The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

Book Description

A description of the discovery and exploration of southeast Alaska sets the scene for a discussion of the physical and biological features of this region. Subjects discussed include geography, climate, vegetation types, geology, minerals, forest products, soils, fish, wildlife, water, recreation, and aesthetic values. This is the first of a series of publications summarizing present knowledge of southeast Alaska's forest resources. Publications will follow which discuss in detail the subjects mentioned above and how this information can be helpful in managing the resources.

The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

Book Description

Large-scale use of the timber resource of southeast Alaska began in 1953 after long efforts to establish a timber industry. Development and present status of the industry and present management of the timber resource are summarized, stressing the biological basis for timber management activities in southeast Alaska today. Ecological and silvicultural considerations related to timber harvest, reforestation, and stand development are discussed. Published and unpublished information are brought together. Current management practices are discussed as a basis for a better understanding of how this information can be helpful in managing the timber resource and to point out where research is needed.

The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

Book Description

The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

Book Description

The effects of logging and associated activities on the habitat of the major forest wildlife species in southeast Alaska are discussed and research results applicable to this region are summarized. Big game, furbearers, and non-game species are considered with respect to their habitat requirements and behavior. Recommendations are made for habitat management with primary concern for wildlife populations. Future needs for wildlife habitat research in southeast Alaska are presented.

The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

Book Description

The effects of logging and associated activities on fish habitat in southeastern Alaska are discussed, and fish habitat research applicable to southeast Alaska is summarized. Requirements of salmonids for suitable spawning and rearing areas are presented. Factors associated with timber harvest which may influence these habitats are discussed in detail; e.g., sediment, stream temperature, streamflow, logging debris, and chemicals. Recommendations for further research are made.