For Heaven's Sake: For God's Kingdom's Sake

Book Description

We all know that during the time of Jesus, God had direct dealings with the Jews only, and as a result, Jesus had confrontations with the Pharisees, Scribes and the teachers. But today, the Lord is dealing with the Church which includes every individual, be it Jew or Gentile that puts his faith in Jesus Christ. This handbook of the Gospel according to Matthew is the write-up from a disciple who walked with Jesus while He was on this earth. As you go through His teachings, you will come to the realization that Jesus Christ is indeed the Prince of Peace. He cares so much for His creation to the extent that all His teachings promote love, peace, forgiveness, and harmony among one another, and also He proved His deity as God because most of the predictions he made happened exactly as He pronounced them, therefore, His promises are yea and amen. What the Lord requires is repentance and total obedience to His word. Take your time and read this book over and over again until it becomes part of you, and also let us make a conscious effort to make being part of the soon-coming Kingdom a priority because the time is nearer than we presume. Let's prayerfully ask the Lord to help us live according to His Word, and by so doing, we all will have the assurance of His salvation as we believe in Him and continue to do His will. God richly bless us all. One of the characteristics of God is that He does whatever He says. He honors those who honor Him and does not force His will on anyone. Men are free moral agents and can do whatever please them. Grasping and doing God's will has always been a problem. The worst problem in our generation is that we have no time to study the Bible and know God's mind and do His will. We will pay dearly for our ignorance. It is therefore worthwhile to be careful studying His word, knowing His will and obeying it.

What on Earth Is about to Happen... for Heaven's Sake?

Book Description

2 Peter 3 in the Bible tells us that the scoffers in the last days would be "willingly ignorant" of: 1. The Creation, 2. The Flood and 3. The coming judgment. This book gives a brief overview of the evidence supporting the biblical view of the creation and the flood and gives an easy to understand explanation of what the Bible teaches about the coming tribulation time, the rapture of the believers, the time of God's wrath, the battle of Armageddon and end of the world. In addition there is a long section on "What should we do?" in light of what is coming. This information may be vital to keep many from "falling away" as predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3.

For Heaven's Sake

Book Description

For Heaven's Sake!

Book Description

For Heaven's Sake

Book Description

The creation of the Heaven Sake Children is evidence of the anointing on my life. They represent all the children of this world who are created by God Himself. The book talks about things that go on in the church, and what God expects from you. He's given us an instruction book (the bible) to teach us the way we should go. Your paths are already mapped out for you and the sooner you find it the better you'll feel. If you're not sure ask and the Lord will answer. 'Children it's your souls that's at stake and your soul is safe in the Master's hand.'!!!! I believe our children can be taught to praise God and tarry to Him as a part of Sunday School saying to them this gets you even closer to the Lord. As a child I was raised in church and observed many things that I could demostrate, but could not relate. One question stuck in my mind; 'Why are so many of them crying?' I know the child in me wrote this book and when the child sees the drawings they will see and feel the child that remains in me and perhaps then they would want you to demonstrate to them a way to get even closer to Him. 'Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom.' Matthews 18:4

What on Earth, for Heaven's Sake

Book Description

If you want to discover eternal purpose and perspective philosophically, relationally, practically and personally, then this is the book you should read. It seeks to remind you of the gospel message in a unique way and challenge you in very practical ways. There’s something for everyone to discover here, from new Christians to seasoned veterans of the faith. This book encourages you to press on and yearn more for Christ and eternity.

For Heaven's Sake

Book Description

Written in the first person, this sparkling story traces a young man's physical and spiritual journey through the harsh realities of a dubious college career, crippled marriage and bankrupt lifestyle. Meet Jane, the looming nemesis of a wife who constantly keeps poverty knocking at the door with her credit-card addiction and compulsive lifestyle. The problem is compounded by her husband's inability to adapt to the political regimen of life in a theological seminary and his constant struggle to make ends meet. Whether conducting a funeral service, taking part in field trips or simply trying to accommodate archaic classroom concepts, the author takes his hero through the curriculum with an authority and candor that can only be the result of meticulous research and firsthand experience. Add to this a hatred of hypocrisy and a smoldering rage at the modern-day pharisaic and one has a free-for-all that has rarely been this honestly described. Hard-hitting and leaving little to the imagination, the author has some surprising revelations for all those interested in what goes on behind a ministerial public front. For Heaven's Sake encompasses hilarious scenes both in and out of the pulpit, and is a compelling read. After obtaining a degree in Theology, John Allen pastored a church, teaching subjects as diverse as textual interpretation, end-times theology and public speaking. He has published a number of helpful manuals, a commentary on Revelation and two novels.>/p>

The Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross

Book Description

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” —Matthew 13:31–32 When Jesus began his ministry, he announced that the kingdom of God was at hand. But many modern-day Christians don’t really understand what the kingdom of God is or how it relates to the message of the gospel. Defining kingdom as the King’s power over the King’s people in the King’s place, Patrick Schreiner investigates the key events, prophecies, and passages of Scripture that highlight the important theme of kingdom across the storyline of the Bible—helping readers see how the mission of Jesus and the coming of the kingdom fit together. Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.

Get Healthy, for Heaven's Sake

Book Description

Overweight, slouched, deconditioned, and very tired. This describes millions of American Christians—men and women who are frustrated in their desire to serve God and their families because their bodies and minds simply aren’t up to the task. Health author Lisa Morrone gives readers an overall life plan for restoring their energy and ability and staying strong in their usefulness throughout their life span. Not a short-term repair job—not a rigid, inflexible plan—this resource lays out balanced, practical advice in seven areas: weight loss nutrition posture strength flexibility brain health rest This multifaceted book points readers to effective lifestyle changes that will add life to their years by restoring their vitality and sense of meaning. Such renewal will last because it’s initiated and maintained by a greater purpose—that of serving their friends and family, and serving God.