Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa

Book Description

This collection examines the extent to which foreign capital from conventional (OECD countries) and non-conventional (BRICS) sources has impacted economic development in Africa over the last two decades. It provides in-depth analyses of the nature, motives, and implications of this capital, and identifies drivers of contemporary rapid growth within and across African countries. Authored by leading experts, the book offers original insights for academics, policymakers, and practitioners studying the changes taking place in Africa as the continent strides more confidently toward integration with the global economy. The major themes addressed in this book include:• The implications of growing Chinese engagement in Africa • BRICS countries' versus OECD countries' investment contributions to Africa• The politics of land, land grab, and the puzzle of inclusive development in Africa• Foreign research and development spillovers, trade linkages, and productivity in Africa• Foreign aid effects on social sector, growth, and structural change in Africa• Remittances, foreign debt, resource management, and economic development in Africa

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development in Africa

Book Description

This book explores several aspects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and their linkages to African economies. It will appeal to policy makers, development agency professionals and researchers, based as it is on stylized facts and rigorous analytical studies. The reader will find state-of-the-art analyses on FDI-related topics throughout the chapters. Policy makers and development professionals will find in this book a useful guide to draw sound policies based on facts and rigorous analyses.

Multinational Enterprises, Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Africa

Book Description

How can Africa, the world’s most lagging region, benefit from globalisation and achieve sustained economic growth? Africa needs greater investment by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) to improve competitiveness and generate more growth through positive spill-over effects. Despite the fact that Africa’s returns on investment averaged 29% since 1990, Africa has gained merely 1% of global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows. The challenge for African countries is how to be a more desirable destination for FDI. The study integrates three currents of economic research, namely from the literature on (endogenous) economic growth, convergence and regional integration, the explanations for Africa’s poor growth and the growing understanding of the role of MNEs in a global economy. The empirical side of the book is based on an econometric study of the determinants of FDI in Africa as well as a detailed firm-level survey conducted in 2000.

Capital Flows, Credit Markets and Growth in South Africa

Book Description

This book examines the dynamics in capital flows, credit markets and growth in South Africa. The authors explore the role of global economic growth, policy shifts and various economic policy uncertainties. Central banks in advanced economies are engaged in unconventional monetary policy tools such as balance sheet policies, negative interest rates and extended forward guidance to assist them to meet their price, financial and macro-economic stability objectives. This book determines whether BRICS GDP growth is a source of shocks or an amplifier of global growth shocks. The authors find that global economic growth and policy uncertainty reinforce each other via capital flows, credit conditions and business confidence on the domestic economy. Furthermore, they demonstrate that there is momentum in the changes in the spread between the repo rate and federal funds rate. In addition, global real policy rates impact domestic GDP growth and labor market conditions. The authors examine the economic costs of capital flow surges, sudden stops and elevated portfolio volatility shocks and their interaction with GDP growth and credit. They show that equity and debt inflows matter in the attainment of the price stability mandate. Moreover, business confidence transmits sovereign credit ratings upgrades and downgrades shocks to the real economy via GDP growth, the cost of government debt and borrowing to impact credit growth. High GDP growth increases the likelihood of sovereign credit ratings upgrades, hence policymakers should implement pro-growth policies. Inflation regimes impact the transmission of positive nominal demand shocks to the price level. Low and stable inflation (inflation below 4.5 per cent) reduces the pass-through of positive nominal demand shocks to inflation.

Capital Flows, Capital Account Regimes, and Foreign Exchange Rate Regimes in Africa

Book Description

This study examines capital flows and shifts in capital account and exchange rate regimes in African countries over the past two decades. The evidence shows that official lending to Africa has declined while the volume of private capital flows remains low and significantly below the levels observed in other developing regions. Private capital inflows to Africa are limited due to several factors, including the weakness of the macroeconomic environment, underdeveloped financial systems, high country risk, and exchange rate misalignments. The focus of policy reforms must be on alleviating these constraints in order to attract more foreign capital and overcome the shortage of development financing. Many African countries have pursued reforms aimed at liberalizing their capital account and exchange rate regimes. However, liberalization has not been accompanied by systematic gains income growth, price stability, and trade performance. African countries must pay serious attention to the scope, speed, and sequencing of capital account liberalization to minimize potential adverse effects of openness. It is desirable for countries to maintain selective discretionary control over capital movements and exchange rate markets in order to hedge against adverse shocks to the economy and to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability. To attract foreign capital, any move toward capital account openness and exchange rate liberalization must be supported by reforms aimed at improving credibility of macroeconomic policy and establishing an investment-friendly environment. These reforms will not only attract foreign capital but also encourage domestic investment. An important aspect of capital movements in Africa is the high level of capital flight. There is an urgent need for policies to stem further hemorrage of capital from Africa and induce the repatriation of private capital held abroad. This will require not only improvement of the macroeconomic conditions to ameliorate incentives for domestic investment, but also reform of the political and legal systems to improve accountability and credibility of economic policy.

Economic Development in Africa

Book Description

Given the lack of adequate resources to finance long-term development in Africa, the need to attract foreign direct investment has become a key aspect of development strategies in recent years advocated by policymakers at national, regional and international levels. This publication evaluates the benefits and disadvantages that FDI brings for the host country in efforts to achieve sustainable economic development, and calls for a more balanced strategic approach which sufficiently recognises the economic and development challenges facing African countries.

Sub-Saharan Africa's Integration in the Global Financial Markets

Book Description

The paper uses a unique database covering 44 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries between 2000 and 2007 to study the determinants of the allocation and composition of flows across countries, as well as channels through which private capital flows could affect growth. In our sample, the degree of financial market development is an important determinant of the distribution of capital flows across countries as opposed to property rights institutions. The fairly consistent positive association between net capital flows and growth for SSA countries contrasts with the more pessimistic results of recent studies, though our data do not allow us to make conclusive inferences about a causality relationship.

Managing Volatile Capital Flows: Experiences and Lessons for Sub-Saharan African Frontier Markets

Book Description

During the past three years the frontier markets of sub-Saharan Africa have received growing amounts of portfolio capital flows, with heightened interest from foreign investors. Compared with foreign direct investment, portfolio capital flows tend to be more volatile, and thus pose challenges for sub-Saharan African frontier markets. This study examines the evolution of capital flows since 2010 and discusses the policies these countries have designed to reduce risks from the inherent volatility of these flows.

Capital Flows and Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Markets

Book Description

This book presents the latest findings on the impact of capital flows and foreign direct investments (FDI) on macroeconomic variables and financial development of emerging markets. Each chapter concentrates on a different region and explores the significance of specific factors that can attract FDI to that region. They highlight the importance of political stability, as well as social and economic freedom in attracting FDIs. The studies also show the extent by which African and Middle Eastern countries have lagged behind other emerging markets and the need for urgent adjustment policies.