsh realities, but also to the possibilities for a rightly ordered society and the true liberty that can still be ours.

God, Locke, and Liberty

Book Description

“I no sooner perceived myself in the world,” wrote English philosopher John Locke, “than I found myself in a storm.” The storm of which Locke spoke was the maelstrom of religious fanaticism and intolerance that was tearing apart the social fabric of European society. His response was A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689), arguably the most important defense of religious freedom in the Western tradition. In God, Locke, and Liberty: The Struggle for Religious Freedom in the West, historian Joseph Loconte offers a groundbreaking study of Locke’s Letter, challenging the notion that decisive arguments for freedom of conscience appeared only after the onset of the secular Enlightenment. Loconte argues that Locke’s vision of a tolerant and pluralistic society was based on a radical reinterpretation of the life and teachings of Jesus. In this, Locke drew great strength from an earlier religious reform movement, namely, the Christian humanist tradition. Like no thinker before him, Locke forged an alliance between liberal political theory and a gospel of divine mercy. God, Locke, and Liberty suggests how a better understanding of Locke’s political theology could calm the storms of religious violence that once again threaten international peace and security. To read an interview with the author about the book on Patheos.com, see here: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2015/01/10/under-locke-and-key/

On Christian Liberty

Book Description

"This timeless little classic communicates essential teachings of Martin Luther. Luther's great insight into the freedom of the Christian proved revolutionary in his century and remains timely and poignantly relevant in our own. For the Christian, this freedom means liberty from sin and death, as well as the opportunity to serve one's neighbor. Written in a simple style, On Christian Liberty conveys profound spiritual discernment about the grace of God and liberating faith in Christ Jesus. This translation, down-to-earth and accessible, brings one of the great Reformer's most important works to a new generation of readers." --from the publisher.

The Liberty Book

Book Description

News reports bring to our ears daily stories of further intrusion in our lives and increased regulations too many to number. America is losing its heritage of God-given freedoms, which were originally derived from biblical teaching. We sense that our well-sung liberties are being lost to a point of no return. The Liberty Book examines the Christian roots of liberty, idolatry, taxation, foundations for freedom, the right to bear arms, the great freedom documents in history, pro-life and liberty, land rights, social involvement, and more. With God’s help freedom can be revived. We must all work to pull America back from the cliffs-edge fall into tyranny. Our nation is again in search of genuine liberty under God. Discover what Bible-based liberty looks like and how it can be won for you and your children.

The Royal Law of Liberty

Book Description

This book is a frontal assault on all law based, obedience oriented religion. Most Christians carry a load of spiritual bondage, condemnation, guilt and shame. Some are deeply despondent and depressed because this load is too heavy for them to bear. Few Christians are truly confident in their personal relationship with God. This situation exists because: 1) Christians are generally unable to distinguish between actual sin versus mere human opinion about sin; 2) Christians do not understand that Jesus set them free from obedience based religion; 3) Christians do not know how to decide for themselves what is truly moral; 4) Christians have no real experience of "Christian Liberty." These issues are examined in sufficient detail to enable one to understand the radical nature of the "freedom for which Christ set us free," (Gal. 5:1). The author's goal is to destroy the roots of religious legalism so Christian believers can live the life of freedom which is their spiritual "blood-right." Beginning with a development of the "Master Key" to Biblical morality, the nature and implications of Christ's "Law of Love" are thoroughly explored. Next, the author discusses the true nature of morality, answering the question, "What exactly makes a thing sinful?" Careful attention is given to the concept of "defilement" or "uncleanness," with a bold look at Paul's revolutionary statement that "nothing is unclean of itself," (Rom. 14:14, 20). In Part Three, Legalism is exposed in all its ugliness. This section details the Biblical method for determining what is truly sin, and what is merely human opinion. Part Four destroys the bitter root of Legalism with persistent emphasis on the fact that Jesus Christ ended the rule of law by His life, death and resurrection. Part Five looks at the theology of Galatians, the Christian's "Emancipation Proclamation," closing with pointed illustration of how this all affects a Christian's liberty to exercise personal choice in what (s)he will or won't do. Five appendices explore several specific issues raised by the preceding study. These include: Conclusions About Christian Liberty "Contradictory" Scriptures? Christian Liberty and Sexual Issues The Necessity Of Experiencing Freedom The Non-Negotiables of Bible Study This is the only book on Christian Freedom written by an ex Fundamentalist. The author was raised in an atmosphere of extreme legalism. The first half of his Christian ministry was spent preaching, defending and even debating the concepts that he now seeks to destroy. The author lived in legalism forty years. He understands legalism. He therefore knows how to attack its vulnerable spots. His goal was not to write a book, but to give to anyone who is interested, information that will set them free from bondage to legalism and open the pathway to self-government under the rule of love. For more information on spiritual freedom visit the author's website, www.freedomguide.net

A Treatise on Christian Liberty

Book Description

A Treatise on Christian Liberty is one of Martin Luther's major reforming treatises of 1520. It developed the concept that as fully forgiven children of God, Christians are no longer compelled to keep God's law; however, they freely and willingly serve God and their neighbors. Luther also further develops the concept of justification by faith. In the treatise, Luther stated, "A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all."

For God and Liberty

Book Description

'For God and Liberty' centres the Catholic Church's contributions to the Age of Revolution, particularly to the rise of democratic political forms in the early republics of the nineteenth century in Latin America. It breaks with secular narratives of the nineteenth century to argue that the major political fault lines in Latin America corresponded to fault lines within the Church, while also grappling with the religious origins of the civil wars in Mexico and Central America.

Origins of Liberty

Book Description

The biggest question we face as a nation and even as a world is, Where our liberty comes from? Now governments throughout the world want us to believe it comes from them because then they can easily take it away from us. The Founders of America made numerous statements that America, its Constitution, and Bill of Rights originated through God's inspiration. One may ask why is this important. This question determines if we are all equal under divine rule or can be made less under man's rule, this book traces liberty back to before America was created back to the earliest days of the Bible. This book puts into perspective how everyone was born free, and with that knowledge, you can see how governments have manipulated us into accepting their rule. Although this book cannot show you everything about liberty's birth, it will give you a start and hopefully open your minds to further research yourself.